Considering they may have started the whole conflict, in the first place! I wrote before that I suspect the "NoKo" blustering may have been directed by Putin, himself, in order to keep America's military analysts busy looking elsewhere, while he directs his Middle-East invasion, that I believe is due to happen soon, after a "mere 2500 years", in developing!
After all, pictures of the missiles that North Korea has "developed" in an astoundingly short period of time, look exactly like pictures we've seen of Russia's own I.C.B.M.'s! (Coincidence???)
The last thing Putin would want is for American forces to immediately come to the aid of Israel, our best ally in the Middle-East, so if he can keep us distracted long enough to get a solid footing there, he may be able to discourage us from entering the conflict, at all! No "biggy", God will help the Israelis defend themselves, alone! Putin probably thinks that we are the only nation that can offer serious resistance to his invasion plan, But, the Bible clearly says that Israel will destroy 83 and 1/3rd% of the invasion force, which will include Russian, Iranian, and perhaps Turkish forces, along with volunteer militias from other predominantly Muslim nations.
To this extent, Putin is trying to negotiate a truce between the Syrian Army, and the I.S.I.S., and other rebel forces that they have been fighting for years. Hmmmmmmm... I wonder what point of agreement these two forces could reach that would supersede their original conflict??? Perhaps the obvious fact that they all hate Israel, much more than they hate each other!!! And they would probably all love to take part in an invasion of Israel, which they have collectively desired to "drive into the Mediterranean Sea", for generations!
This may serve to create the dispute between these forces that will eventually bring about their mutual destruction! The Bible states that these invasion forces will oppose each other, perhaps as some panic, and others try to restore order, amid the overwhelming defense of the Israelis, as it says, "every man's sword" (or modern weapon) "will be against his 'brother'" ( at least in an ideological sense)!!!
So, Russia won't need to do much to mediate the U.S./NoKo threat. All they have to do is call on the phone and tell the North Koreans to stop their belligerence, which they will probably do, AFTER Putin feels his invasion is securely in place in the Middle-East!
UPDATE: (Jan./14/2018)--
Keep watching the news reports, concerning the above issues. If I'm right, I should expect that Trump will agree to remove our forces in Iraq, soon, and "coincidentally", Kim Jung Un will come across as being remarkably agreeable to stop his blustering about "Nukeing" America. I've written before that I see nothing in Biblical prophecy to suggest that anything serious will come of all his threats, and that I suspect that Putin is "pulling the strings" on his puppet, to create a diversion to distract us from his buildup of Middle-East invasion forces.
I speculated that Trump might merely send our Iraqi troops to Afghanistan, where we have been mired in our longest-lasting war, in our nation's history. This would probably satisfy Putin that we will be so busy there, that we will not want to return to stop his invasion of Israel.
Biblical perspective of Current Events for the Bible-believing Christian. Understanding these issues requires faith in Jesus Christ as Lord, and Savior through asking Jesus to forgive your sins, come into your heart, and save your soul. Jesus said,"...except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." John 3: 3. Also, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16.
Friday, December 29, 2017
Sunday, December 24, 2017
There Is No Negotiating With Terrorists...
... and there is no point in trying to compromise with the leftist "Deep Stators".
Wasn't it nice, at least by comparison to today, when Democrats and Republicans could come together and make reasonable compromises on most issues. Though each party differed, ideologically, sometimes by gulfs that seemed light years apart, they both intended good for the American people. I submit that that is no longer true. Today we have a conflict between those who want to repeal the Constitution, considering it to be an old, obsolete document, and those who wish to preserve it as the rule of law in our Republic!!! But,there was no compromise on the Tax Reform bill... Not a single Democrat voted for it, on three opportunities; one Senate vote, and two House votes (the second time, after corrections were made by the Senate) not one Democrat could muster the courage to vote against their party bosses' silly ideology! I suppose the word was out that if any Democrats broke ranks to vote with the Republicans, they probably could not count on any financial help, in the next election, from the Democratic National Committee; which is the political "kiss of death", in trying to fund your own campaign, alone. There has been a knee-jerk consensus within the Democratic party, lately, that has to have some ulterior motive behind it. I find it hard to believe that there was not at least one Democrat who realized this Tax Reform package, was an instant re-election ticket! The closest thing to it was the Senator from West Virginia, who is reputed to have approached the Republicans, to say there were some Democrats who were willing to vote with them, if they would raise the Corporate Tax Rate to 25%, rather than 20%, or 21% (which they ended up with). But gutting the bill of such an important aspect of the plan was too much for a bargain, and the Republicans said "no thanks".
It's clear that the division between the parties is more than just ideology. Yes, there is a wide gulf between the ideologies of the Socialist Left, and the Free Market Conservatists, or even the Corporate Capitalists. But these people are in the business of negotiating compromises between the tenants of their ideological values, for the general welfare of the people. The Democrats act as though they lost more than the Presidential election, last year. It's more like they lost the opportunity of a life time, in their eyes! That is why I strongly suspect that they were trusting a Hillary Clinton Presidency to usher in their hoped-for voluntary repeal of the Constitution, and joining in the European plan for a One-World Socialist Government, which they appear to hold as the "great hope of the world". So, you see that it is more than a simple ideological difference that separates the parties. We have a real Constitutional crisis here, between those who wish to repeal our Constitution, and those who wish to save it!!!
I don't mean to suggest that every Democrat believes this way, but they all are probably being bullied by their bosses to vote as a monolithic block, or else fund their own reelection campaigns. I can't see any other reason for such belligerence across the board!
Their idea of a "One-World" government system being the great hope of the world, is not a bad idea, except for one aspect of it! How do you find someone who is trustworthy enough not to let the ultimate power go to their heads!!! We couldn't trust Napoleon, and certainly not Hitler, Stalin, or Mao Tse Tung! What makes them think they can find anyone better than those "bozos"! Biblical prophecy says that they will settle for a smooth-talking guy, who will flatter them all into supporting him, and they will end up settling upon Satan's Antichrist! All will seem to be well, for 3 and 1/2 years; then, for the last half of his seven-year reign, he will prove to be a blood-thirsty tyrant, especially for Christians! Finally, Jesus will return, to establish His Millennial Kingdom, and He will cast the Antichrist, and all those who voluntarily supported his system, into Hell!!!
So, you see why I feel this is such a critical time in history, and we must do all we can to resist these idiots who believe they are working to save the world, when they are actually working to destroy it, and themselves in the process, and they don't even realize it!!! If they succeed, they may take all of us along with them!!!
UPDATE: (12/29/2017)--
My suspicion of Democratic leaders in Congress bullying their fellows into voting as one monolithic block was just confirmed on FOX NEWS, by the Republican Majority Leader of the House! He confirmed that several Democrats had told him that they liked the Tax Reform bill, and wanted to vote for it, but they were being "whipped" by their leaders to vote against it! So much for bipartisanship in the Congress of the United States!!!
Wasn't it nice, at least by comparison to today, when Democrats and Republicans could come together and make reasonable compromises on most issues. Though each party differed, ideologically, sometimes by gulfs that seemed light years apart, they both intended good for the American people. I submit that that is no longer true. Today we have a conflict between those who want to repeal the Constitution, considering it to be an old, obsolete document, and those who wish to preserve it as the rule of law in our Republic!!! But,there was no compromise on the Tax Reform bill... Not a single Democrat voted for it, on three opportunities; one Senate vote, and two House votes (the second time, after corrections were made by the Senate) not one Democrat could muster the courage to vote against their party bosses' silly ideology! I suppose the word was out that if any Democrats broke ranks to vote with the Republicans, they probably could not count on any financial help, in the next election, from the Democratic National Committee; which is the political "kiss of death", in trying to fund your own campaign, alone. There has been a knee-jerk consensus within the Democratic party, lately, that has to have some ulterior motive behind it. I find it hard to believe that there was not at least one Democrat who realized this Tax Reform package, was an instant re-election ticket! The closest thing to it was the Senator from West Virginia, who is reputed to have approached the Republicans, to say there were some Democrats who were willing to vote with them, if they would raise the Corporate Tax Rate to 25%, rather than 20%, or 21% (which they ended up with). But gutting the bill of such an important aspect of the plan was too much for a bargain, and the Republicans said "no thanks".
It's clear that the division between the parties is more than just ideology. Yes, there is a wide gulf between the ideologies of the Socialist Left, and the Free Market Conservatists, or even the Corporate Capitalists. But these people are in the business of negotiating compromises between the tenants of their ideological values, for the general welfare of the people. The Democrats act as though they lost more than the Presidential election, last year. It's more like they lost the opportunity of a life time, in their eyes! That is why I strongly suspect that they were trusting a Hillary Clinton Presidency to usher in their hoped-for voluntary repeal of the Constitution, and joining in the European plan for a One-World Socialist Government, which they appear to hold as the "great hope of the world". So, you see that it is more than a simple ideological difference that separates the parties. We have a real Constitutional crisis here, between those who wish to repeal our Constitution, and those who wish to save it!!!
I don't mean to suggest that every Democrat believes this way, but they all are probably being bullied by their bosses to vote as a monolithic block, or else fund their own reelection campaigns. I can't see any other reason for such belligerence across the board!
Their idea of a "One-World" government system being the great hope of the world, is not a bad idea, except for one aspect of it! How do you find someone who is trustworthy enough not to let the ultimate power go to their heads!!! We couldn't trust Napoleon, and certainly not Hitler, Stalin, or Mao Tse Tung! What makes them think they can find anyone better than those "bozos"! Biblical prophecy says that they will settle for a smooth-talking guy, who will flatter them all into supporting him, and they will end up settling upon Satan's Antichrist! All will seem to be well, for 3 and 1/2 years; then, for the last half of his seven-year reign, he will prove to be a blood-thirsty tyrant, especially for Christians! Finally, Jesus will return, to establish His Millennial Kingdom, and He will cast the Antichrist, and all those who voluntarily supported his system, into Hell!!!
So, you see why I feel this is such a critical time in history, and we must do all we can to resist these idiots who believe they are working to save the world, when they are actually working to destroy it, and themselves in the process, and they don't even realize it!!! If they succeed, they may take all of us along with them!!!
UPDATE: (12/29/2017)--
My suspicion of Democratic leaders in Congress bullying their fellows into voting as one monolithic block was just confirmed on FOX NEWS, by the Republican Majority Leader of the House! He confirmed that several Democrats had told him that they liked the Tax Reform bill, and wanted to vote for it, but they were being "whipped" by their leaders to vote against it! So much for bipartisanship in the Congress of the United States!!!
Thursday, December 21, 2017
The Conspiracy Continues...
I must admit, the conspiracy I feared from the Establishment Republicans, never materialized. They effectively pushed the Tax Reform bill through both Houses of Congress. I guess they decided that retaining control of Congress was more important, to them personally, than continuing to thwart President Trumps agenda. There was a brief glitch, however, provided by the Senate Democrats. It seems there were some parts of the bill that were in violation of Senate rules, and after they were removed, it changed the bill slightly from the one the House had originally passed, and required another vote from the House, which passed it again.
Why do I suspect that these rule violations were intentionally put in originally, while still in conference, in order to at least temporarily stall it's passage, in a desperate attempt to vote it down. There were a dozen Republican "nay" votes, that I don't think were there on the first vote. Was this a desperate attempt to force Congressmen, who were wavering, to change their mind, the second time around? If nothing else it succeeded in stalling the eventual passage.
Now we find another Democratic effort to stall the implementation of the bill, before it can be signed into law, by the President. I don't fully understand it, but FOX NEWS reported that the Democrats might intentionally refuse to cooperate on passing a short-term funding bill, to keep the Government open past midnight, tonight, thereby forcing President Trump to wait until January to sign the bill into law, meaning it won't take effect until 2019!!! The gamble here is that by stalling it until after the Mid-term elections, later in 2018, the Democrats apparently hope they can still present the Trump Administration as being incompetent, and win enough extra seats to regain control of Congress, when they will surely vote the repeal of the Tax Reform bill , before it can even be enacted! There appears to be no end to the evil devises of these Bast*rds!!! The endless negative propaganda, spouted from the lecterns on the floor of Congress, and endlessly repeated by the professional propagandists, of the Main Stream Media, is both scandalously immoral, and dangerously poisonous to our society! It's an absolute shame that the Democrats put their own political advantage ahead of the prospect of a tax reform package that will undoubtedly help restore America's preeminence in the international business world, while creating greater personal prosperity for society as a whole! It's another reason for me to believe their anti-Trump agenda is really a literal, and classic anti-American agenda, because they desperately believe that the "One-World" government system is the hope for the whole world, and America must become a shell of it's former greatness, to make us willing to repeal the Constitution, and voluntarily join the European "One-World" system. So. you see how Trump's, "Make America Great Again" campaign must absolutely "stick in their craw"!!!
