Wednesday, April 26, 2017

How Do You Compromise With Terrorists?

It was easier, in former years, to write off the Democrats in Congress as political idiots, who just don't get it!  This included people like former Senator Barak Obama, whose intelligence was obvious, and ability to articulate his views was exceptional, even though those views were often absurdly stupid.   But after eight years of President Obama, I've come to the conclusion that it's not enough to just right him off as a fool, whose wisdom is pathetically dwarfed by his intelligence.  There has to be some dogmatic lunacy that clouds his brain, and keeps him from recognizing the obvious truth.  I've said before that I think he is a closet Muslim:  soft on international terrorism, and wanting to put America in any position that will weaken our ability to defeat terrorism, here, and abroad.  Perhaps he believes in the Muslim concept of Prophecy, which is contradictory to the Prophecy of the Judeo-Christian Bible.  That would explain some of his apparent biases, but the rule of true prophecy is that it must come true, or the Prophet was in danger of being stoned to death, as a false prophet. 

I don't know what happened to the prophet Ezekiel, but the Prophecy he wrote about (the coming "Gog/Magog" war; when Russia invades Israel, with the armies of several Muslim countries) was given to him some 2500 years ago!  That would certainly have given his contemporaries reason to put him to death, in agreement with God's commandments.  Yet, I feel strongly that the fulfillment of this prophecy is very imminent, at almost any moment.  If Ezekiel survived to die of old age, that would have to be God's miraculous protection, from his own commandments!  I admit I have trouble with the apparent conflict there.

But, the bottom line is that the Bible's prophecies will come true, or the Muslim  prophecies that contradict them will come true; but not both!!! ( I wonder what Obama will say, after Israel defeats their invaders?)  But I don't see a lot of difference between Obama's destructive executive orders (you might call it, "passive terrorism", or the Democratic obstructionism in Congress, either) from that of the terrorism of I.S.I.S., and Al Quaida!  One is a slower form of death than the others. 

Likewise, the perspectives of Bill and Hillary Clinton are motivated by seemingly dogmatic lunacy, whether it is the same Muslim belief (artificially created to woo the financial backing of their Saudi, and other Muslim lobbying interests, which are extremely profitable.),  or whether they are just enamored by the thought of a one-world government, which will eventually come under the totalitarian control of the devil's Antichrist.  Muhammed could never blind an intelligent person as well as Satan can. That must also be the basis for the overwhelming lunacy of Congressional Democrats!  There doesn't seem to be an ounce of common sense among the lot of them!  Their first priority seems to be obfuscating any truly beneficial bill, and promoting anything that will,  1) spend as much money as possible, without accomplishing anything for it, and,  2) perpetuate their own jobs, so they can continue to wreck our country, with impunity.  I guess they plan to escape to whatever "Socialist Utopia" they can turn to, once they have permanently destroyed America.  Maybe they would feel at home in Venezuela!

Monday, April 24, 2017

Is She For "Frexit", Or Just Another Neo-Nazi?

I would like to offer vocal support for the Conservative, or "Right Wing Candidate" in France's presidential election.  But it is necessary to remain skeptical with these people.  After all, they gave the world perhaps the most brutal anti-elitism, "populist" revolution that western civilization has ever seen.

While we, in America, do rightly reverence our founding fathers, the French seem to have an equal reverence for the Guillotine!  While we are deeply troubled by the prospect of terrorists mingling with legitimate freedom seeking immigrants, so they can use our compassion to murder our innocent citizens, we must be careful not to presume that Marine Le Pen is really of a like philosophical view.  Her country (at least the Neo-Nazis in it) seems to have trouble distinguishing between concern for their own National Security, and an over-all hatred for anyone who is not for their Neo-Nazi beliefs.  The media title of "Right Wing Candidate" is often applied to Conservatives, in order to offend people that can be easily persuaded to vote for the Socialist candidate, as an alternative to possibly electing a Neo-Nazi, by accident.  In this case, they are duped into avoiding a false mistake, but are duped into making perhaps as bad a one, as an alternative.   The problem is trying to read the truth out of media reviews that are often pure propaganda, posing as insightful reporting.  How do you get the truth out of all the "fake news", that Trump has been talking about?  And, it's even worse in Europe than it is here. 

