Thursday, December 14, 2017

It's TimeTo Stop Giving Dempcrats A Free Pass!!!

This is not a game of "Monopoly"; no "do not pass go" cards, and no, "get out of jail " cards!!!  It's time to put a stop to the "blind eye of Justice" being applied to everyone, except the International Socialists of the Democratic Party!

The Democrats have apparently, and demonstrably, been packing the federal bureaucracy with their International Socialist believers, for decades, until we mow have what is referred to as, "the deep state", within the federal government.  This is very annoying, but not difficult to overcome in most of the bureaucracy.   But, it is crucial that it be quickly and permanently expunged from Department of Justice, and especially from the F.B.I.!!!  There is too much irrefutable evidence of  "deep state" collusion, especially within the "Special Council's" investigation into the Trump campaign's possible collusion with Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, and the true collusion stems from the appointing of Socialist "good-old-boys" to investigate the Trump campaign, not on behalf of the American people, but on behalf of the Clinton campaign!!!  Also, the obvious illegal activity of the Clintons, during the Obama administration, has been given a blatant free pass for far too long!  Where is the "Equal Justice" investigation here???

The D.O.J., and the F.B.I. have traditionally been run on the principle that the law should be fairly applied  to every American citizen, and department employees must not render partiality in their judgement within their official duties.  (The "deep staters" are more concerned about applying Constitutional protections for non-Americans, who illegally immigrate into our country, than they are about protecting us from their own illegal activities against the rest of us!)   When the principle of impartiality is violated, and intentionally so, it is grounds for termination of employment, at the very least; not  merely transferring the perpetrator off the case, to another case, which recently happened in the "Special Council's" investigation.   If investigators, and prosecutors can not fairly apply the principles of the law to everyone, they must be terminated: regardless of any Government Services Employee contract!  These contracts apply to protecting employees, except in cases of blatant lawlessness, which should apply in obstruction of justice, in the investigation process, as well as the prosecution!

The "deep state" Socialists seem to believe that they are above the law, because they appear to consider the Constitution to be an obsolete document that is soon to be repealed, as soon as they take back control of all branches of the government, along with their demonstrable control of the "propaganda" media, and the public school system (which I have previously written at length about).  They probably feel that any imprisonment for the violation of our Constitutional laws will be reversed as soon as the Constitution is repealed,  and America voluntarily joins the "One-World" socialist government, that Europe is trying to establish.

We no longer have a democratic, two party system of government, in  America, today!  We have those who want to keep our form of  Constitutional government, and those who don't!  It is my opinion that those who hold the views of the latter group are unfit for service in any part of the  government, whether they are within the Democratic party,  or part of the establishment Republicans, in Congress, and those already within the government must be expelled, even at the expense of being criticized for starting another anti-communist witch hunt, like the one in the 1950's!!!

Even our President must take an oath of office which binds him to, "preserve , protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States,,,So help (him) God! 

Guess what oath the "Deep Staters" would prefer???  Something quite the opposite, I suspect!!!


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