At this point, I guess we must all resort to intense, fervent prayer to get us over the critical "hump". We must pray that God will cause the Democrats to agree to pass a stop-gap funding bill to keep the Government open, so President Trump can sign the Tax Reform bill into law, this year! God can create some reason, for their own purposes, to get them to agree!
UPDATE: 12/22/2017--
God must have heard our prayers, or there must have been millions of like-minded Christians praying the same thing, because Congress did pass an emergency funding bill, to keep the government open through the first of next year, giving the President time to sign the bill into law, so it will be enacted for 2018, with all it's benefits available for us to witness. before the Mid-term elections, next year!!!
E.T.News Muse--
I wonder... The Democrats have failed to win the Presidency...they failed to keep Trump from getting one of his biggest items of his agenda passed... Hmmmm! They lost the Presidency, they are losing the battle in Congress, I wonder if they will try next to find an unconstitutional aspect of the Tax Reform bill (excuse me, I mean Law, now) ? I wouldn't be surprised if they try to convince the Supreme Court that it is unconstitutional to let the people keep more of their hard-earned money, because the Democrats want to spend it all for themselves!!! Incredible gall, but, entirely predictable!!!
Why do I suspect that these rule violations were intentionally put in originally, while still in conference, in order to at least temporarily stall it's passage, in a desperate attempt to vote it down. There were a dozen Republican "nay" votes, that I don't think were there on the first vote. Was this a desperate attempt to force Congressmen, who were wavering, to change their mind, the second time around? If nothing else it succeeded in stalling the eventual passage.
Now we find another Democratic effort to stall the implementation of the bill, before it can be signed into law, by the President. I don't fully understand it, but FOX NEWS reported that the Democrats might intentionally refuse to cooperate on passing a short-term funding bill, to keep the Government open past midnight, tonight, thereby forcing President Trump to wait until January to sign the bill into law, meaning it won't take effect until 2019!!! The gamble here is that by stalling it until after the Mid-term elections, later in 2018, the Democrats apparently hope they can still present the Trump Administration as being incompetent, and win enough extra seats to regain control of Congress, when they will surely vote the repeal of the Tax Reform bill , before it can even be enacted! There appears to be no end to the evil devises of these Bast*rds!!! The endless negative propaganda, spouted from the lecterns on the floor of Congress, and endlessly repeated by the professional propagandists, of the Main Stream Media, is both scandalously immoral, and dangerously poisonous to our society! It's an absolute shame that the Democrats put their own political advantage ahead of the prospect of a tax reform package that will undoubtedly help restore America's preeminence in the international business world, while creating greater personal prosperity for society as a whole! It's another reason for me to believe their anti-Trump agenda is really a literal, and classic anti-American agenda, because they desperately believe that the "One-World" government system is the hope for the whole world, and America must become a shell of it's former greatness, to make us willing to repeal the Constitution, and voluntarily join the European "One-World" system. So. you see how Trump's, "Make America Great Again" campaign must absolutely "stick in their craw"!!!
At this point, I guess we must all resort to intense, fervent prayer to get us over the critical "hump". We must pray that God will cause the Democrats to agree to pass a stop-gap funding bill to keep the Government open, so President Trump can sign the Tax Reform bill into law, this year! God can create some reason, for their own purposes, to get them to agree!
UPDATE: 12/22/2017--
God must have heard our prayers, or there must have been millions of like-minded Christians praying the same thing, because Congress did pass an emergency funding bill, to keep the government open through the first of next year, giving the President time to sign the bill into law, so it will be enacted for 2018, with all it's benefits available for us to witness. before the Mid-term elections, next year!!!
E.T.News Muse--
I wonder... The Democrats have failed to win the Presidency...they failed to keep Trump from getting one of his biggest items of his agenda passed... Hmmmm! They lost the Presidency, they are losing the battle in Congress, I wonder if they will try next to find an unconstitutional aspect of the Tax Reform bill (excuse me, I mean Law, now) ? I wouldn't be surprised if they try to convince the Supreme Court that it is unconstitutional to let the people keep more of their hard-earned money, because the Democrats want to spend it all for themselves!!! Incredible gall, but, entirely predictable!!!
Wednesday, December 20, 2017
I Think I Smell An Establishment Rat...
I truly hope I'm wrong, but I have such a high distrust of the Establishment Republicans, especially within the Senate, that I can't help but be suspicious of yesterday's developments.
First, the House of Representatives passed the Tax Reform Act easily, and sent it on to the Senate, which in turn "passed" it ..., or did they??? After they corrected some unnamed "rules violations" that the Senate could not vote for, then they passed it, and sent it back to the House, to be voted on again! I thought they were supposed to fix these kinds of things in conference, before they voted on the "final" bill??? I can't imagine that they "accidentally" allowed it out of conference, with these kinds of errors in it, unless they intended to have an excuse to vote it down, without incurring the wrath of the voters in doing so! But, if they seemed to pass it, with corrections that they know the House will not approve, then they can blame the House for not passing it, and they might escape the wrath of their voters. Or, the House will make further corrections, that the Senate can not accept, and they will thusly send the bill back and forth, endlessly, until they tire of putting off their vacation, and simply table it until January! That way they can tell their voters that they "tried to pass it", but the other side of the Congress messed it up! Yeah, sure!!! [UPDATE: I'm pleased to admit that my suspicions were apparently groundless and the bill was finally passed, around 1:00 this afternoon!] I guess the instinct to get re-elected finally got through to them (except for the Democrats!)]
Like I said, for the sake of all of us, I truly hope I'm wrong , but this is the kind of dishonest manipulation that has been going on all year, and I fail to see a significant difference in Congress's behavior, yesterday. They work diligently to appear that they are standing for righteousness, enough to keep their jobs, when they are actually serving themselves at the public trough, sucking up the taxpayer's "slop", like the pigs they are!!! Would that we could clean house of all of them, and get some honest work done, that would benefit all of us, rather than just themselves, and their "special interests", who fill their re-election coffers with graft.
On November 15th., I posted my most erroneous statement yet, when I blamed Mitch McConnell for trying to attach the Affordable Care Act repeal on the tax reform bill in the Senate, with the apparent intent that it would ensure the Senate would reject it , as they rejected it twice before. Less than two hours later, after being corrected by watching the "700 Club", I discovered that they really only attached the "Individual Mandate" clause to it, and I immediately corrected my error, by attaching an update to my earlier Post. After discovering a large amount of "Pageviewers" had clicked my Post, I further updated it to say that I would promise to delete my entire Post, as soon as the entire Congress passed the Tax Reform bill, and sent it on to the President, to sign before the end of the year. (Done, today!!! 12/20/2017.) But, I vowed to remain skeptical of their sincerity, until it was finally passed, and sent to the President, in time to sign it this year!
I now have to confess my suspicion that they are "playing fast, and loose" with us all, by appearing willing to vote for passage of the Tax bill, this year, but bowing to "unforeseen circumstances" (which they may have created for themselves, intentionally) that may force the passage into 2018. That way the beneficial effects of it will not be felt until after the 2018 midterm elections, giving the Democrats a realistic opportunity to regain control of the Congress (because Trump's administration "can't get anything done"). I've said all along that I felt the Establishment Republicans were more at ease with the Democrats than the Trump administration, because they could manipulate them into lucrative perks, in exchange for their votes, and the Democrats would be blamed if they hurt their constituents, with whatever they voted for.
[The above sentiment remains unchanged. But, the concern does not, as the Republicans finally got something done, and passed the Tax Reform Act, today; in time for it to be signed into law this year, so it will take effect immediately, in 2018, with time for it's beneficial effects to take place before the Mid-term elections! (Good luck, Democrats! Let's see how your obstructionist strategy works when people get more money in their paychecks, and remember that you tried to stop it from happening!!!)
First, the House of Representatives passed the Tax Reform Act easily, and sent it on to the Senate, which in turn "passed" it ..., or did they??? After they corrected some unnamed "rules violations" that the Senate could not vote for, then they passed it, and sent it back to the House, to be voted on again! I thought they were supposed to fix these kinds of things in conference, before they voted on the "final" bill??? I can't imagine that they "accidentally" allowed it out of conference, with these kinds of errors in it, unless they intended to have an excuse to vote it down, without incurring the wrath of the voters in doing so! But, if they seemed to pass it, with corrections that they know the House will not approve, then they can blame the House for not passing it, and they might escape the wrath of their voters. Or, the House will make further corrections, that the Senate can not accept, and they will thusly send the bill back and forth, endlessly, until they tire of putting off their vacation, and simply table it until January! That way they can tell their voters that they "tried to pass it", but the other side of the Congress messed it up! Yeah, sure!!! [UPDATE: I'm pleased to admit that my suspicions were apparently groundless and the bill was finally passed, around 1:00 this afternoon!] I guess the instinct to get re-elected finally got through to them (except for the Democrats!)]
Like I said, for the sake of all of us, I truly hope I'm wrong , but this is the kind of dishonest manipulation that has been going on all year, and I fail to see a significant difference in Congress's behavior, yesterday. They work diligently to appear that they are standing for righteousness, enough to keep their jobs, when they are actually serving themselves at the public trough, sucking up the taxpayer's "slop", like the pigs they are!!! Would that we could clean house of all of them, and get some honest work done, that would benefit all of us, rather than just themselves, and their "special interests", who fill their re-election coffers with graft.
On November 15th., I posted my most erroneous statement yet, when I blamed Mitch McConnell for trying to attach the Affordable Care Act repeal on the tax reform bill in the Senate, with the apparent intent that it would ensure the Senate would reject it , as they rejected it twice before. Less than two hours later, after being corrected by watching the "700 Club", I discovered that they really only attached the "Individual Mandate" clause to it, and I immediately corrected my error, by attaching an update to my earlier Post. After discovering a large amount of "Pageviewers" had clicked my Post, I further updated it to say that I would promise to delete my entire Post, as soon as the entire Congress passed the Tax Reform bill, and sent it on to the President, to sign before the end of the year. (Done, today!!! 12/20/2017.) But, I vowed to remain skeptical of their sincerity, until it was finally passed, and sent to the President, in time to sign it this year!
I now have to confess my suspicion that they are "playing fast, and loose" with us all, by appearing willing to vote for passage of the Tax bill, this year, but bowing to "unforeseen circumstances" (which they may have created for themselves, intentionally) that may force the passage into 2018. That way the beneficial effects of it will not be felt until after the 2018 midterm elections, giving the Democrats a realistic opportunity to regain control of the Congress (because Trump's administration "can't get anything done"). I've said all along that I felt the Establishment Republicans were more at ease with the Democrats than the Trump administration, because they could manipulate them into lucrative perks, in exchange for their votes, and the Democrats would be blamed if they hurt their constituents, with whatever they voted for.
[The above sentiment remains unchanged. But, the concern does not, as the Republicans finally got something done, and passed the Tax Reform Act, today; in time for it to be signed into law this year, so it will take effect immediately, in 2018, with time for it's beneficial effects to take place before the Mid-term elections! (Good luck, Democrats! Let's see how your obstructionist strategy works when people get more money in their paychecks, and remember that you tried to stop it from happening!!!)
Monday, December 18, 2017
"There's Something Rotten In..." (America)!
To borrow a famous quote from Shakespeare's "Hamlet", when the wind blew westerly from Denmark, the English knew where the likely source was!
So, today the smell is pretty foul, and it emanates from the Obama Administration, and Hillary's State Department, especially!!! Now, it reeks from the Trump Department of Justice, and the F.B.I., and it will continue to worsen, until we can rid ourselves of the rottenness, which stems from the Obama holdovers, and any career employees that may sympathize with them!!! The "deep stators" who abound in the rest of the Federal bureaucracy can be expunged more slowly, as they expose themselves with their belligerent hostility to the Trump agenda. But the Department of Justice, and the F.B.I. must be cleansed of these evil people before they corrupt our entire system of justice!
I realize the difficulty in doing so, against the endemic protections of the federal Government Employees Contract, which are legally almost air-tight; but it must be done, even if Congress must be directed to pass special laws for this one issue, alone. Today, it was reported, on FOX NEWS, that this case may be the most important since "Watergate", in the early '70's! In my opinion, that grossly understates the importance, but it makes the point of the urgency of the issue! I feel that the eternal salvation of millions of Americans may be in the balance, perhaps not directly, but if the Democrats regain control of all three camera's of our government, they probably will push for the repeal of our Constitution, which must be voluntarily eliminated, in order for America to join in the prophecied "One-World" socialist government that Europe is trying to develop in the "Common Market"! Eventually this will be taken over by Satan's Antichrist, and after his brutal seven-year reign, Jesus will return to destroy him, and all those who have voluntarily cooperated with his system!!!