If this is just another attempt by the French Neo-Nazis to take over, lets pray that she is defeated,  But if this is just another attempt by the liberal press to slander another legitimate Conservative candidate, in order to dupe the voters into electing another Socialist candidate, whom they politely refer to as a "Moderate",  let's likewise pray for God to choose the winner.  After all, we can be duped by a hostile press, but God can't be duped by anyone, ever!!!

UPDATE:-- [For April 5, 2017 post, "Hacked Again???"]

I was just re-reading one of my old posts (address above: see "Archives", to the right), and I realized that all of my sign-in difficulties have "coincidentally" stopped, right about the time that I wrote that post!  Praise the Lord!!!  I guess we can assume that the Lord answered my prayers, and moved whomever was messing with my ability to sign in to my Blog (which is the necessary start of my publishing new posts), to stop!  Halleluiah !!!

And I hope he (or she) followed my encouragement to pray the "sinner's prayer", printed in the heading of each page, and is now a "Born-Again" Christian!  (Remember to tell me about it, by clicking the "No Comments" line at the bottom of each page.  It will, then, be sent to my E-mail account, where I can decide to publish it, or not, as you direct me.  I realize that "No comments" appears to be an order, directed by the "Thought Police", but it is actually the method of starting to send me a message. Go figure!)

Friday, April 21, 2017

Ask Your Chidren: "Are You For Death???"

A mind numbing story I just saw on FOX NEWS!  The University of California, at Davis is reportedly selling the "Morning After Pill" on campus, in vending machines!!!  And, to guarantee it's sales, the price is 2/3rds. that of typical over-the-counter sales prices.   I wonder how much of a "kick-back" the University is getting out of the deal? 

Talk about immoral agendas being promoted to students, presumably without any prior notification to their parents, let alone seeking their permission.  How unbelievably perverse is this!!!  Between classes, your children can not only buy a "Snickers" bar, or a cup of coffee, as I remember doing after some late night "studying" (yeah, right!), but they can buy a casual  dose of protection for an irresponsible boy, who won't use a condom,  or an overly-submissive girl, who can't bring herself to say, "No!".

I was struck, when I first heard of this drug, that the Generic name for it was, "RU4-86".  I think this was some pharmaceutical company's sick joke of calling their product after what it will bring about.  The number, "86" has long been used in connection with a symbolic reference to "Death", in general.  So, it seemed to me that they were asking their potential customers, "Are you for Death???".   But, to be so casual about it as to sell it in vending machines smacks of a level of immoral perspective that even so-called "Progressives" should find offensive.  But, I guess if they'd vote for Hillary Clinton, they'd rationalize anything as being morally acceptable. 

It's getting to the point where responsible parents probably should not send their children away to College, any more.  Many Christian families Home-School their children, rather than send them to public schools.  Perhaps they should keep them at home for four more years, or so, and let them take courses over the Internet.  It's more expensive, but what is the price of protecting your children from the perverse efforts to corrupt them, once they arrive on campus? 

Also, the political neutrality which was once considered akin to the concept of academic freedom, has so degenerated to the level that any political speaker who holds a conservative perspective can expect to be slandered to the point of being called "Fascist", by liberal "student protestors", who roam about, smashing windows (whether on, or off campus, I don't know), and even having their speeches being cancelled by the University faculty, under the guise of inability to protect the guest speaker (as Ann Coulter recently discovered when her speech was recently cancelled by the faculty at Berkeley).

Who are the real "Fascists" here???  Recall the "glory days" of Adolf Hitler, when his Storm Troopers tore through the streets breaking store-front windows of Jewish businesses, on their infamous, "Krystal Nacht".  What's the difference between them and our so called "student protesters", who may not even be students, and may even be paid to be "outraged" by the real fascists, in my opinion, like George Soros!

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Eternal Hope, And The Trump Administration???

Do I actually see light at the end of the proverbial tunnel?  Yesterday's post was even more depressing for me to write than it must have been for all of you to read.  I was really feeling depressed that Trump was seeming to be so mad at the Conservatives, mainly of the so-called "Freedom Caucus", that he was turning away from the advice of his conservative advisers, and courting the so-called "moderate" Republican leaders, and even some of the belligerent Democrats, in order to get a health care bill done, and passed.  This was exactly the wrong approach, and it frankly "scared the willies" out of me (whatever that is).  It must have scared the Freedom Caucus as well, because there are reports of compromise between them and the Trump administration, according to FOX NEWS, and the "Obamacare" repeal and replacement initiative may not be dead after all!

