All one, and the same thing; and they all conspired to murder Kate Steinle, whether they knew it, or not! How are they connected, you may well ask? Simple...
Zarate pulled the trigger...By accident we are asked to believe... It was a stolen gun,,, but I'm sure he didn't steal it,,,he says he found it under a bench, wrapped in a T-shirt,,,Riiiiiight!!!...It fired itself ,automatically, as he was about to shoot at some seals...Riiiiight!!! The bullet ricocheted off the dock (or was that off the water, that the seals were swimming in?), before it hit Kate Steinle in the back, killing her!
Yesssir... All very believable...Yessir!!!
But, should Zarate even have been there, in the first place? A man who had been convicted 6,or 7 times for felonies, and been deported 5 times, returning each time illegally to San Francisco, because he knew it was a declared "Sanctuary City", which would shield him from further arrest for deportation, and was reputedly soft on convicted felons, especially if they were illegal immigrants??? (These facts were conveniently withheld from the jury, in Zarate's trial!) WHY???
I strongly suspect that these illegal immigrants are shielded by cities, and even some states (like California), not because of any great compassion these people have for the illegals, but because they make up a large voting block for the Democratic candidates in each election (also technically illegal)!
Every election year, there seems to be renewed interest in legally attaching voter registration to official picture I.D.'s, primarily brought on by sitting Republican officials (I can't imagine why!!!), And, there is an almost immediate outcry against this (primarily. if not exclusively, from sitting Democratic officials) (Gee!!!, I also can't imagine why!), Then the Democrats repair to their safety zone, of very liberal, low level Federal Judges, who were appointed (many by Obama), for life, and can not be removed for any reason short of an impeachable offense (and we all know that the only real "impeachable offense" is being a Republican, duly elected, that the Democrats hate, like President Trump!). Then the Judge ties up the case until after the election, which allows very shoddy standards for voter fraud protections, which frequently means these very illegals get to vote in our elections, sometimes repeatedly, and one can only guess how much they are paid to do so!!!
So, you can see why I feel that the greedy (primarily Democratic) politicians share in the responsibility for Kate Steinle's murder, along with the local politicians (also primarily Democratic), of San Francisco, and the state of California, while they hypocritically pose as compassionate concerned citizens, who are only interested in protecting the "Constitutional rights" of all the illegal immigrants. (I didn't know that America's Constitution applied to people who are citizens of Mexico, Honduras, and Nicaragua, and the like!!!)
But, we still have Hillary Clinton, and her Democratic "faithful" bemoaning the election they "won" in the popular vote! One must wonder how many illegals voted for her, and how many times (each) verses how many illegal votes Donald Trump got in the electoral college??? But, poor Hillary keeps implying the election was stolen from her!
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