So, you see how I feel this is so much more important than the "Watergate" investigation; but it is not necessary to try and convince the investigators of the spiritual importance of this. It should be enough that they investigate it upon legal grounds alone, and I'm sure that God will open their eyes to the legal ramifications, once they put honest investigators in charge, rather than the bogus members of the Mueller Commission!
Of course, we can expect an increase to the outraged cries we hear already from the Democrats, in Congress, and their paid propagandists, in Hollywood, and the "Mainstream Media"! All pigs squeal when they enter the stock yards for butchering! It is not necessary to butcher these pigs, merely to destroy their system, and eliminate their control over our government; both openly and through the "deep state" bureaucracy!!!
Nancy Pelosi has been crying about "Armageddon" if the Tax Bill passes! She is right; but it will apply only to the Democrats, and not to the rest of us!!!
So, today the smell is pretty foul, and it emanates from the Obama Administration, and Hillary's State Department, especially!!! Now, it reeks from the Trump Department of Justice, and the F.B.I., and it will continue to worsen, until we can rid ourselves of the rottenness, which stems from the Obama holdovers, and any career employees that may sympathize with them!!! The "deep stators" who abound in the rest of the Federal bureaucracy can be expunged more slowly, as they expose themselves with their belligerent hostility to the Trump agenda. But the Department of Justice, and the F.B.I. must be cleansed of these evil people before they corrupt our entire system of justice!
I realize the difficulty in doing so, against the endemic protections of the federal Government Employees Contract, which are legally almost air-tight; but it must be done, even if Congress must be directed to pass special laws for this one issue, alone. Today, it was reported, on FOX NEWS, that this case may be the most important since "Watergate", in the early '70's! In my opinion, that grossly understates the importance, but it makes the point of the urgency of the issue! I feel that the eternal salvation of millions of Americans may be in the balance, perhaps not directly, but if the Democrats regain control of all three camera's of our government, they probably will push for the repeal of our Constitution, which must be voluntarily eliminated, in order for America to join in the prophecied "One-World" socialist government that Europe is trying to develop in the "Common Market"! Eventually this will be taken over by Satan's Antichrist, and after his brutal seven-year reign, Jesus will return to destroy him, and all those who have voluntarily cooperated with his system!!!
So, you see how I feel this is so much more important than the "Watergate" investigation; but it is not necessary to try and convince the investigators of the spiritual importance of this. It should be enough that they investigate it upon legal grounds alone, and I'm sure that God will open their eyes to the legal ramifications, once they put honest investigators in charge, rather than the bogus members of the Mueller Commission!
Of course, we can expect an increase to the outraged cries we hear already from the Democrats, in Congress, and their paid propagandists, in Hollywood, and the "Mainstream Media"! All pigs squeal when they enter the stock yards for butchering! It is not necessary to butcher these pigs, merely to destroy their system, and eliminate their control over our government; both openly and through the "deep state" bureaucracy!!!
Nancy Pelosi has been crying about "Armageddon" if the Tax Bill passes! She is right; but it will apply only to the Democrats, and not to the rest of us!!!
Friday, December 15, 2017
FOX NEWS Is Beginning To Recognize The Threat Of The "Gog.Magog" Invasion!!!
I don't mean to suggest that FOX NEWS reporters are reading the Bible to determine what Russia, Iran, and others of the prophecied invasion are planning, and how their actions are seeming to coordinate with the Biblical account of the prophecy, I think that only zealous, "religious fanatics", like myself are prepared to risk public humiliation by claiming the apparent soon fulfillment of a 2500 year-old prophecy. After all, they have professional reputations at stake for reporting the absolute truth, which I do not (and the main stream media apparently does not regard any more). In my case, I have no reputation at all, therefor I feel free to rest upon my belief that God is about to work a wonder that will astound the unbelieving world, and He will get the glory for it. I expect no glory for simply believing what I read, but it will be nice to realize that I will be exonerated when these things begin to come to pass. The fulfillment is up to God, and completely on His timetable.
Today, on FOX NEWS it was reported that a missile, that was clearly of a design that only Iran produces, landed in Saudi Arabian territory. The projection is that it came from Yemen, which is known to have Iranian "militia" fighting in the so-called "civil war" there. Iran's "militia" probably stems from their crack "Republican Guard" troops, wearing fatigues to "conceal" their actual identity ( as if anyone should doubt)! This is characteristic of the "Russian-supporting militia" (also dressed in non-identifiable fatigues), leading the so-called Ukrainian"'civil war", recently .
The importance of this is that it shows Iran's future intentions are lining up with what I have projected from the prophecy; that the ultimate goal of the invasion is the complete takeover, by Russia, and Iran of the Gulf State oil reserves of Saudi Arabia, and their neighbors. But, the prophecy makes clear that the invasion will not get that far, because they will stumble on, "the mountains of Israel", which will probably be because Israel will be viewed as the only neighbor that can offer a real threat to the invasion forces. The prophecy projects that Israel will not only be a threat to the invasion, but that God will help them to destroy the invasion forces (to the tune of 83, and 1/3rd %)!!! (It's all there in the Bible, in Ezekiel 38, and 39, for anyone to read!)
The problem for Russia, Iran, and others of the invasion force is to actually believe that a prophecy, given 2500 years ago could actually come true, today! But, "...a thousand years is but a day, to the Lord!" And believing starts with believing that God actually exists, and that His plans can not be thwarted by man's vanity ( two concepts that the Russians just can't quite swallow)!
Today, on FOX NEWS it was reported that a missile, that was clearly of a design that only Iran produces, landed in Saudi Arabian territory. The projection is that it came from Yemen, which is known to have Iranian "militia" fighting in the so-called "civil war" there. Iran's "militia" probably stems from their crack "Republican Guard" troops, wearing fatigues to "conceal" their actual identity ( as if anyone should doubt)! This is characteristic of the "Russian-supporting militia" (also dressed in non-identifiable fatigues), leading the so-called Ukrainian"'civil war", recently .
The importance of this is that it shows Iran's future intentions are lining up with what I have projected from the prophecy; that the ultimate goal of the invasion is the complete takeover, by Russia, and Iran of the Gulf State oil reserves of Saudi Arabia, and their neighbors. But, the prophecy makes clear that the invasion will not get that far, because they will stumble on, "the mountains of Israel", which will probably be because Israel will be viewed as the only neighbor that can offer a real threat to the invasion forces. The prophecy projects that Israel will not only be a threat to the invasion, but that God will help them to destroy the invasion forces (to the tune of 83, and 1/3rd %)!!! (It's all there in the Bible, in Ezekiel 38, and 39, for anyone to read!)
The problem for Russia, Iran, and others of the invasion force is to actually believe that a prophecy, given 2500 years ago could actually come true, today! But, "...a thousand years is but a day, to the Lord!" And believing starts with believing that God actually exists, and that His plans can not be thwarted by man's vanity ( two concepts that the Russians just can't quite swallow)!
Thursday, December 14, 2017
It's TimeTo Stop Giving Dempcrats A Free Pass!!!
This is not a game of "Monopoly"; no "do not pass go" cards, and no, "get out of jail " cards!!! It's time to put a stop to the "blind eye of Justice" being applied to everyone, except the International Socialists of the Democratic Party!
The Democrats have apparently, and demonstrably, been packing the federal bureaucracy with their International Socialist believers, for decades, until we mow have what is referred to as, "the deep state", within the federal government. This is very annoying, but not difficult to overcome in most of the bureaucracy. But, it is crucial that it be quickly and permanently expunged from Department of Justice, and especially from the F.B.I.!!! There is too much irrefutable evidence of "deep state" collusion, especially within the "Special Council's" investigation into the Trump campaign's possible collusion with Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, and the true collusion stems from the appointing of Socialist "good-old-boys" to investigate the Trump campaign, not on behalf of the American people, but on behalf of the Clinton campaign!!! Also, the obvious illegal activity of the Clintons, during the Obama administration, has been given a blatant free pass for far too long! Where is the "Equal Justice" investigation here???
The D.O.J., and the F.B.I. have traditionally been run on the principle that the law should be fairly applied to every American citizen, and department employees must not render partiality in their judgement within their official duties. (The "deep staters" are more concerned about applying Constitutional protections for non-Americans, who illegally immigrate into our country, than they are about protecting us from their own illegal activities against the rest of us!) When the principle of impartiality is violated, and intentionally so, it is grounds for termination of employment, at the very least; not merely transferring the perpetrator off the case, to another case, which recently happened in the "Special Council's" investigation. If investigators, and prosecutors can not fairly apply the principles of the law to everyone, they must be terminated: regardless of any Government Services Employee contract! These contracts apply to protecting employees, except in cases of blatant lawlessness, which should apply in obstruction of justice, in the investigation process, as well as the prosecution!
The "deep state" Socialists seem to believe that they are above the law, because they appear to consider the Constitution to be an obsolete document that is soon to be repealed, as soon as they take back control of all branches of the government, along with their demonstrable control of the "propaganda" media, and the public school system (which I have previously written at length about). They probably feel that any imprisonment for the violation of our Constitutional laws will be reversed as soon as the Constitution is repealed, and America voluntarily joins the "One-World" socialist government, that Europe is trying to establish.
We no longer have a democratic, two party system of government, in America, today! We have those who want to keep our form of Constitutional government, and those who don't! It is my opinion that those who hold the views of the latter group are unfit for service in any part of the government, whether they are within the Democratic party, or part of the establishment Republicans, in Congress, and those already within the government must be expelled, even at the expense of being criticized for starting another anti-communist witch hunt, like the one in the 1950's!!!
Even our President must take an oath of office which binds him to, "preserve , protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States,,,So help (him) God!
Guess what oath the "Deep Staters" would prefer??? Something quite the opposite, I suspect!!!
The Democrats have apparently, and demonstrably, been packing the federal bureaucracy with their International Socialist believers, for decades, until we mow have what is referred to as, "the deep state", within the federal government. This is very annoying, but not difficult to overcome in most of the bureaucracy. But, it is crucial that it be quickly and permanently expunged from Department of Justice, and especially from the F.B.I.!!! There is too much irrefutable evidence of "deep state" collusion, especially within the "Special Council's" investigation into the Trump campaign's possible collusion with Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, and the true collusion stems from the appointing of Socialist "good-old-boys" to investigate the Trump campaign, not on behalf of the American people, but on behalf of the Clinton campaign!!! Also, the obvious illegal activity of the Clintons, during the Obama administration, has been given a blatant free pass for far too long! Where is the "Equal Justice" investigation here???
The D.O.J., and the F.B.I. have traditionally been run on the principle that the law should be fairly applied to every American citizen, and department employees must not render partiality in their judgement within their official duties. (The "deep staters" are more concerned about applying Constitutional protections for non-Americans, who illegally immigrate into our country, than they are about protecting us from their own illegal activities against the rest of us!) When the principle of impartiality is violated, and intentionally so, it is grounds for termination of employment, at the very least; not merely transferring the perpetrator off the case, to another case, which recently happened in the "Special Council's" investigation. If investigators, and prosecutors can not fairly apply the principles of the law to everyone, they must be terminated: regardless of any Government Services Employee contract! These contracts apply to protecting employees, except in cases of blatant lawlessness, which should apply in obstruction of justice, in the investigation process, as well as the prosecution!
The "deep state" Socialists seem to believe that they are above the law, because they appear to consider the Constitution to be an obsolete document that is soon to be repealed, as soon as they take back control of all branches of the government, along with their demonstrable control of the "propaganda" media, and the public school system (which I have previously written at length about). They probably feel that any imprisonment for the violation of our Constitutional laws will be reversed as soon as the Constitution is repealed, and America voluntarily joins the "One-World" socialist government, that Europe is trying to establish.
We no longer have a democratic, two party system of government, in America, today! We have those who want to keep our form of Constitutional government, and those who don't! It is my opinion that those who hold the views of the latter group are unfit for service in any part of the government, whether they are within the Democratic party, or part of the establishment Republicans, in Congress, and those already within the government must be expelled, even at the expense of being criticized for starting another anti-communist witch hunt, like the one in the 1950's!!!
Even our President must take an oath of office which binds him to, "preserve , protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States,,,So help (him) God!
Guess what oath the "Deep Staters" would prefer??? Something quite the opposite, I suspect!!!