Was this just a ploy of the "Great Deal Maker" to bring the Freedom Caucus to a more compromising position?  If it was, it seems to have worked, though now it seems he has to be able to smooth some ruffled feathers among the Republican moderates, (we all know where the Democrats can go).  If this thing works, and we actually get a good Health Care bill passed through both the House, and Senate, than all I can say about yesterday's post is, "Never mind!" (the famous quote from Gilda Radner, on the old "Laugh In" show).  (Does it seem that my mind can't come up with better lines than that???  I do seem to stoop to the "Laugh In" level a lot,  don't I?   But it seems there was a lot of wisdom among the likes of Gilda Radner, and the little girl in the rocking chair, played by Lilly Tomlin ["and that's the troof"]..."pfttt"!!!).  (I guess that says something  about my level of maturity, huh?!) 

Oh well, as they say," all's well ...etc.",  except this ain't over yet!  It could all still blow up in our Congressmen's faces.  But as I said, maybe there's light at the end of this tunnel!

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

The Liberalization Of Trump

I hate to admit it, but the evidence is growing that Trump is in the process of "kissing off" the Conservatives who are largely responsible for voting him into office.  If this continues, it will bode very poorly, not only for Conservatives, but for Trump's re-election effort, the ability for Republicans to maintain their majorities in Congress,  as well as maintain a majority on the Supreme Court, and for America as a whole!!!

I don't feel my words are being histrionic at all, and Trump will certainly come to realize this eventually, but will that happen in time to create an obvious improvement in America's economy, military, and overall health, as well as our overall influence internationally???  I hope so, but I have to admit to being somewhat discouraged, as I see evidence of his turning away from his Conservative advisors, especially in seeming to dismiss the advice of his Conservative advisors, in favor of his son-in-law, who seems to be more in line with the "moderate" (translation:  liberal?), establishment leaders in Congress.  

This is hardly a new phenomenon!  Recall the transition from King Solomon's reign to that of his son, Rehoboam.  the son of one of Solomon's many foreign wives (which he took in disobedience to the commandments of God).  Rehoboam listened to the counsel of his young advisors (probably his good friends, growing up), while ignoring the wise counsel of his father's older advisors,  and that decision brought about the schism between the ten tribes of Israel, and the two of Judea.  That schism remains today (though there is some evidence in prophecy that God is about to heal that religious divide).

I'm not suggesting that the wrong advice came from his advisors because of their youth, nor that wisdom necessarily comes with age (take Bernie Sanders, and Bill Clinton, for example!).  But I  wonder if Trump is as good a judge of character as I hoped he was.  The evidence does not look good! 

The real problem is that Trump doesn't have long to figure it all out.  He has got to make some really effective changes in Tax Reform, Health Care (repeal and replace "Obamacare"), and abolishing many of the executive orders of his predecessor, and bureaucratic, over-reaching regulations that do nothing but impose their silly rules on private citizens, and businesses around the country.   And, he has got to do it with enough time for it all to really make a noticeable improvement in people's lives, or the Democrats will be able to discredit all of his accomplishments, before they can really take effect.  If the Democrats can retake control of the Congress, in 2018, it may be all over. 

I'm not sure if I'm calling for God's plan to come to pass, or not.  I want America, and Trump, to wake up and get it right, so we can see America "be great again".   But is it really in God's plan for America to retain it's greatness?  If the Antichrist is prophecied  to come to power (and it seems that it won't be too long in coming) is it necessary that America should diminish in international influence, which the Democrats are imminently capable of bringing to pass, if they are in control?

I wonder!!! 

Help!  Please pray for Trump, for America, and all of us; because God knows how to take care of us all, even if He allows America to swoon into a Democratic abyss  of wishy-washy irrelevance, and "politically-correct" lunacy!!!

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Pogo: "We Have Seen The Enemy, And It Is Us!"

