I admit I am clueless as to what is going on with my Blog!!! Usually I can expect to get double- figure "pageviews", on a good day. Perhaps, if I was a better writer, or could think of more clever things to write about, I might be able to expect more pageviews. But, I am what I am, and so be it.
When I was first writing about the "Gog/Magog" prophecy, and how Russia seemed to be planning something along the lines of fulfilling a 2500-year-old prophecy, I was amazed to be getting triple-digit pageviews, but only when I wrote something about Russia, I figured either civilians were interested in what I was saying about their country, or the paranoid government was bothered by some rinky-dink amateur Bible scholar, who took an out-dated scripture and tried to apply it to today. After it kept happening, I began to think this was their unintended confirmation that I was on to their plans, and they wanted to figure out who was telling this "American Spy" their "secret" plans! I found this to be laughable, since I am sure their Christians have the same Ezekiel: 38, and 39 prophecies in their Bibles, that I have in mine. So, if they want to arrest someone who is giving away their secret plans, they are about 2500 years too late for that. I suppose they could try and arrest God, but good luck with that!!!
When I started to write about this...Surprise, surprise! It stopped happening! Boy, these Russians sure are clever! I could never figure out that my writing about it had caused them to stop the flurry of attention! They really have some smart people running their "intelligence" service, you betcha !!! Anyway, I tried to alert our own F.B.I. intelligence agency about this, but I have heard nothing back from them. I guess they're not impressed by a rinky-dink amateur Bible scholar, either. Perhaps the Russians figured out that there are probably as many secular cynics in America's F.B.I., as there are in the Kremlin, and they don't need to worry about me exposing their plans. No one of official authority would probably believe me, anyway!
So it was quite a surprise when I noticed today's pageview total (for yesterday's post) was again in the triple-digits... but for Poland!!! And yesterday's post was about the American political situation!!! It had nothing to do with Russia, or even Poland; so why this unusual interest from Poland??? I find it flattering, but, like I said, I am clueless as to what is going on!!! But, Praise The Lord, anyhow!!!
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