Monday, December 11, 2017
The Truth About "Fake News"
It's time we call it like it is! "Fake News" implies the intent to deceive which is bad enough in it's own right, but the reality, in my opinion, is much worse! It is the intent to deceive the American people, in order to promote their preferred Leftist "One -World" International Socialist movement, which is dependent upon the collective, voluntary repeal of the Constitution, in order to dupe us into accepting the socialist government, that will eventually become the platform from which the dictatorship of Satan's Antichrist will establish his seven-year reign of terror, that will immediately precede the return of Jesus to establish His "Millennial Kingdom". This is "Propaganda", taken to it's most extreme form, and to simply call it "Fake News" is too kind, and polite, for their evil intent! I don't mean to accuse every reporter who goes along with the trend, directed by their superiors, but somewhere along the media chain of command, decisions are made to do exactly that, though they probably don't realize that their promotion of the "One-World" government will have evil consequences, at first for Christians, and finally for those who support the system, and eternally there after!!!
The collective "brain washing" of our society started at least as far back as the Viet Nam war, when the Main Stream Media discovered that the rapid reporting of the casualties on the American side was causing the attitude of the viewers to shift dramatically from anti-communist, to anti-war! This culminated in the voters demanding that the government get out of the war, which after the election of President Nixon (in which he campaigned on an anti-war platform, and then reneged upon his platform), swayed Congress to defund the war effort, forcing our troops to make an apparently, cowardly retreat, from the battlefield, where they were arguably winning!
The Media was further emboldened when their propaganda forced the impeachment of Nixon (deserved, or not) and his resignation. The propaganda was not so blatant, then, because their view against Nixon was shared by many, if not a majority of their viewers. But, I doubt that many Americans would approve of their intent (at least, as I believe) to persuade us to repeal the Constitution, and join the "One-World" system, even not believing in the Biblical prophecies concerning it's evil devolution.
Yet, that is where we stand, I believe, and the acceptance of the media propaganda will not only have disastrous consequences for our Constitution, but individually, for those who voluntarily accept this plan of action. The Bible clearly prophecies that all those who voluntarily cooperate with the "One-World" system will be eternally damned to Hell, when Jesus returns!!! We all have a clear choice to make, with eternal consequences that the media will not bother to mention!!!
The collective "brain washing" of our society started at least as far back as the Viet Nam war, when the Main Stream Media discovered that the rapid reporting of the casualties on the American side was causing the attitude of the viewers to shift dramatically from anti-communist, to anti-war! This culminated in the voters demanding that the government get out of the war, which after the election of President Nixon (in which he campaigned on an anti-war platform, and then reneged upon his platform), swayed Congress to defund the war effort, forcing our troops to make an apparently, cowardly retreat, from the battlefield, where they were arguably winning!
The Media was further emboldened when their propaganda forced the impeachment of Nixon (deserved, or not) and his resignation. The propaganda was not so blatant, then, because their view against Nixon was shared by many, if not a majority of their viewers. But, I doubt that many Americans would approve of their intent (at least, as I believe) to persuade us to repeal the Constitution, and join the "One-World" system, even not believing in the Biblical prophecies concerning it's evil devolution.
Yet, that is where we stand, I believe, and the acceptance of the media propaganda will not only have disastrous consequences for our Constitution, but individually, for those who voluntarily accept this plan of action. The Bible clearly prophecies that all those who voluntarily cooperate with the "One-World" system will be eternally damned to Hell, when Jesus returns!!! We all have a clear choice to make, with eternal consequences that the media will not bother to mention!!!
Sunday, December 10, 2017
A Bit Of Caution Concerning "Bitcoin"!
No, I'm not going to make an absurd connection between "Bitcoins", and the prophecied "Mark of the Beast", which is tantamount to a guaranteed long vacation in a very warm climate, which is referred to as Hell!!! At least not directly!!!
But, there is perhaps reason to be concerned that it may be the forerunner of the other! As I understand it; first, there is no material value to Bitcoin. It's value is entirely intrinsic, based upon the willingness of others to accept it as a currency of value (just like that other currency, which is based upon intrinsic value, with absolutely no material value backing it up; I think it is called the "Dollar"; you may have heard of it!).
But the rise in popularity of the Bitcoin is obviously tied to the risk of collapse of the Dollar, and other international currencies, many of which are tied to the "value" of the dollar. and as such are just as vulnerable to collapse as the dollar is. This vulnerability has caused many rich people to invest heavily in precious metals (Gold, Silver, Platinum, etc.), but the problem there is two fold; First, you must store it somewhere that you can access it easily, in times of crisis, and, second, you must be able to protect it from theft, which generally means a safe in your home, which may require the hiring and payment of armed security guards, to safeguard it 24/7 !!! This is not necessary with Bitcoin, as it is not material itself, yet it is even more vulnerable to theft, by hackers, who can pillage your holdings from thousands of miles away, and be almost undetectable!!! As it was explained to me, today, banks are responsible for safeguarding your money, but with Bitcoins, you are totally responsible for safeguarding your own holdings which means, keeping the hackers from getting access to your computer account. And we all know how difficult millions of people are presently finding it is to do that for their E-mail accounts! These same hackers will be even more determined to access your financial accounts!!!
This threat to your Bitcoin accounts will obviously be met with more, and more ingenious methods of securing your account from hackers, but perhaps the same people who devise these methods will be tempted to provide "backdoor entrances" bypassing these methods, so that they are the only ones who know how to get around their blockings, and you could be robbed blind by these very security people!
Now here is the "rub": Perhaps the final security method, and the most effective, will be the implanting of a computer chip, the size of a grain of rice, under the skin of the account holder's hand, exactly what is being done, today, by pet owners, who are implanting their identity and addresses in computer chips under the skin of their pets, in case they run away, and get lost. Is this the animal equivalent of the "Mark of the Beast", which the Bible prophecies will send the holder to Hell??? At least it is possible that the same technology will be used for it. I'm not suggesting your pets will be sent to Hell, for having these implants! But, we are all assumed to have a bit more awareness of what we are doing then our pets are (though this may be more doubtful for some, rather than others). Therefore we will bare the full responsibility for our actions, and the consequences! I don't know if this qualifies as the "Unforgivable sin" that Jesus warned about. But, He didn't say there were two unforgiveable sins. yet the eternal curse applies in both circumstances, tending to suggest they are one, and the same!
Obviously, I am reasoning about very unclear prophecies, with the caveat that I may be wrong in my assumptions. Yet, I think my reasoning is very sound, and I leave it up to the reader to decide if they agree, or not!
But, there is perhaps reason to be concerned that it may be the forerunner of the other! As I understand it; first, there is no material value to Bitcoin. It's value is entirely intrinsic, based upon the willingness of others to accept it as a currency of value (just like that other currency, which is based upon intrinsic value, with absolutely no material value backing it up; I think it is called the "Dollar"; you may have heard of it!).
But the rise in popularity of the Bitcoin is obviously tied to the risk of collapse of the Dollar, and other international currencies, many of which are tied to the "value" of the dollar. and as such are just as vulnerable to collapse as the dollar is. This vulnerability has caused many rich people to invest heavily in precious metals (Gold, Silver, Platinum, etc.), but the problem there is two fold; First, you must store it somewhere that you can access it easily, in times of crisis, and, second, you must be able to protect it from theft, which generally means a safe in your home, which may require the hiring and payment of armed security guards, to safeguard it 24/7 !!! This is not necessary with Bitcoin, as it is not material itself, yet it is even more vulnerable to theft, by hackers, who can pillage your holdings from thousands of miles away, and be almost undetectable!!! As it was explained to me, today, banks are responsible for safeguarding your money, but with Bitcoins, you are totally responsible for safeguarding your own holdings which means, keeping the hackers from getting access to your computer account. And we all know how difficult millions of people are presently finding it is to do that for their E-mail accounts! These same hackers will be even more determined to access your financial accounts!!!
This threat to your Bitcoin accounts will obviously be met with more, and more ingenious methods of securing your account from hackers, but perhaps the same people who devise these methods will be tempted to provide "backdoor entrances" bypassing these methods, so that they are the only ones who know how to get around their blockings, and you could be robbed blind by these very security people!
Now here is the "rub": Perhaps the final security method, and the most effective, will be the implanting of a computer chip, the size of a grain of rice, under the skin of the account holder's hand, exactly what is being done, today, by pet owners, who are implanting their identity and addresses in computer chips under the skin of their pets, in case they run away, and get lost. Is this the animal equivalent of the "Mark of the Beast", which the Bible prophecies will send the holder to Hell??? At least it is possible that the same technology will be used for it. I'm not suggesting your pets will be sent to Hell, for having these implants! But, we are all assumed to have a bit more awareness of what we are doing then our pets are (though this may be more doubtful for some, rather than others). Therefore we will bare the full responsibility for our actions, and the consequences! I don't know if this qualifies as the "Unforgivable sin" that Jesus warned about. But, He didn't say there were two unforgiveable sins. yet the eternal curse applies in both circumstances, tending to suggest they are one, and the same!
Obviously, I am reasoning about very unclear prophecies, with the caveat that I may be wrong in my assumptions. Yet, I think my reasoning is very sound, and I leave it up to the reader to decide if they agree, or not!
Saturday, December 9, 2017
Does Boycotting Contribute To Heaiing, Or Division???
In the 1950's ,and 1960's, black boycotting of things, and people, that were considered racist was both courageous, and effective in calling attention to a problem that was endemic in American culture, and needed to be collectively repented of, by all of us. There comes a point where good acts of the past become counter-productive in the present. Is the main goal of the civil rights movement to endlessly encourage divisiveness, or to encourage racial healing, which will someday make boycotting unnecessary??? I sometimes wonder at the real motivations of the boycotters!
Take Congressman Lewis' intention to boycott the planned opening of the Civil Rights Museum, because President Trump is scheduled to appear there. How shallow is that!!! I think we have all long since recognized that unintended discrimination has been a part of America's struggle with the concept of, "...all men are created equal." But, how about the reverse issue of using the pretentious appearance of legitimate offense to enhance a politicians re-electability? I submit that Congressman Lewis' objection has nothing to do with any act of racial discrimination on the part of President Trump, but like so many Democratic demagogues, blustering in Congress today, he can't think of anything important to talk about for his constituents, so he merely falls back on the two main issues that have become political staples for the Democrats in the past: Racism, and sexism!!! And, since sexism has been muted for the time being, by the rash of sexual harassment charges, primarily from the Democrats (and the scandalous report of the blatant use of taxpayers' money to pay off the settlements needed to keep the victims silent), I guess racism is the only other issue this intellectual dwarf can think of to bluster about!!! When will the civil rights movement begin to stress racial healing over protest, since we are all very well aware of the problem???
I submit also that his complaint has nothing to do with racism, but that the Democrats lost the election in 2016, and the control of Congress before that, and they are scrambling desperately for issues that will motivate voters to empower them in the 2018, and 2020 elections. I can't see this effort to promote the Trump administration as being racist, to be effective in that regard, and it may even be counter productive, and get a lot of them un-elected, instead! At some point, Americans will tire of the Democrats complaining about how wrong we are, and support those politicians who are trying to make things better!!! The new attitude may be, "get on board, or get out of the way!" The Democrats may need some help in getting out of the way!
Take Congressman Lewis' intention to boycott the planned opening of the Civil Rights Museum, because President Trump is scheduled to appear there. How shallow is that!!! I think we have all long since recognized that unintended discrimination has been a part of America's struggle with the concept of, "...all men are created equal." But, how about the reverse issue of using the pretentious appearance of legitimate offense to enhance a politicians re-electability? I submit that Congressman Lewis' objection has nothing to do with any act of racial discrimination on the part of President Trump, but like so many Democratic demagogues, blustering in Congress today, he can't think of anything important to talk about for his constituents, so he merely falls back on the two main issues that have become political staples for the Democrats in the past: Racism, and sexism!!! And, since sexism has been muted for the time being, by the rash of sexual harassment charges, primarily from the Democrats (and the scandalous report of the blatant use of taxpayers' money to pay off the settlements needed to keep the victims silent), I guess racism is the only other issue this intellectual dwarf can think of to bluster about!!! When will the civil rights movement begin to stress racial healing over protest, since we are all very well aware of the problem???
I submit also that his complaint has nothing to do with racism, but that the Democrats lost the election in 2016, and the control of Congress before that, and they are scrambling desperately for issues that will motivate voters to empower them in the 2018, and 2020 elections. I can't see this effort to promote the Trump administration as being racist, to be effective in that regard, and it may even be counter productive, and get a lot of them un-elected, instead! At some point, Americans will tire of the Democrats complaining about how wrong we are, and support those politicians who are trying to make things better!!! The new attitude may be, "get on board, or get out of the way!" The Democrats may need some help in getting out of the way!
Thursday, December 7, 2017
The First Amendment Continues To Die A Slow Death...
