Canada!!! Pardon my geographic confusion, Mr. Shakespeare, but my server tells me I got 113 pageviews yesterday from Canada, where I have never gotten more than 2, or 3 pageviews in any one day, before! I wonder if the Russians are travelling around the world, stopping at various locations, just to disguise the origins of my pageviews??? If so, Canada is not a very good choice to check up on my Conservative column, surreptitiously! Canada is merely the Left Wing of America!!! Russians would fit in well in Canada! They would lap up Russian propaganda with a spoon!!! In fact our American "Main Stream Media" should move their headquarters to Toronto, where their outrageous haranguing against President Trump would be considered typical!
But, it has become apparent that the real people who have colluded with the Russians is this very Left Wing propaganda service that we still refer to, erroneously, as the "Main Stream Media"!!! They used to be "Main Stream", back when they did their job of simply reporting the facts, regardless of their own political views! But that seems like it's been a generation, or two, in the past! Certainly it was in another millennium!!! In more ways than one!
I gather that any Russian meddling in the 2016 election was not to try and force the election of one candidate, or another, as the Democrats desperately proclaim. Rather, it was merely to stir up controversy between the campaigns, and throw the whole election process into confusion. Well, the Leftist Media sure did their best to cooperate in that endeavor! Almost as if the Russians had hired them to do so! Gee, ...I wonder!!! Could they actually be colluding, while charging Trump of the same, to try and throw the rest of us off the scent??? Naaaahhh!!! They couldn't be that evil.......or could they???????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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