I hope I have the story right...I only caught the tail end of a news story, and waited for a repeat, before finally giving up, to write this. It was a news report of a crowd of people (I don't know who, what, or where this occurred), but, they were reported as chanting a cop-killers last words!!!
This is a story I write about with heartfelt sadness, about the sorry state of our own country! I have frequently written about the buffoonery that comes out of the mouths of Democratic politicians, and worse, out of the Socialists! But the fact of the matter is, their insipid ideas would have no relevance if they were not well received by their pathetically ill-informed constituents!!! And there are sadly enough of them that they have too good of a chance to win the election in 2020!!! And, we have no one to blame but ourselves for this mess!
Years of sending our children to public schools, not because of the good education they should have gotten, but because our parents, and grandparents did so, before us, and we assumed it was the right thing to do! Besides, it was "free" (after we paid our taxes), and convenient! It was a "safe" way of warehousing our children ( until recent mass shootings became commonplace). Sending our kids to private schools would be paying for extra tuition, in addition to taxes, too! Also, many private schools have been competing with the curriculum of public schools, which has grown inexorably more and more leftist in it's general dogma, through the years. So, now we have a younger generation of voters who have been brainwashed, subtly, into believing that Socialism is good, and that free enterprise, and our Constitutional guarantees that allow it, are evil!!!
This explains the difference between Socialists, such as "A.O.C." (who is young enough to still be laboring with the effects of youthful brainwashing, which causes her to spout such mindless drivel as her "Green New Deal"), and Bernie Sanders, who is old enough to have long since learned that those values don't work, except to enrich the bureaucrats who "skim off the top" of the horrendous taxes they raise off the public, when we are collectively stupid enough to vote them into office!!! Guess which one I have the least respect for???
As I said before, the sad thing is that we have allowed our public school system to degenerate into Socialist Propaganda institutions, like the "re-education" centers in communist countries! Now, we must live with the prospect of having to live, for possibly 4, to 8 years with a Socialist President, and a full Socialist Congress, and possibly even a Socialist Supreme Court, after the new President packs the Court with 5, or 6 new Justices!!! How long do you think they would wait before they would abolish the Constitution, and try to force us to join the "One-World" Socialist government that Europe is desperately trying to develop, and England is just as desperately trying to leave, with their "Brexit" movement??? The Bible prophecies that this system will lead it's followers straight to Hell, literally!!!
UPDATE: (about 4 hours later)--
As you may have guessed, I was feeling rather overcome with the depressing state of America's depravity, when I wrote the above post. But, while watching today's "700 Club" T.V. show, I remembered (perhaps more appropriately put, the Holy Spirit reminded me) the scripture that said, "where sin abounds, there does grace much more abound!"
In reflecting on that verse, it occurred to me that the magnitude of God's revival probably relates in direct proportion to the level of sin from which a people are being revived!!! If that's so, then I guess we can expect the most glorious revival in the history of America, if not the world, to come soon!!! God knows, there is a tremendous amount of sin trying to take hold of America today! So, the revival that we are all praying for must be truly glorious when it comes!!!
"Even so, come Lord Jesus!!!"
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