... Thanks to the prevalence of believers in "Political Correctness", especially on American college campuses. News reports today signal the latest attempt to squelch primarily conservative speakers from addressing students on college campuses. Now some colleges are charging conservative speakers a "security fee" before they are allowed to speak on their campuses, sometimes as high as $10,000.00! While this appears ostensibly to be an attempt to pay for security costs and potential damages for rioting "students" ( many of whom are not even registered at the college, but are paid, professional protesters arranged by rich Leftist power brokers, like George Soros), it is more likely intended to impede the conservative speakers from wanting to speak on their campus, at all. This is obviated by the fact that rioters who are arrested at one campus riot are generally kept in jail overnight, and then released, with their charges dropped, in time to go to the next college campus, for the next scheduled, "spontaneous" protest, which they will riot at! This kind of theatrical protest is covered by the mainstream media, and given the reported appearance as being honest protest by outraged students, who are genuinely angered by conservative speakers on their campus. These mainstream reporters could easily uncover the bogus roles of the supposed "students", but don't bother. The theatrics give them good stories, and one supposes they approve of the perspective of the pretend "students".
How long are we going to put up with these attempts to deceitfully represent the Constitutionally protected free speech of conservative speakers to be so egregious as to provoke such "spontaneous student rioting"??? All that is necessary to stop it is for the local authorities to prosecute these professional rioters for their actual crimes, many of which are clearly exposed by security cameras, and even the mainstream reporters, themselves. If they are held in jail until their trials, they will be less available for the next "spontaneous" riot. Or George Soros will get tired of paying their bail, which will probably be forfeited when these "students" fail to show up for their trials; and if they do go to trial, will their convictions add up to a prohibitive accumulative debt of fines, until even Soros will tire of paying them? But, this continues to be treated as the very "Constitutionally protected" behavior that the first amendment protects, which it is not!
This kind of upside-down logic prevails on college campuses, because too many children are attending colleges, with no real desire to get an education, funded by the easy government subsidized loans, that will eventually enslave them for years to repay! This practice amounts to defacto welfare for college professors, many of whom could not be employed on their academic merits, but because they create the Leftist unrest that the media feeds upon, and the colleges have too much money to spend on acts that have nothing to do with education, but merely promote their Leftist politics, it persists.
This trend must be stopped, beginning with the easy government backing of student loans. Let students demonstrate real academic prowess in order to acquire Bank loans that have a realistic hope of repayment, on their own. Then these loans will tend to go to students who are truly motivated to get an education, and will in turn use the loans to go to schools that hire qualified professors, who are motivated to actually teach their students, rather than promoting their Leftist agendas. The other colleges, which specialize in offering courses, like "Advanced Underwater Basket Weaving", with extra curricular activities like Leftist campus rioting, will eventually repent of their bogus "educational" offerings, or they will shortly go bankrupt, without all the poorly motivated students, who got easy, government guaranteed loans.
It's past time for this nation's government to stop funding bogus "opportunities" for poorly motivated students to attend worthless colleges, which hire instructors to teach Leftist dogma, and popular courses which have no professional prospects for their students! Let the students demonstrate their academic prowess, or let them get a job in a factory, or fast food restaurant, until they save enough money for a real college education! This will motivate them to really pursue an excellent education, and it will motivate colleges to concentrate their efforts on offering quality educations, and they will have less time, and excess money to fritter away on political causes, bogus, or otherwise!!!
Then people like George Soros will have to spend their money on trying to overthrow the governments of Latin American "Banana Republics". and leave us alone!!!
How long are we going to put up with these attempts to deceitfully represent the Constitutionally protected free speech of conservative speakers to be so egregious as to provoke such "spontaneous student rioting"??? All that is necessary to stop it is for the local authorities to prosecute these professional rioters for their actual crimes, many of which are clearly exposed by security cameras, and even the mainstream reporters, themselves. If they are held in jail until their trials, they will be less available for the next "spontaneous" riot. Or George Soros will get tired of paying their bail, which will probably be forfeited when these "students" fail to show up for their trials; and if they do go to trial, will their convictions add up to a prohibitive accumulative debt of fines, until even Soros will tire of paying them? But, this continues to be treated as the very "Constitutionally protected" behavior that the first amendment protects, which it is not!
This kind of upside-down logic prevails on college campuses, because too many children are attending colleges, with no real desire to get an education, funded by the easy government subsidized loans, that will eventually enslave them for years to repay! This practice amounts to defacto welfare for college professors, many of whom could not be employed on their academic merits, but because they create the Leftist unrest that the media feeds upon, and the colleges have too much money to spend on acts that have nothing to do with education, but merely promote their Leftist politics, it persists.
This trend must be stopped, beginning with the easy government backing of student loans. Let students demonstrate real academic prowess in order to acquire Bank loans that have a realistic hope of repayment, on their own. Then these loans will tend to go to students who are truly motivated to get an education, and will in turn use the loans to go to schools that hire qualified professors, who are motivated to actually teach their students, rather than promoting their Leftist agendas. The other colleges, which specialize in offering courses, like "Advanced Underwater Basket Weaving", with extra curricular activities like Leftist campus rioting, will eventually repent of their bogus "educational" offerings, or they will shortly go bankrupt, without all the poorly motivated students, who got easy, government guaranteed loans.
It's past time for this nation's government to stop funding bogus "opportunities" for poorly motivated students to attend worthless colleges, which hire instructors to teach Leftist dogma, and popular courses which have no professional prospects for their students! Let the students demonstrate their academic prowess, or let them get a job in a factory, or fast food restaurant, until they save enough money for a real college education! This will motivate them to really pursue an excellent education, and it will motivate colleges to concentrate their efforts on offering quality educations, and they will have less time, and excess money to fritter away on political causes, bogus, or otherwise!!!
Then people like George Soros will have to spend their money on trying to overthrow the governments of Latin American "Banana Republics". and leave us alone!!!
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Institutionalized Brainwashing Of America's Children!!!
I'm sure my friends think I am a paranoid Conspiracy Theorist! But, in my defense, I have to ask if it is mere paranoia, if there really is a full blown conspiracy???
I wrote previously that all sincerely devout, born-again Christians should consider it an act of parental love to withdraw their children out of the Public School system, we have here in America today. I am convinced that it has devolved into a Leftist organization of the classic Marxist primer, that by educating the society's children to believe solely in an ideology, without contradicting values, they will remain true to the indoctrination afterwards.
Today, FOX NEWS reported that a recent poll of "Millennials" (children born in this century, and approaching voting age) prefer socialism to capitalism. Also, an experiment to see the reaction of students to American-flag-waving on the campus (of, I believe it was Berkeley?), drew mostly curses of America, beginning with the "F-word"! Contrarily, the waving of a mock of the I.S.I.S. terrorist battle flag brought praise, and encouragement from passing students!!! The conclusion was that we must do a better job of promoting capitalism in the media. I submit that it will have little effect on most of these young adults, as they have been effectively brainwashed through twelve years of Public School, and many through an additional four years of intensified Leftist dogma, incorporated naturally into apparently unrelated classes, at "Liberal" Universities, which they automatically sought out to attend, because of their ingrained Leftist bias, learned in public schools. (I, myself was victimized by this kind of education; once I became a Born-Again Christian, it took years of re-education, mostly by watching the "700 Club", on television, and comparing that to the Bible, to come to my senses!)
While the immediate culprit here is the local Public School system, I submit that the ultimate responsibility lies in Washington, D.C., with the Department of Education!!! It issues the directives that must be implemented by the local school systems, in order to receive their federal funding, and I suspect that their Department has been largely taken over by Liberal Socialists (the "Deep State" that we hear so much about), that truly believe our children must be educated (read that," brainwashed") into "good little socialists", for their own "good"! I expect that their teachers are mostly overgrown "Hippies", from my generation, who have learned that they can earn a decent salary, once they cut their hair, and put on some clean clothes!!! I suspect they are hired by administrators who are more interested in their Leftist values, than in their competence to teach whatever subject they are hired to teach; because the Administrators were probably hired themselves for their Leftist values, also.
The importance of reversing this trend is more than a matter of political preference! The Bible states clearly that voluntary participation in the soon-coming One-World Socialist government will be eternally judged as worthy of eternal damnation!!! I'm mot sure how this relates to Jesus' warning about the Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, but I expect there is some connection somehow! And our Public School teachers are conditioning our children to welcome it, readily!!! Are we ready to give our children over to Satan??? I think that's basically what we are doing, by keeping them in Public Schools! I'm sure some may feel that I'm being a bit hysterical, by saying this, but are they ready to risk their children's eternal salvation to prove their point???
So, what can be done to take back our Public School system? Two points, in particular! One, defund the Department of Education; and two, send the money back to the various states, in the form of block grants. with no federal regulatory strings attached! The states will then form their own Departments of Education, which will be more politically dependent upon teaching our children real educational values, instead of Leftist dogma! If those former leftist teachers, and administrators manage to take over the state school system, the parents will be more able to get them fired, or, if not the federal authorities can simply stop sending them their block grants! Then we will eventually take back control over what our children are being taught, except in the "Communist countries" of New York, and California!!! (I am at a loss as to how to save those people from themselves! Perhaps we should leave them up to God, who is in charge of all miracles!!!)
Or perhaps the earthquake along the San Andreas Fault, that has long been expected to dump California into the Pacific, will make some of this unnecessary!!!
I wrote previously that all sincerely devout, born-again Christians should consider it an act of parental love to withdraw their children out of the Public School system, we have here in America today. I am convinced that it has devolved into a Leftist organization of the classic Marxist primer, that by educating the society's children to believe solely in an ideology, without contradicting values, they will remain true to the indoctrination afterwards.
Today, FOX NEWS reported that a recent poll of "Millennials" (children born in this century, and approaching voting age) prefer socialism to capitalism. Also, an experiment to see the reaction of students to American-flag-waving on the campus (of, I believe it was Berkeley?), drew mostly curses of America, beginning with the "F-word"! Contrarily, the waving of a mock of the I.S.I.S. terrorist battle flag brought praise, and encouragement from passing students!!! The conclusion was that we must do a better job of promoting capitalism in the media. I submit that it will have little effect on most of these young adults, as they have been effectively brainwashed through twelve years of Public School, and many through an additional four years of intensified Leftist dogma, incorporated naturally into apparently unrelated classes, at "Liberal" Universities, which they automatically sought out to attend, because of their ingrained Leftist bias, learned in public schools. (I, myself was victimized by this kind of education; once I became a Born-Again Christian, it took years of re-education, mostly by watching the "700 Club", on television, and comparing that to the Bible, to come to my senses!)
While the immediate culprit here is the local Public School system, I submit that the ultimate responsibility lies in Washington, D.C., with the Department of Education!!! It issues the directives that must be implemented by the local school systems, in order to receive their federal funding, and I suspect that their Department has been largely taken over by Liberal Socialists (the "Deep State" that we hear so much about), that truly believe our children must be educated (read that," brainwashed") into "good little socialists", for their own "good"! I expect that their teachers are mostly overgrown "Hippies", from my generation, who have learned that they can earn a decent salary, once they cut their hair, and put on some clean clothes!!! I suspect they are hired by administrators who are more interested in their Leftist values, than in their competence to teach whatever subject they are hired to teach; because the Administrators were probably hired themselves for their Leftist values, also.
The importance of reversing this trend is more than a matter of political preference! The Bible states clearly that voluntary participation in the soon-coming One-World Socialist government will be eternally judged as worthy of eternal damnation!!! I'm mot sure how this relates to Jesus' warning about the Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, but I expect there is some connection somehow! And our Public School teachers are conditioning our children to welcome it, readily!!! Are we ready to give our children over to Satan??? I think that's basically what we are doing, by keeping them in Public Schools! I'm sure some may feel that I'm being a bit hysterical, by saying this, but are they ready to risk their children's eternal salvation to prove their point???
So, what can be done to take back our Public School system? Two points, in particular! One, defund the Department of Education; and two, send the money back to the various states, in the form of block grants. with no federal regulatory strings attached! The states will then form their own Departments of Education, which will be more politically dependent upon teaching our children real educational values, instead of Leftist dogma! If those former leftist teachers, and administrators manage to take over the state school system, the parents will be more able to get them fired, or, if not the federal authorities can simply stop sending them their block grants! Then we will eventually take back control over what our children are being taught, except in the "Communist countries" of New York, and California!!! (I am at a loss as to how to save those people from themselves! Perhaps we should leave them up to God, who is in charge of all miracles!!!)
Or perhaps the earthquake along the San Andreas Fault, that has long been expected to dump California into the Pacific, will make some of this unnecessary!!!