When I was a child, growing up in the Washington, D.C. suburbs,  we had a news source that I don't think exists any longer; it was called the evening newspaper.   Evening newspapers were probably put out of business by the Evening news broadcasts,  first, of the major networks, and eventually by the 24 hour Cable news networks.  The since expired "Evening Star" newspaper used to carry one of my favorite cartoons; called "Pogo", about what I think was supposed to be a talking Porcupine,  though his actual species identity was somewhat a cause for debate.  He, and his talking friends (I remember an alligator, who walked on his hind feet, but I don't remember much else) lived in a swamp, which was appropriate for those of us who lived in, and around, one of the most famous swamps in the world, Washington, D.C, which was supposedly drained by it's name-sake, but has come to be re-filled with some of the most despicable animals upon the face of the earth!  They might even be called a, "basket of deplorables", but I think that moniker has already been applied. 

About the only thing I remember from that strip was the famous quote that I used for the title of this post, which has been often repeated by others throughout my life.  The wisdom of that quote (bad grammar, not withstanding) seems more relevant today than ever, as President Trump faces perhaps the most difficult task of his Presidency:  Fulfilling his campaign promise to, "Drain the swamp"!!!  This refers to ridding America of it's most deadly "parasites", a wasteful-spending and even hostile, and unpatriotic bureaucracy, and the "Fat-Cat Congressmen" who perpetuate their despotic tyranny!

Perhaps the main  reason for the difficulty of this task is because of the practically air-tight government employees union contract, that makes it all but impossible to fire an under-performing, incompetent, and even hostile, or destructive bureaucrat, like Lois Lerner (though she may have been an Obama Administration political appointee, and as such not qualified for union protection).   Her famous hostility, while ostensibly "serving" in the Internal Revenue Service, kept many conservative non-profit organizations from receiving their applied-for tax exempt status, for which they were qualified in every respect, except for their conservative viewpoints.  Her obstructionism was not only inappropriate, it was also illegal discrimination of their first amendment rights, though I doubt that she will ever be prosecuted for what she did.

So, just how does Trump go about "Draining the swamp"?   Beats me !!!  I am not a Lawyer, and I have no idea how one goes about breaking an almost impossible-to-break government employee union contract, which was obviously voted into place by government workers, who were rightly fearful of losing their jobs because the next President's political views might not mesh with the values some employee is known to have expressed.  But, what was established to protect workers from political house-cleaning, by each new administration, has evolved into a perceived protection of a hostile, and greedy, out-of-control bureaucracy that wants to spend as much money as they can, under trumped-up authority (as that is the perceived way to get promotions, and increased job security within the bureaucracy).   Even if Trump were to figure out some way to legally fire all the "bad eggs" in one department, I'm sure their union would call for a massive "sick out", or walk out, of every other department until he agreed to take the employees back.  What a nightmare of political corruption!  Talk about the inmates running the asylum!  And guess which party has gone "bananas" in hiring sympathetic workers, (under the auspices of "job creation") who can be easily motivated to protest whatever their union says they  should?  You guessed it, the so-called "progressives", who want nothing more than to push America into a third-world state of political, economic, and military level of Regression!!!  They are international Socialists, who believe in the fallacy that if you destroy the wealth of a successful economy, the rest of the world will pick up the wealth that they lost.  So, we should allow them to destroy our economy, in order for them to discover the foolishness of their doctrine?   I don't think so!!!  I suspect when they would be confronted with the damage their foolish efforts had caused, they would excuse them with some brilliant defense like, "Oops!  Sorry about that!"  And then they'd be off to destroy some other nation!


I just watched a report on C.B.S.News, lauding the "benefits" of a new cyber security development being tested in "La-La land", (excuse me, I mean San Francisco).  It involves the injection of a computer chip, the size  of a grain of rice, under the skin of a person's hand, that a sensor can read all the necessary data that would identify them to their computer system, wherever they are!  Isn't that wonderful!!!  We're all set to take the Antichrist's "Mark Of The Beast", which God has strictly forbidden, saying it will condemn the recipient to Eternal Damnation!  Is there no end to the wonders that modern technology will develop???  You can read all about this wonderful "new" development, in Revelation Chapter 13, which God warned His people about to the Apostle John, some time around the first century, A.D.!

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Wow!!! Let's Hear It For Diplomacy!!!

