I believe the 2020 election will determine whether the answer to the above question is yes, or no!!! This will perhaps be the most important election in our history!
I have never seen a political party so blatantly against everything that the Administration tries to do as the Democrats have been for the past two years!!! They try to brush it off as though they hate the President, but I think what they really mean is that they hate America, and they can't stand that Trump wants to reverse the wimpy-apologist attitude of the Obama administration, and, "make America great again"! The fact that they are so vehement about it, and openly belligerent to whatever the president proposes, makes me feel their desperation is a clue to their intention to abolish our Constitution, and force us to join the European "One-World" Socialist government system, that they are trying desperately to develop! Their vitriolic denunciation of everything that Trump tries to do, shows that they are desperate to regain power as soon as possible, because the openness of their aggression does not smack of a party that plans to still be around, if they lose this coming election! It's an "all, or nothing" type of desperation that doesn't depend on a "plan B" alternative, in the event of losing the election.
I'll admit I am concerned that they might be able to convince enough former public school brainwashed babies to vote for the Socialist candidates, and their might not be enough moderate Democrats, and independents to counter their votes. Perhaps that's why the Democrats are so vehement in their resistance to the president. They may want the moderates and independents to feel that Trump is so bad, that they can't vote for him, even if they don't like the Socialists in the Democratic party! There seems to be an appalling level of political ignorance within the Democratic voting block. I fear they might vote for these Socialists, just to avoid ridicule for voting for Trump. By the time they realize the Democrats intend to abolish the Constitution, it may be too late!!!
This is why I say that we may be entering a period when it is too dangerous for us to count on the good intentions of those who simply disagree with how we run our government! It may be a choice between Trumps way, or the Antichrist's way!!! (He is prophecied to eventually take over the European system, and use it to destroy all the Christians and Jews, until Jesus returns to set up His Kingdom of Heaven on Earth!!!) But, the Bible says, "the fervent prayer of a righteous man availith much." Only God can reverse this country's decadence, and He won't unless enough of us ask Him to!!!
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