Monday, December 4, 2017
My Suspicions Are Confirmed!
Last Friday (Dec. 1st.) I wrote of my suspicion that some person, or more likely some arrogant international organization of self-appointed social engineers, must be telling those who believe in the concept of a One-World (secular) government that they must cooperate with their so-called "mass immigration" policies, because a One-World government was the wave of the future, and the last best hope for world peace! They are right on both counts, but wrong on who will control it! The first one will be an absolute failure because it will be controlled by the devil's Antichrist! Then after seven years of chaos, Jesus is prophecied to come back, to destroy all those who voluntarily cooperated with this system, and set up His Millennial Kingdom of Heaven on Earth!
The obvious intentions of the socialist movement seems to be that by merely forcing the citizens of the wealthier nations to share their living space with the immigrants of poorer nations, the immigrants would learn to adjust to the peaceful civility of their neighbors, thereby creating a more just, and peaceful world.
Another well-intended concept of the International Socialists goes awry, because these people usually consider only the conditions that conveniently lead to their pre-supposed conclusions, and fail to consider the inconvenient truths that complicate their goals, In considering that the belligerence of the poorer immigrants was because they lacked well-paying jobs, and not the murderous ideology of the primarily Muslim-believing immigrants, who come from some of the poorest nations, we have idiots like Obama's U.N. Ambassador, (I think her name was Susan Powell) saying that the crisis of international terrorism was simply because these people needed, "...more jobs."
Riiiiiiight!!! The fact is that their murderous ideology promotes a supposed prophecy, in their Koran, that Muslims would someday conquer the world, and in the process the cold-blooded murder of those who were not believing Muslims was not only okay, but to die after committing such an act would result in a special place reserved for the perpetrator, in their concept of "Paradise"; a place we Christians refer to as Hell!!! This very delusion is the central basis for most of the terrorism we see today, coupled with the evil rewarding of these terrorist's living relatives with monetary benefits for their acts of heinous murder. This is most blatantly true with the Palestine Authority, on the so-called West Bank of Israel, which is financed largely by 300 million dollars, annually, of American taxpayers money, under the guise of Foreign Aid, with the intention of promoting a more peaceful, and compliant attitude in their discussions of a Two-State settlement, with Israel; a concept that they continue to hold as unacceptable, and probably will never seriously consider! But, in the mean time they give pensions of thousands of dollars to the living relatives of these murderers, which they call heroes, thereby encouraging more like behavior by young men who see no other realistic escape from a life of poverty!
This morning, FOX NEWS reported that the City of New York rejected their former agreement with a 2016 plan to cooperate with this movement, which the U.N. promptly condemned. America's U.N. Ambassador, Nikki Haley, explained that America's borders must be protected, and the allowing of immigrants to cross those borders must be left up to the citizens of America, and not dictated to them by other nations. I consider this to be confirmation that my suspicions are true, and that the social engineers of this movement are behind the mass migrations of the poorer populations of the world, to the wealthier nations, and thereby are indirectly responsible for the rash of international terrorism we see today. Perhaps this also encourages evil hegemonists, like Russia's Putin to take advantage of the depopulation of the Arab Middle-East countries, setting the stage for the prophecied "Gog/Magog" invasion of the Middle-East, described in Ezekiel:38, and 39.
This describes perfectly the conflict between the International Socialists of the world, and those of us who wish America to retain our sovereignty over our own territory, and population ( which sometimes appears to be more simply put as a conflict between the political Left, and the conservative Right, of mostly the Republican party). It is clear that whomever is making these decisions for the International Socialist movement doesn't care a whit for America's safety, or sovereignty, and merely considers our protecting our freedoms, and our Constitution, to be an impediment to their plans for a One-World government.
Well, so be it! If we must impede this movement, that the Bible prophicies will become the tool of the devil, when his Antichrist manages to take control of it, then let's impede it!!! And, Praise The Lord!!!
The obvious intentions of the socialist movement seems to be that by merely forcing the citizens of the wealthier nations to share their living space with the immigrants of poorer nations, the immigrants would learn to adjust to the peaceful civility of their neighbors, thereby creating a more just, and peaceful world.
Another well-intended concept of the International Socialists goes awry, because these people usually consider only the conditions that conveniently lead to their pre-supposed conclusions, and fail to consider the inconvenient truths that complicate their goals, In considering that the belligerence of the poorer immigrants was because they lacked well-paying jobs, and not the murderous ideology of the primarily Muslim-believing immigrants, who come from some of the poorest nations, we have idiots like Obama's U.N. Ambassador, (I think her name was Susan Powell) saying that the crisis of international terrorism was simply because these people needed, "...more jobs."
Riiiiiiight!!! The fact is that their murderous ideology promotes a supposed prophecy, in their Koran, that Muslims would someday conquer the world, and in the process the cold-blooded murder of those who were not believing Muslims was not only okay, but to die after committing such an act would result in a special place reserved for the perpetrator, in their concept of "Paradise"; a place we Christians refer to as Hell!!! This very delusion is the central basis for most of the terrorism we see today, coupled with the evil rewarding of these terrorist's living relatives with monetary benefits for their acts of heinous murder. This is most blatantly true with the Palestine Authority, on the so-called West Bank of Israel, which is financed largely by 300 million dollars, annually, of American taxpayers money, under the guise of Foreign Aid, with the intention of promoting a more peaceful, and compliant attitude in their discussions of a Two-State settlement, with Israel; a concept that they continue to hold as unacceptable, and probably will never seriously consider! But, in the mean time they give pensions of thousands of dollars to the living relatives of these murderers, which they call heroes, thereby encouraging more like behavior by young men who see no other realistic escape from a life of poverty!
This morning, FOX NEWS reported that the City of New York rejected their former agreement with a 2016 plan to cooperate with this movement, which the U.N. promptly condemned. America's U.N. Ambassador, Nikki Haley, explained that America's borders must be protected, and the allowing of immigrants to cross those borders must be left up to the citizens of America, and not dictated to them by other nations. I consider this to be confirmation that my suspicions are true, and that the social engineers of this movement are behind the mass migrations of the poorer populations of the world, to the wealthier nations, and thereby are indirectly responsible for the rash of international terrorism we see today. Perhaps this also encourages evil hegemonists, like Russia's Putin to take advantage of the depopulation of the Arab Middle-East countries, setting the stage for the prophecied "Gog/Magog" invasion of the Middle-East, described in Ezekiel:38, and 39.
This describes perfectly the conflict between the International Socialists of the world, and those of us who wish America to retain our sovereignty over our own territory, and population ( which sometimes appears to be more simply put as a conflict between the political Left, and the conservative Right, of mostly the Republican party). It is clear that whomever is making these decisions for the International Socialist movement doesn't care a whit for America's safety, or sovereignty, and merely considers our protecting our freedoms, and our Constitution, to be an impediment to their plans for a One-World government.
Well, so be it! If we must impede this movement, that the Bible prophicies will become the tool of the devil, when his Antichrist manages to take control of it, then let's impede it!!! And, Praise The Lord!!!
Saturday, December 2, 2017
What In The World Is Going On???
I admit I am clueless as to what is going on with my Blog!!! Usually I can expect to get double- figure "pageviews", on a good day. Perhaps, if I was a better writer, or could think of more clever things to write about, I might be able to expect more pageviews. But, I am what I am, and so be it.
When I was first writing about the "Gog/Magog" prophecy, and how Russia seemed to be planning something along the lines of fulfilling a 2500-year-old prophecy, I was amazed to be getting triple-digit pageviews, but only when I wrote something about Russia, I figured either civilians were interested in what I was saying about their country, or the paranoid government was bothered by some rinky-dink amateur Bible scholar, who took an out-dated scripture and tried to apply it to today. After it kept happening, I began to think this was their unintended confirmation that I was on to their plans, and they wanted to figure out who was telling this "American Spy" their "secret" plans! I found this to be laughable, since I am sure their Christians have the same Ezekiel: 38, and 39 prophecies in their Bibles, that I have in mine. So, if they want to arrest someone who is giving away their secret plans, they are about 2500 years too late for that. I suppose they could try and arrest God, but good luck with that!!!
When I started to write about this...Surprise, surprise! It stopped happening! Boy, these Russians sure are clever! I could never figure out that my writing about it had caused them to stop the flurry of attention! They really have some smart people running their "intelligence" service, you betcha !!! Anyway, I tried to alert our own F.B.I. intelligence agency about this, but I have heard nothing back from them. I guess they're not impressed by a rinky-dink amateur Bible scholar, either. Perhaps the Russians figured out that there are probably as many secular cynics in America's F.B.I., as there are in the Kremlin, and they don't need to worry about me exposing their plans. No one of official authority would probably believe me, anyway!
So it was quite a surprise when I noticed today's pageview total (for yesterday's post) was again in the triple-digits... but for Poland!!! And yesterday's post was about the American political situation!!! It had nothing to do with Russia, or even Poland; so why this unusual interest from Poland??? I find it flattering, but, like I said, I am clueless as to what is going on!!! But, Praise The Lord, anyhow!!!
When I was first writing about the "Gog/Magog" prophecy, and how Russia seemed to be planning something along the lines of fulfilling a 2500-year-old prophecy, I was amazed to be getting triple-digit pageviews, but only when I wrote something about Russia, I figured either civilians were interested in what I was saying about their country, or the paranoid government was bothered by some rinky-dink amateur Bible scholar, who took an out-dated scripture and tried to apply it to today. After it kept happening, I began to think this was their unintended confirmation that I was on to their plans, and they wanted to figure out who was telling this "American Spy" their "secret" plans! I found this to be laughable, since I am sure their Christians have the same Ezekiel: 38, and 39 prophecies in their Bibles, that I have in mine. So, if they want to arrest someone who is giving away their secret plans, they are about 2500 years too late for that. I suppose they could try and arrest God, but good luck with that!!!
When I started to write about this...Surprise, surprise! It stopped happening! Boy, these Russians sure are clever! I could never figure out that my writing about it had caused them to stop the flurry of attention! They really have some smart people running their "intelligence" service, you betcha !!! Anyway, I tried to alert our own F.B.I. intelligence agency about this, but I have heard nothing back from them. I guess they're not impressed by a rinky-dink amateur Bible scholar, either. Perhaps the Russians figured out that there are probably as many secular cynics in America's F.B.I., as there are in the Kremlin, and they don't need to worry about me exposing their plans. No one of official authority would probably believe me, anyway!
So it was quite a surprise when I noticed today's pageview total (for yesterday's post) was again in the triple-digits... but for Poland!!! And yesterday's post was about the American political situation!!! It had nothing to do with Russia, or even Poland; so why this unusual interest from Poland??? I find it flattering, but, like I said, I am clueless as to what is going on!!! But, Praise The Lord, anyhow!!!
Zarate/Sanctuary Cities/San Francisco/ Democratic Party/Greed!!!
All one, and the same thing; and they all conspired to murder Kate Steinle, whether they knew it, or not! How are they connected, you may well ask? Simple...
Zarate pulled the trigger...By accident we are asked to believe... It was a stolen gun,,, but I'm sure he didn't steal it,,,he says he found it under a bench, wrapped in a T-shirt,,,Riiiiiight!!!...It fired itself ,automatically, as he was about to shoot at some seals...Riiiiight!!! The bullet ricocheted off the dock (or was that off the water, that the seals were swimming in?), before it hit Kate Steinle in the back, killing her!
Yesssir... All very believable...Yessir!!!
But, should Zarate even have been there, in the first place? A man who had been convicted 6,or 7 times for felonies, and been deported 5 times, returning each time illegally to San Francisco, because he knew it was a declared "Sanctuary City", which would shield him from further arrest for deportation, and was reputedly soft on convicted felons, especially if they were illegal immigrants??? (These facts were conveniently withheld from the jury, in Zarate's trial!) WHY???
I strongly suspect that these illegal immigrants are shielded by cities, and even some states (like California), not because of any great compassion these people have for the illegals, but because they make up a large voting block for the Democratic candidates in each election (also technically illegal)!
Every election year, there seems to be renewed interest in legally attaching voter registration to official picture I.D.'s, primarily brought on by sitting Republican officials (I can't imagine why!!!), And, there is an almost immediate outcry against this (primarily. if not exclusively, from sitting Democratic officials) (Gee!!!, I also can't imagine why!), Then the Democrats repair to their safety zone, of very liberal, low level Federal Judges, who were appointed (many by Obama), for life, and can not be removed for any reason short of an impeachable offense (and we all know that the only real "impeachable offense" is being a Republican, duly elected, that the Democrats hate, like President Trump!). Then the Judge ties up the case until after the election, which allows very shoddy standards for voter fraud protections, which frequently means these very illegals get to vote in our elections, sometimes repeatedly, and one can only guess how much they are paid to do so!!!