Yessir!!!  Smack a spoiled brat on the wrist, and he's sure to behave!  For all of about ten seconds!  These international idiots who run the so-called G-7 countries (America, Canada, Britain, France, Germany, Japan, and Italy) just don't get it!!!  There are times when Diplomacy works, and times when it is counter-productive, and that goes for sanctions, too.

Here we have Russia belligerently propping up the Syrian Regime of Bashar Assad, and these diplomatic idiots suggest that Russia should be saddled with more economic sanctions, until they agree to stop supporting the Assad regime.   Yessir!!!  That will do it!!!   These people are every bit as wise as Barak Obama, and Susan Rice, who proudly boasted that their diplomatic negotiations succeeded in getting Russia, and Syria to agree to destroy all of Syria's stockpile of Sarin gas bombs, and artillery shells.  Tell that to the innocent Syrian civilians (including women and children) who were brutally asphyxiated last Tuesday, by Assad's Sarin gas bombing raid, apparently with Russian fore-knowledge. and at least tacit approval. 

Russia has been desperately trying to gain access to a warm-weather port since the Crimean war, of the 19th century. Now, Assad has granted them access to establish a Russian air base in northern Syria (can access to a warm-weather port be far behind?).  Does anyone really think economic sanctions are going to force them to give it up???   All that will do is force any counter moves to be implemented, immediately, before the pain of the sanctions can be felt.  And, if their counter measures can be used to bring sanctions against their "oppressors", so much the better!

I've got it!  How about a military invasion against the Gulf Oil States (Saudi Arabia, Qatar, U.A.E., et. al.)?  After conquering their oil fields, they can cut off the flow of oil to the very countries who hit them with the sanctions, and watch them squirm!!!  They will either remove the sanctions, or the new oil sales to other countries will bring Russia enough new revenue (or should we call it, "pillage") to more than make up the difference the sanctions lost them.  

Plus, the invasion of these countries should be comparatively easy, considering that Russia has the second most powerful military in the world.  And, their Middle Eastern ally, Iran, has a large army to support them, and have been wanting to invade the Gulf States for a long time.   The only threat to get in their way is Israel, which Iran, and other Middle-Eastern Nations would love even more to invade!

Thus, you have the stage set for the Propecied "Gog/Magog" invasion of Israel, spoken of by God to the prophet Ezekiel (see chapters 38, & 39).  No problem!  Russia should be able to put down the Israeli armed forces, right?  The only thing that sanctions will accomplish will be to pressure Russia  to get started, now, before the sanctions become painful. 

 Just one "minor detail" that Russia doesn't take into account!  God is going to help the Israelis, somehow, and it is prophecied (2500 years ago) that they will be victorious over their invaders, and they will create such a panicked retreat that the invaders will destroy each other, until they have destroyed 83 1/3rd % of their invasion force!!!  But, Russia officially doesn't believe in God, so how can they believe this to be a serious threat?  They will believe in Him real soon, for the rest of eternity!!!

The Israelis believe in the prophecies too.  Consider that the government has been distributing  gas masks to their citizens for decades, because the prophecy begins with an account that sounds like a poison gas attack upon Israel (Gee!  I wonder where the gas comes from!).  This will probably be the moral rationale for Israel to use their stockpile of Tactical Nuclear Weapons, which are also banned by international treaties, I think.  But since Russia started it, I guess Israel figures they'll finish it!  Their spoken attitude toward any possible invasion has always been, "not a David vs. Goliath perspective, but a Samson retaliation attitude".   In other words, it's a, "if you kill us, we're going to take you down with us", attitude. 

And we can thank the pathetic diplomacy of the "G-7 Nations" for starting the whole thing!  Oh, by the way, the end result of all this will probably be a Nuclear War between America and Russia.   (For more on the Ezekiel 38, &  39 prophecies, check out the archives list to the right of this column:  for the posts for Mar.12th of this year; and Aug.16th of last year; and, June 5th, 6th, and 10th of 2013.)

Monday, April 10, 2017

I Smell Republican "Rats" In Congress...

The only question is, are they Conservative, or "Establishment" Republicans??? 

