Thursday, December 21, 2017

The Conspiracy Continues...

I must admit, the conspiracy I feared from the Establishment Republicans, never materialized.  They effectively pushed the Tax Reform bill through both Houses of Congress.   I guess they decided that retaining control of Congress was more important, to them personally, than continuing to thwart President Trumps agenda.  There was a brief glitch, however, provided by the Senate Democrats.  It seems there were some parts of the bill that were in violation of Senate rules, and after they were removed, it changed the bill slightly from the one the House had originally passed, and required another vote from the House, which passed it again. 

Why do I suspect that these rule violations were intentionally put in originally, while still in conference, in order to at least temporarily stall it's passage, in a desperate attempt to vote it down.  There were a dozen Republican "nay" votes, that I don't think were there on the first vote.   Was this a desperate attempt to force Congressmen, who were wavering, to change their mind, the second time around?  If nothing else it succeeded in stalling the eventual passage.

Now we find another Democratic effort to stall the implementation of the bill, before it can be signed into law, by the President.  I don't fully understand it, but FOX NEWS reported that the Democrats might intentionally refuse to cooperate on passing a short-term funding bill, to keep the Government open past midnight, tonight, thereby forcing President Trump to wait until January to sign the bill into law, meaning it won't take effect until 2019!!!  The gamble here is that by stalling it until after the Mid-term elections, later in 2018, the Democrats apparently hope they can still present the Trump Administration as being incompetent, and win enough extra seats to regain control of Congress, when they will surely vote the repeal of the Tax Reform bill , before it can even be enacted!  There appears to be no end to the evil devises of these Bast*rds!!!  The endless negative propaganda, spouted from the lecterns on the floor of Congress, and endlessly repeated by the professional propagandists, of the Main Stream Media, is both scandalously immoral, and dangerously poisonous to our society!  It's an absolute shame that the Democrats put their own political advantage ahead of the prospect of a tax reform package that will undoubtedly help restore America's preeminence in the international business world, while creating greater personal prosperity for society as a whole!  It's another reason for me to believe their anti-Trump agenda is really a literal, and classic anti-American agenda, because they desperately believe that the "One-World" government system is the hope for the whole world, and America must become a shell of it's former greatness, to make us willing to repeal the Constitution, and voluntarily join the European "One-World" system.   So. you see how Trump's, "Make America Great Again" campaign must absolutely "stick in their craw"!!!

At this point, I guess we must all resort to intense, fervent prayer to get us over the critical "hump".   We must pray that God will cause the Democrats to agree to pass a stop-gap funding bill to keep the Government open, so President Trump can sign the Tax Reform bill into law, this year!  God can create some reason, for their own purposes, to get them to agree!

UPDATE:  12/22/2017--

God must have heard our prayers, or there must have been millions of like-minded Christians praying the same thing, because Congress did pass an emergency funding bill, to keep the government open through the first of next year, giving the President time to sign the bill into law, so it will be enacted for 2018, with all it's benefits available for us to witness. before the Mid-term elections, next year!!!

E.T.News Muse--

I wonder... The Democrats have failed to win the Presidency...they failed to keep Trump from getting one of his biggest items of his agenda passed...  Hmmmm!  They lost the Presidency,  they are losing the battle in Congress,  I wonder if they will try next to find an unconstitutional aspect of the Tax Reform bill (excuse me, I mean Law, now) ?   I wouldn't be surprised if they try to convince the Supreme Court that it is unconstitutional to let the people keep more of their hard-earned money, because the Democrats want to spend it all for themselves!!!  Incredible gall, but, entirely predictable!!!

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