So, you can see why I feel that the greedy (primarily Democratic) politicians share in the responsibility for Kate Steinle's murder, along with the local politicians (also primarily Democratic), of San Francisco, and the state of California, while they hypocritically pose as compassionate concerned citizens, who are only interested in protecting the "Constitutional rights" of all the illegal immigrants. (I didn't know that America's Constitution applied to people who are citizens of Mexico, Honduras, and Nicaragua, and the like!!!)
But, we still have Hillary Clinton, and her Democratic "faithful" bemoaning the election they "won" in the popular vote! One must wonder how many illegals voted for her, and how many times (each) verses how many illegal votes Donald Trump got in the electoral college??? But, poor Hillary keeps implying the election was stolen from her!
Zarate pulled the trigger...By accident we are asked to believe... It was a stolen gun,,, but I'm sure he didn't steal it,,,he says he found it under a bench, wrapped in a T-shirt,,,Riiiiiight!!!...It fired itself ,automatically, as he was about to shoot at some seals...Riiiiight!!! The bullet ricocheted off the dock (or was that off the water, that the seals were swimming in?), before it hit Kate Steinle in the back, killing her!
Yesssir... All very believable...Yessir!!!
But, should Zarate even have been there, in the first place? A man who had been convicted 6,or 7 times for felonies, and been deported 5 times, returning each time illegally to San Francisco, because he knew it was a declared "Sanctuary City", which would shield him from further arrest for deportation, and was reputedly soft on convicted felons, especially if they were illegal immigrants??? (These facts were conveniently withheld from the jury, in Zarate's trial!) WHY???
I strongly suspect that these illegal immigrants are shielded by cities, and even some states (like California), not because of any great compassion these people have for the illegals, but because they make up a large voting block for the Democratic candidates in each election (also technically illegal)!
Every election year, there seems to be renewed interest in legally attaching voter registration to official picture I.D.'s, primarily brought on by sitting Republican officials (I can't imagine why!!!), And, there is an almost immediate outcry against this (primarily. if not exclusively, from sitting Democratic officials) (Gee!!!, I also can't imagine why!), Then the Democrats repair to their safety zone, of very liberal, low level Federal Judges, who were appointed (many by Obama), for life, and can not be removed for any reason short of an impeachable offense (and we all know that the only real "impeachable offense" is being a Republican, duly elected, that the Democrats hate, like President Trump!). Then the Judge ties up the case until after the election, which allows very shoddy standards for voter fraud protections, which frequently means these very illegals get to vote in our elections, sometimes repeatedly, and one can only guess how much they are paid to do so!!!
So, you can see why I feel that the greedy (primarily Democratic) politicians share in the responsibility for Kate Steinle's murder, along with the local politicians (also primarily Democratic), of San Francisco, and the state of California, while they hypocritically pose as compassionate concerned citizens, who are only interested in protecting the "Constitutional rights" of all the illegal immigrants. (I didn't know that America's Constitution applied to people who are citizens of Mexico, Honduras, and Nicaragua, and the like!!!)
But, we still have Hillary Clinton, and her Democratic "faithful" bemoaning the election they "won" in the popular vote! One must wonder how many illegals voted for her, and how many times (each) verses how many illegal votes Donald Trump got in the electoral college??? But, poor Hillary keeps implying the election was stolen from her!
Friday, December 1, 2017
"Sanctuary Cities"??? Or Outlaw Hideouts???
Today's news reports that the illegal immigrant who recklessly shot, and killed Kate Steinle, as she walked with her father on a pier in San Francisco, was just acquitted of all murder charges has affected most Americans, from president Trump, to the simpletons within the Democratic party! FOX NEWS had a speaker on camera today who even objected to the appellation of "Sanctuary Cities", since they provide "sanctuary" for illegals, and criminals, at the expense of law abiding citizens, like Kate, and her family. His feeling was that they should rather be referred to as "Outlaw Cities"! I must heartily conquer with that sentiment!
But, the pertinent issue here is not that these idiots who fought for the "Sanctuary City" designation are so stupid as to not recognize that the above situation is a direct consequence of this lunacy. No! The pertinent issue is, "Why do they support idiotic polices like this, and the "Open Borders" immigration laws, that have proven so dangerous, not only to our American citizens, but to the innocent citizens of countless other countries around the world???" It's clear that their "stupidity" is entirely ideological, rather than intellectual., in nature. They believe in the communist diatribe, "out of chaos comes order", and they feel that our frustration with the evil will drive us into accepting their concept of better government. They believe that the deceptive concept of a secular "One-World" government is the hope of the world's future, and a benevolent leader can be trusted to rule it. But the Bible prophecies, clearly, that it will eventually be taken over by Satan's Antichrist, and his intentions will be anythng but benevolent!!! (See post for Nov. 28, for more,,,)
It is clear that someone, or some Social Engineering group, is dictating that everyone who supports the One-World Socialist government concept must cooperate with the "Open Borders" movement, even if there is lawlessness, at first. Their belief, I suspect, is probably that by allowing poor people, from disadvantaged nations to freely immigrate to richer nations, where there are more job opportunities, the recent immigrants will become as law-abiding as their new neighbors. I'm sure this may be true in some cases, But, in the short run, there is likely to be a lot of cultural resentment, from both sides. The immigrants may become resentful of the fact that only the lowest paying jobs are available to their unskilled labor, and the natural-born citizens may become resentful of the influx of welfare recipients, whose basic needs may require raises in everyone's taxes to pay for it all. This may be acceptable to international Socialists, who seem to feel that rich countries can afford to pay endless social expenses, as if the money were created out of thin air (as some would say it is being done by the Treasury Department, now).
Their ideology is entirely different from the truths that our country was founded upon. Yes, we had poor people from other nations come and work at low paying jobs, until their children could grow up and be educated into a life of better opportunity. But, to have more people than our economy can easily support forced upon us, with international Islam telling their adherents that they should kill those who resist them from taking over our nation, and the goal of all this is to convince us to voluntarily repeal our Constitutional form of government, because these international Socialists have a better form of government, for the whole world...I don't think so!!! I don't need the prophecies of the evil future of these efforts, spoken of in the Bible, to convince me of the foolishness of their concepts! But, apparently the Liberals do! We must pray that they will repent of their delusional ideology, before it's too late... for them, and us, too!!!
The bottom line here is that we must reassert our national sovereignty, and reject these Social Engineers' ridiculous concepts for our own country. If they want to destroy their own countries with their concepts that may look good to them on paper, but don't work in reality, fine. But, don't try to force us to comply with their lunacy!!!
But, the pertinent issue here is not that these idiots who fought for the "Sanctuary City" designation are so stupid as to not recognize that the above situation is a direct consequence of this lunacy. No! The pertinent issue is, "Why do they support idiotic polices like this, and the "Open Borders" immigration laws, that have proven so dangerous, not only to our American citizens, but to the innocent citizens of countless other countries around the world???" It's clear that their "stupidity" is entirely ideological, rather than intellectual., in nature. They believe in the communist diatribe, "out of chaos comes order", and they feel that our frustration with the evil will drive us into accepting their concept of better government. They believe that the deceptive concept of a secular "One-World" government is the hope of the world's future, and a benevolent leader can be trusted to rule it. But the Bible prophecies, clearly, that it will eventually be taken over by Satan's Antichrist, and his intentions will be anythng but benevolent!!! (See post for Nov. 28, for more,,,)
It is clear that someone, or some Social Engineering group, is dictating that everyone who supports the One-World Socialist government concept must cooperate with the "Open Borders" movement, even if there is lawlessness, at first. Their belief, I suspect, is probably that by allowing poor people, from disadvantaged nations to freely immigrate to richer nations, where there are more job opportunities, the recent immigrants will become as law-abiding as their new neighbors. I'm sure this may be true in some cases, But, in the short run, there is likely to be a lot of cultural resentment, from both sides. The immigrants may become resentful of the fact that only the lowest paying jobs are available to their unskilled labor, and the natural-born citizens may become resentful of the influx of welfare recipients, whose basic needs may require raises in everyone's taxes to pay for it all. This may be acceptable to international Socialists, who seem to feel that rich countries can afford to pay endless social expenses, as if the money were created out of thin air (as some would say it is being done by the Treasury Department, now).
Their ideology is entirely different from the truths that our country was founded upon. Yes, we had poor people from other nations come and work at low paying jobs, until their children could grow up and be educated into a life of better opportunity. But, to have more people than our economy can easily support forced upon us, with international Islam telling their adherents that they should kill those who resist them from taking over our nation, and the goal of all this is to convince us to voluntarily repeal our Constitutional form of government, because these international Socialists have a better form of government, for the whole world...I don't think so!!! I don't need the prophecies of the evil future of these efforts, spoken of in the Bible, to convince me of the foolishness of their concepts! But, apparently the Liberals do! We must pray that they will repent of their delusional ideology, before it's too late... for them, and us, too!!!
The bottom line here is that we must reassert our national sovereignty, and reject these Social Engineers' ridiculous concepts for our own country. If they want to destroy their own countries with their concepts that may look good to them on paper, but don't work in reality, fine. But, don't try to force us to comply with their lunacy!!!
"The Price Of Freedom..."
...and perhaps the cost of believing in an "inconvenient truth".
A while ago, I received one of my rare comments at this blog (rare, because my server has designed the Comments access to begin with the necessary "clicking" of the "No Comments" designation, at the bottom of each post, which is apparently intended to alert me that no one has clicked that button yet. It seems to create the impression that comments are unwelcome, which is not the case.). It came shortly after I had a discussion with one of my relatives, who are almost unanimously far-left liberals, and I cautioned them that my blog was extremely conservative (to say the least) so as to warn them of what might appear to them as evidence of my complete lunacy, which my views would certainly indicate, compared to their own! (I have no desire to be locked up in a insane asylum, simply because I believe a 2500-year-old-prophecy is soon to begin to be fulfilled. I am ready to suffer that, if necessary, but I would certainly prefer to avoid that, if possible! However, with liberal relatives possibly judging my mental, and emotional competence, God only knows what conclusion they may arrive at!)
If that is what I must endure, then so be it! I'm sure God can save me from that situation, since He saved Jesus from, "seeing corruption" after death, my predicament would be small by comparison!
But, on the above referred to occasion, the comment read something to the effect that, "You don't really believe this stuff, do you?" It was "courageously" signed "Anonymous", as if I couldn't guess that one of my liberal relatives was likely behind it!
Obviously, I truly wish I could convince my relatives that what I believed was true, but through many discussions of my beliefs, it has become apparent that God, Himself will have to do something to accomplish that miraculous feat, as many of them have spent a lifetime believing dogmatically in Liberal politics, which today is evolving into the very One-World socialist view that is prophecied to lead to acceptance of the Antichrist's One-World government, with the prophecied conclusion of Jesus' ultimate condemnation of all it's participants to an eternity in Hell!!! But, I seem to be unable to dissuade them from their views, and they have a Constitutional right to hold those views, all the way to Hell, if they so choose! And, I am sure their opinion of my views is similar! Only God can show us who is correct, and who is dangerously in error, which I believe He is shortly about to do!!!
"Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus, and count us all worthy to escape the wrath that is to come!!!"
A while ago, I received one of my rare comments at this blog (rare, because my server has designed the Comments access to begin with the necessary "clicking" of the "No Comments" designation, at the bottom of each post, which is apparently intended to alert me that no one has clicked that button yet. It seems to create the impression that comments are unwelcome, which is not the case.). It came shortly after I had a discussion with one of my relatives, who are almost unanimously far-left liberals, and I cautioned them that my blog was extremely conservative (to say the least) so as to warn them of what might appear to them as evidence of my complete lunacy, which my views would certainly indicate, compared to their own! (I have no desire to be locked up in a insane asylum, simply because I believe a 2500-year-old-prophecy is soon to begin to be fulfilled. I am ready to suffer that, if necessary, but I would certainly prefer to avoid that, if possible! However, with liberal relatives possibly judging my mental, and emotional competence, God only knows what conclusion they may arrive at!)
If that is what I must endure, then so be it! I'm sure God can save me from that situation, since He saved Jesus from, "seeing corruption" after death, my predicament would be small by comparison!
But, on the above referred to occasion, the comment read something to the effect that, "You don't really believe this stuff, do you?" It was "courageously" signed "Anonymous", as if I couldn't guess that one of my liberal relatives was likely behind it!