Yesterday's UPDATE to my post explained that I have been very suspicious of the motives of many of the so-called "Establishment" Republicans.  Today I heard an opinion expressed on FOX NEWS that president Trump's efforts to reform the Tax Code was a mess. with disagreements all around.  This is what I said was my greatest fear for the Trump administration; not being able to pass any truly effective legislation, in time for it to have a significant effect before the 2018 Congressional elections.   The report said that earlier speculation of an August deadline for Tax Reform was no longer appearing likely.  It looks like the old "Democratic-stall" process has been getting some help!  And since the Democrats can't do it alone. that leaves only one source:  the so-called "Establishment Republicans"!!!

We've already seen the first attempt at the "repeal and replace" effort to get rid of "Obamacare" fail, ostensibly because the Conservative Caucus of the House would not vote with the "Establishment" Leaders to pass it.  So who's at fault here?  The Conservatives were roundly condemned, even by Trump, himself.  But, it seems to me that the bill that was defeated did not come close to living up to what Trump had pledged to do in his campaign.   Trump may have thought the quickest way to get something passed was to send a "watered down" version to the House, and improve it later.  But the Conservatives were concerned about it not providing any relief for their constituents who are being hurt now, by the rising costs of "Obamacare"!  I suspect that this was a plot by the "Establishment" leaders to force a bill through that they knew the Conservatives could not vote for, and knowing that they would be blamed for the failure. 

The net effect is to stall any real reform from being passed; exactly what the Democrats are hoping for!  So, whose side are these "Establishment" Bozo's on, anyway???  I thought they were supposed to be "Republican's" working with a Republican President!  But like I expressed yesterday, in my UPDATE,  I fear that these "traitors" are more comfortable with a Democratic majority in Congress, than they are in cooperating with the Conservatives of their own party.  Trump had better figure out real soon which wing of the party is really working for him, and which is really against him!  He doesn't have much time to do so, either!  If he allows the "Establishment" to scuttle his "Make America Great Again" plans, we'll have a Democratic majority in Congress, in 2018!  They will have the opportunity to appoint two liberal justices to the Supreme Court, making a liberal majority for decades to come, and they will easily defeat any attempts at real reform, after that.  Finally Trump can "kiss goodbye" any plans for re-election, in 2020.  He'll be voted out of office because of his "do-nothing" Administration, and he'll have the "Establishment Republicans" to thank for it!!!

Saturday, April 8, 2017

I Think I Understand The Democrats' Strategy

I don't know why it didn't occur to me before.  It's so obvious!  There had to be a reason why the Democrats in the Senate were being so obstructive over the Gorsuch nomination.  The media thought it was simply bitterness over the Republicans' not allowing Obama's nominee to even be questioned.  But, they had to know they couldn't accomplish anything by filibustering to obstruct a confirmation vote.  They knew the Republicans would vote the "Nuclear Option" to end the filibuster, and they could be counted on to apply the same to the vote to confirm Gorsuch, with a "simple majority", rather than a "bipartisan" 60 votes. 

They couldn't care less about Gorsuch's seemingly inevitable appointment.  I think they wanted to force the Republicans to vote to apply the "Nuclear Option" to a Supreme Court nominee, so they can use it against them when they regain a majority in the Senate, and blame it on the Republicans, for "creating the precedent".  This has to be the real reason that the Republicans were so reluctant to do so.  They could see the strategy all along.  With  the likelihood of another one, maybe two, Justice vacancies in the near future, I'll bet the Democrats are positioning themselves to use the same "Nuclear Option" against the Republicans, which they hope to be able to do after the 2018 Congressional Elections.

All they have to do is try to inhibit the Trump administration, and the Republican Congress, from enacting any truly effective reforms, like replacing "Obamacare", or restoring businesses' ability to make a profitable living while paying American Taxes.  So, if they can befuddle Trump's plans to reform the mess that Obama created, they can hope to win a majority in Congress, in 2018, (by claiming the Trump administration to be a "do-nothing administration") and then the two future appointments will be available for them, and a semi-permanent liberal majority on the Supreme Court, as well!  With a Liberal Court, you can bet that everything Trump would try to do after that would be met with a lawsuit, for one bogus reason , or another.   Then, in 2020, they'll really pour it on, saying that Trump's whole Presidency was a failure, because he couldn't get anything done!

