... and there is no point in trying to compromise with the leftist "Deep Stators".
Wasn't it nice, at least by comparison to today, when Democrats and Republicans could come together and make reasonable compromises on most issues. Though each party differed, ideologically, sometimes by gulfs that seemed light years apart, they both intended good for the American people. I submit that that is no longer true. Today we have a conflict between those who want to repeal the Constitution, considering it to be an old, obsolete document, and those who wish to preserve it as the rule of law in our Republic!!! But,there was no compromise on the Tax Reform bill... Not a single Democrat voted for it, on three opportunities; one Senate vote, and two House votes (the second time, after corrections were made by the Senate) not one Democrat could muster the courage to vote against their party bosses' silly ideology! I suppose the word was out that if any Democrats broke ranks to vote with the Republicans, they probably could not count on any financial help, in the next election, from the Democratic National Committee; which is the political "kiss of death", in trying to fund your own campaign, alone. There has been a knee-jerk consensus within the Democratic party, lately, that has to have some ulterior motive behind it. I find it hard to believe that there was not at least one Democrat who realized this Tax Reform package, was an instant re-election ticket! The closest thing to it was the Senator from West Virginia, who is reputed to have approached the Republicans, to say there were some Democrats who were willing to vote with them, if they would raise the Corporate Tax Rate to 25%, rather than 20%, or 21% (which they ended up with). But gutting the bill of such an important aspect of the plan was too much for a bargain, and the Republicans said "no thanks".
It's clear that the division between the parties is more than just ideology. Yes, there is a wide gulf between the ideologies of the Socialist Left, and the Free Market Conservatists, or even the Corporate Capitalists. But these people are in the business of negotiating compromises between the tenants of their ideological values, for the general welfare of the people. The Democrats act as though they lost more than the Presidential election, last year. It's more like they lost the opportunity of a life time, in their eyes! That is why I strongly suspect that they were trusting a Hillary Clinton Presidency to usher in their hoped-for voluntary repeal of the Constitution, and joining in the European plan for a One-World Socialist Government, which they appear to hold as the "great hope of the world". So, you see that it is more than a simple ideological difference that separates the parties. We have a real Constitutional crisis here, between those who wish to repeal our Constitution, and those who wish to save it!!!
I don't mean to suggest that every Democrat believes this way, but they all are probably being bullied by their bosses to vote as a monolithic block, or else fund their own reelection campaigns. I can't see any other reason for such belligerence across the board!
Their idea of a "One-World" government system being the great hope of the world, is not a bad idea, except for one aspect of it! How do you find someone who is trustworthy enough not to let the ultimate power go to their heads!!! We couldn't trust Napoleon, and certainly not Hitler, Stalin, or Mao Tse Tung! What makes them think they can find anyone better than those "bozos"! Biblical prophecy says that they will settle for a smooth-talking guy, who will flatter them all into supporting him, and they will end up settling upon Satan's Antichrist! All will seem to be well, for 3 and 1/2 years; then, for the last half of his seven-year reign, he will prove to be a blood-thirsty tyrant, especially for Christians! Finally, Jesus will return, to establish His Millennial Kingdom, and He will cast the Antichrist, and all those who voluntarily supported his system, into Hell!!!
So, you see why I feel this is such a critical time in history, and we must do all we can to resist these idiots who believe they are working to save the world, when they are actually working to destroy it, and themselves in the process, and they don't even realize it!!! If they succeed, they may take all of us along with them!!!
UPDATE: (12/29/2017)--
My suspicion of Democratic leaders in Congress bullying their fellows into voting as one monolithic block was just confirmed on FOX NEWS, by the Republican Majority Leader of the House! He confirmed that several Democrats had told him that they liked the Tax Reform bill, and wanted to vote for it, but they were being "whipped" by their leaders to vote against it! So much for bipartisanship in the Congress of the United States!!!
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