The only way for Trump to defeat this strategy is to make sure he gets something done, and quick!!!  He is working on a Tax reform plan that will hopefully bring relief to the business world, so big companies can profit, and still pay American Taxes, and small companies as well, and they will all be able to afford to hire American workers to their newly created jobs.  Then, if he can live up to his business reputation for being a great deal maker, he can find a way to compromise with the Conservative Caucus, in the House, to actually "repeal and replace" Obamacare with an effective insurance plan. 

If the economy has time to make a robust recovery from the years of Democratic taxation, and obstructive regulation, and "Obamacare" is dumped, to be replaced with something that works, I don't see how the Democrats could keep Trump from being re-elected, or even win a majority in the Senate by 2018.  But he's got to get something effective done fast, so it will have time to work, before 2018!

UPDATE:  4/10/2017:

The only concern I have, for defeating this strategy, is not with the Democrats, now that I suspect their plans are exposed.  The very real concern is that the bitterness between the Establishment Republicans, or the Leaders of the Senate, will also tempt them to try and undermine any potentially effective Republican-sponsored legislation, which will have the same effect as if it were stymied by the Democrats.  Any residual bitterness towards Trump, especially by those who lost to him in the Primaries,  might continue to be directed at his legislation, for personal reasons, having the long-term destructive effect of making his re-election less likely.  Worse, it would have the short-term effect of giving the Senate majority back to the Democrats, in 2018.  Any Establishment Republicans who side with the Democrats, for the rest of this term, should be resoundingly defeated by their constituents, and replaced with more trust-worthy conservative Republican candidates.  If that happens, it will be great for the country, as a whole!  If their constituents vote to re-elect them, in 2018, it's all over for Trump, his administration, and probably for any real restoration of America's "greatness"!!!

I have long suspected that these self-serving "Establishment" Republicans are more at home with a Democratic majority in the Senate, than giving any credibility to the conservative branch of the Senate, so long as they can preserve their own precious jobs!  These traitors place their own greedy, self preservation ahead the country's national interests!!! And I mean that literally!!!

Friday, April 7, 2017

Syria Promised To Destroy GasThree Years Ago

What a surprise!!!  Obama bought the lies of Syria's Bashar Assad, and Russia's Putin, three years ago, that they would destroy Syria's stock pile of Sarin Gas (check out the archive list for my post of April 10, 2014), and their capacity to produce more, yet they used some of it Tuesday against their own civilian populations, which were presumably being used to shelter rebel troops.   Donald Trump didn't bother to send any diplomatic letters of "outrage" to either of these compulsive liars.  Instead, he sent 59 Tomahawk missiles into the airbase that launched the gas attack!  Apparently, that's the difference between Obama's, and Trump's view of diplomatic protest!

Regardless of the consequences of this missile attack, one has to applaud the courageous response of Trump.  It's indeed refreshing to have a President with the guts to bloody the noses of the pathological liars who lead the hegemonistic nations of Syria, and their ally Russia.  I am so sick of wimpy,  diplomatic  responses to acts of cruel aggression!

However, there were probably Russian personnel at the Syrian air base, which could give Putin some twisted basis for retaliation against American troops in Iraq.  This may bring about the Trump administration's resolve to eventually withdraw American forces from the Middle-East, once I.S.I.S. is destroyed.  I see this as being inevitable, since there is no mention of any nation's forces aiding Israel. as America would surely do if they could, in the soon-coming "Gog/Magog" invasion of the Middle-East. prophecied by God to the Prophet Ezekiel, some 2500 years ago (in chapter 38,& 39). 

Things seem to be heating up in that region.  Gee, I wonder why!  But, I caution the readers to take heart, even if there are some dangerous times ahead, both for our troops, and especially for Israel.  Remember, God's "modis operendi" is to allow the enemy to appear on the brink of victory, before He brings about their crushing defeat.  Remember, history proved that in the American Revolution, and for the Union forces in the Civil War!  We may see that again in this conflict.  Just remember, that God is thoroughly in control, and we know who will come out the winner!!!

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Hacked Again???

Someone is playing fast and loose with me, again.  I have written before about all the troubles I have been having, trying to sign into my own Blog.  They are continuing!  I strongly suspect that someone is trying to frustrate my ability to continue writing my Blog.  If it were my Blog server, I suspect they would tell me, straight out, what their objection was to my Blog.  Since I pay nothing for their service, that's what it will cost them if they offend me enough to take my Blog elsewhere:  Nothing!

But, if this is some computer-savvy kid who gets his kicks out of messing with my brain over access to my Blog, I must warn him (or her):  you are not just messing with me, kid.  I can't do anything to stop you.  But, I know someone who can, and His name is Jesus!  You're in big trouble, now, because you are picking on one of His friends, namely me!  I can't hurt you, but I can pray for you, and leave it up to Jesus how He wants to work in your own life to stop your meddling in mine.  Believe me, He can do a much better job of making you regret your meddling than anything I could think of.  So just remember my warning, and if you realize that there is suddenly a drastic change in your life, that you can not explain, for the worse, even if you can not make any material connection to what you are doing to me, and my ability to access my Blog, you can be assured that it is God's Holy Spirit working on you to bring you into repentance, first, and to realize that you are lost, in need of the Salvation of Jesus Christ, ultimately.  There is nothing special about me, other than that I am one of God's anointed, in Jesus' Name, and when you attack one of His own, you attack Him personally.  And, as I've said before, "your arms are to short to box with God!!!"

Not "if", but when you have had enough of trying to fight against God (as I said, you are not just fighting me), you may remember the formula for becoming a "Born-Again Christian", printed at the top of each page of this Blog.  You may simply pray this prayer, and if you truly mean it in your heart, Jesus will come into your heart, and save your soul.  But you must repent of your sins (which means to stop doing them), first, and that includes harassing others (me), without cause.

After that I would encourage you to call the Christian Broadcasting Network (C.B.N., at 1-800-700-7000). They will send you free information about what you should do, now, to grow as a Christian.  They can do a much better job of guiding you through the early stages of your Christian growth than I can.  I strongly suspect that God has brought you to my Blog, ostensibly to harass me, but because He wants you to become His own!  As Joseph said to his brothers, who sold him as a slave into Egypt," you meant it for evil, but God meant it for good!"  Likewise, I sense God's Hand all over this.

So once you tire of this game, please feel free to comment at the end of any post (click "No Comments:").  It will not be automatically published,,,it will be sent to my E-mail address for me to decide whether it should be published. or not.  I will keep it in strict confidence, if you wish.  But, whatever...I forgive you, and pray that God will richly bless you, in Jesus" Name!

Monday, April 3, 2017

Get On With It, Already!!!

I'm already tired of all the political foot-dragging in the Senate.  The Senate Judiciary Commitee is apparently congratulating themselves, for doing what everyone expected they would do, after a long. drawn out debate, that established nothing.   Hooray!  They passed a vote to send Gorsuch's nomination to the full Senate, along straight party lines (11 Republicans voting for, with 9 Democrats voting against). Gee! What a surprise!

 Why did it take so long for them to face the obvious, and do what everyone expected they would do?  What a bunch of foot-dragging buffoons!  And I'm not talking about the Democrats!  The Republican Leaders (aka.,the "Establishment Republicans"), are more concerned with appearances, than with getting things done.  Why was it necessary to debate Gorsuch's appointment so endlessly, only to end up voting the way everyone knew they were going to vote?  And, now the whole thing starts over again, with another endless debate, which will most likely end up in a Democratic filibuster, with the Republicans changing the procedure to allow the so-called "Nuclear Option" (nominating Gosuch with a "simple majority" vote, as opposed to the traditional 60 votes, which require 8 Democrats to break ranks, and vote with the Republican majority).  We all know there are not 8 Democrats with enough backbone to defy their party leaders, and actually vote for a good nominee to the Supreme Court.  It's possible there isn't even one, of all the Democratic Senators!  These people are so dogmatically blind, they can't recognize a decent, and honest man when they see him!

As far as I'm concerned, don't bother with the debate, which will simply reiterate what the Judiciary Committee has already used to flog the "dead horse" issues; move right on to the filibuster, and the "Nuclear Option" and get it over with, already!  Someone please tell the Republican Leaders to stop the Parliamentarian posturing, and actually get something done for a change!!!  Moving the nomination out of comitee after all this time, dorsn't qualify as much of an acomplishment, to me!