Obviously, I truly wish I could convince my relatives that what I believed was true, but through many discussions of my beliefs, it has become apparent that God, Himself will have to do something to accomplish that miraculous feat, as many of them have spent a lifetime believing dogmatically in Liberal politics, which today is evolving into the very One-World socialist view that is prophecied to lead to acceptance of the Antichrist's One-World government, with the prophecied conclusion of Jesus' ultimate condemnation of all it's participants to an eternity in Hell!!! But, I seem to be unable to dissuade them from their views, and they have a Constitutional right to hold those views, all the way to Hell, if they so choose! And, I am sure their opinion of my views is similar! Only God can show us who is correct, and who is dangerously in error, which I believe He is shortly about to do!!!
"Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus, and count us all worthy to escape the wrath that is to come!!!"
Wednesday, November 29, 2017
"It's Almost Inconceivable!"... But, It All Fits!!!
The above quote from a FOX NEWS legal expert, commenting on North Korea's ability to advance in it's nuclear missile development as quickly as they have apparently done, recently. His conclusion was, "...that someone must be helping them! Either China, or Russia is probably helping them."
His suspicion was that China was helping them...Perhaps, but (pardon my myopia) it makes more sense to me that this is Russia's handiwork! Russia seems more likely to gain by playing us along, distracting our military from any buildup of troops and equipment they may be sneaking into the vacuum left by the retreating I.S.I.S. forces, from Syria and Iraq, in preparation for a planned Middle-East invasion, like the one prophecied in Ezekiel: 38, and 39. (Sorry, but I'm afraid I will view everything that happens by how it could effect this Middle-East invasion, which I am unabashedly convinced is on the verge of happening, even though it's taken God 2500 years to shape world affairs to the point where it all appears ready to happen!)
I am perfectly willing to appear as a pathetic fool by claiming this prophecy is about to unfold, as I sincerely expect to be vindicated, soon! There are just too many inexplicable coincidences to write it all off as my lunatic imagination! Russia is poised to invade, with their air force base now in northern Syria, through which they can supply troops and materiel, on short notice; their main ally, Iran (referred to Biblically as "Persia"), has virtually taken over Iraq, with their "Militias" (which probably double as their top "Republican Guard", when they are at home in Iran), and their other allies, referred to in the prophecy, have long desired to invade Israel, which I believe will be their initial objective. Russia knows that Israel must be neutralized before they can go after the real prize (the Gulf State oil reserves of Saudi Arabia, and their Arab neighbors), or Israel will become their stumbling block, (which is exactly what God intends to have happen!), crushing their whole invasion!
As I see it all coming together, I expect Russia has given North Korea the missile technology, (pictures of No Ko's missiles look exactly like their Russian counter-parts, probably shipped by way of Iran); encouraging all the belligerent bluster against us, and our allies; and they will probably promise to calm the situation, AFTER Trump withdraws our troops safely out of the region. Trump will be glad to cooperate because all the sanctions have been ineffective, and he doesn't want to have to destroy North Korea's military, which will probably result in hundreds of thousands of collateral civilian casualties, in the process. That is precisely what Liberals are expecting him to do, and they are already starting impeachment efforts to keep him from doing so. (I'm sure that Putin is watching all this gleefully, from the Kremlin!!!)
Stay tuned! It all seems to be coming to a head soon, one way or another!!!
His suspicion was that China was helping them...Perhaps, but (pardon my myopia) it makes more sense to me that this is Russia's handiwork! Russia seems more likely to gain by playing us along, distracting our military from any buildup of troops and equipment they may be sneaking into the vacuum left by the retreating I.S.I.S. forces, from Syria and Iraq, in preparation for a planned Middle-East invasion, like the one prophecied in Ezekiel: 38, and 39. (Sorry, but I'm afraid I will view everything that happens by how it could effect this Middle-East invasion, which I am unabashedly convinced is on the verge of happening, even though it's taken God 2500 years to shape world affairs to the point where it all appears ready to happen!)
I am perfectly willing to appear as a pathetic fool by claiming this prophecy is about to unfold, as I sincerely expect to be vindicated, soon! There are just too many inexplicable coincidences to write it all off as my lunatic imagination! Russia is poised to invade, with their air force base now in northern Syria, through which they can supply troops and materiel, on short notice; their main ally, Iran (referred to Biblically as "Persia"), has virtually taken over Iraq, with their "Militias" (which probably double as their top "Republican Guard", when they are at home in Iran), and their other allies, referred to in the prophecy, have long desired to invade Israel, which I believe will be their initial objective. Russia knows that Israel must be neutralized before they can go after the real prize (the Gulf State oil reserves of Saudi Arabia, and their Arab neighbors), or Israel will become their stumbling block, (which is exactly what God intends to have happen!), crushing their whole invasion!
As I see it all coming together, I expect Russia has given North Korea the missile technology, (pictures of No Ko's missiles look exactly like their Russian counter-parts, probably shipped by way of Iran); encouraging all the belligerent bluster against us, and our allies; and they will probably promise to calm the situation, AFTER Trump withdraws our troops safely out of the region. Trump will be glad to cooperate because all the sanctions have been ineffective, and he doesn't want to have to destroy North Korea's military, which will probably result in hundreds of thousands of collateral civilian casualties, in the process. That is precisely what Liberals are expecting him to do, and they are already starting impeachment efforts to keep him from doing so. (I'm sure that Putin is watching all this gleefully, from the Kremlin!!!)
Stay tuned! It all seems to be coming to a head soon, one way or another!!!
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
Is The Congressional "Deep State" Trying To Create An Unconstitutional Bureaucracy???
So what exactly is the "Deep State", anyway? I admit I am largely unfamiliar with the term. But, as I understand it, it may be the most diabolical conspiracy ever to foister itself upon our Constitutional form of government, since Aaron Burr's attempt to secede the south from the union, well before the beginning of the Civil War. As I understand it, his power grab was a blatant attempt to set up his own dictatorship, and had little to do with the slavery issue, one way, or the other. The difference, now, is that, whether, or not Burr was driven by Satanic motivation, I think it is clear that Satan is directing this unconstitutional power grab, though the people executing it most likely don't realize it.
I have written about the Biblically Prophecied movement to usurp all national constitutions, and voluntarily unite into a One-World government system. That would probably be a great idea, if the person in control of that government were absolutely benevolent in his intentions. But, the form that the Bible talks about in the last days will be eventually taken over by Satan's Antichrist. and his intentions will be anything but benevolent!!! (Fortunately, Jesus will come back, after he has ruled for seven years, only, and will destroy him and all his lackeys, and set up a permanent Kingdom of Heaven, on earth, that will truly be benevolent, in every way!!!)
But, these "Deep Staters", like the Clintons, the Obamas, and probably the whole Democratic Party, along with most of the so-called Establishment Republicans are trying to destroy our Constitutional form of government, from the inside! They tried during the Obama administration to appoint as many low level federal judges as they could, so that they can now get them to block as many of Trump's agenda efforts as they can, for as long as they can, even while knowing that their efforts will be reversed eventually by the Supreme Court. Presumably, they are holding out for a Democratic President ( like they hoped it would be Hillary) who would come in and appoint liberal Supreme Court Justices, to replace the conservative Justices, now serving, to complete the take-over of the entire Judiciary. Then, if they regained control of both Houses of Congress, along with the White House, they could implement their intended abolishment of the Constitution, and those who objected could do nothing about it!!! That would set our entire nation up to accept membership in the One-World government, that is prophecied to be absolutely destroyed, by Jesus, along with everyone who voluntarily cooperates with it!!! It is prophecied that the entire system will be funded by an electronic economic system of currency exchange that will necessitate a "Mark of the Beast" imprinted (or most likely implanted under the skin) in the hands of participants, without which it will be illegal to buy, or sell anything, including food!!! It is further prophecied that taking this mark will guarantee the participants a quick, and permanent trip to Hell, when Jesus returns!!!
Now, we have the Obama era Congress having set up the C.F.P.D. as an almost completely autonomous agency, of Congress' federal bureaucracy (without the Constitutional authority to do so) and now we have a contest with the Trump executive branch of the government trying to appoint a temporary head of this agency, while the Democrats in Congress are crying "Foul"! It is apparent that this conflict will eventually be decided by the Supreme Court, but the sheer audacity of the" Deep Staters" to even try such a blatantly unconstitutional move shows us that they are really serious about their intentions, and that we can expect more of the same from them, in the future! They obviously consider the Constitution to be an outdated document, and once it is repealed, any crimes committed now, in endeavoring to overthrow it, will be reversed by their new "Justices".
So. as I wrote before, this is not a simple "Democrats verses Republicans" conflict, or even a "Liberals verses Conservatives" battle! It is the forerunner of the One-World government conspiracy, that attempts to overthrow our Constitutional form of government, and force us to choose between starvation, or participation in their diabolical system, before Jesus returns!!!
I suggest that we all choose now, which side we're on, while we can still avoid this catastrophe!!!
I have written about the Biblically Prophecied movement to usurp all national constitutions, and voluntarily unite into a One-World government system. That would probably be a great idea, if the person in control of that government were absolutely benevolent in his intentions. But, the form that the Bible talks about in the last days will be eventually taken over by Satan's Antichrist. and his intentions will be anything but benevolent!!! (Fortunately, Jesus will come back, after he has ruled for seven years, only, and will destroy him and all his lackeys, and set up a permanent Kingdom of Heaven, on earth, that will truly be benevolent, in every way!!!)
But, these "Deep Staters", like the Clintons, the Obamas, and probably the whole Democratic Party, along with most of the so-called Establishment Republicans are trying to destroy our Constitutional form of government, from the inside! They tried during the Obama administration to appoint as many low level federal judges as they could, so that they can now get them to block as many of Trump's agenda efforts as they can, for as long as they can, even while knowing that their efforts will be reversed eventually by the Supreme Court. Presumably, they are holding out for a Democratic President ( like they hoped it would be Hillary) who would come in and appoint liberal Supreme Court Justices, to replace the conservative Justices, now serving, to complete the take-over of the entire Judiciary. Then, if they regained control of both Houses of Congress, along with the White House, they could implement their intended abolishment of the Constitution, and those who objected could do nothing about it!!! That would set our entire nation up to accept membership in the One-World government, that is prophecied to be absolutely destroyed, by Jesus, along with everyone who voluntarily cooperates with it!!! It is prophecied that the entire system will be funded by an electronic economic system of currency exchange that will necessitate a "Mark of the Beast" imprinted (or most likely implanted under the skin) in the hands of participants, without which it will be illegal to buy, or sell anything, including food!!! It is further prophecied that taking this mark will guarantee the participants a quick, and permanent trip to Hell, when Jesus returns!!!
Now, we have the Obama era Congress having set up the C.F.P.D. as an almost completely autonomous agency, of Congress' federal bureaucracy (without the Constitutional authority to do so) and now we have a contest with the Trump executive branch of the government trying to appoint a temporary head of this agency, while the Democrats in Congress are crying "Foul"! It is apparent that this conflict will eventually be decided by the Supreme Court, but the sheer audacity of the" Deep Staters" to even try such a blatantly unconstitutional move shows us that they are really serious about their intentions, and that we can expect more of the same from them, in the future! They obviously consider the Constitution to be an outdated document, and once it is repealed, any crimes committed now, in endeavoring to overthrow it, will be reversed by their new "Justices".
So. as I wrote before, this is not a simple "Democrats verses Republicans" conflict, or even a "Liberals verses Conservatives" battle! It is the forerunner of the One-World government conspiracy, that attempts to overthrow our Constitutional form of government, and force us to choose between starvation, or participation in their diabolical system, before Jesus returns!!!
I suggest that we all choose now, which side we're on, while we can still avoid this catastrophe!!!
Thursday, November 23, 2017
A Feeding Frenzy Of Sexual Harrassment Charges
I previously stated that I have no way of knowing who's telling the truth in all these cases of sexual harassment charges against Hollywood producers, Congressmen, and would-be Congressmen. And, guess what! Neither do most of you!!! I think it's important that we all bare this in mind, when we try to judge these cases as fairly as we can.
God knows exactly who is being truthful and who is not, and you can bet he will hold these people accountable, one way, or another. Unfortunately for me, at least so far, "He ain't tellin' "...and I have no great expectation that is likely to change, any time soon! But, He does give indications in matters like this. It is purely "circumstantial", and would never hold up in a court of law, but voters frequently vote instinctively, or intuitively, and no one can stop them from doing so, without overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
In matters of war, God has a "Modis Operandi" (or behavior pattern) that fairly consistently shows which side He is supporting. He allows the side He is supporting to begin the war as a miserable failure, making foolish blunder, after foolish blunder! I guess this is His way of showing us how well we would do without Him in the equation. After we repent of trying to do it ourselves, and begin to turn the decisions over to Him, He begins to show us how to triumph over our enemies, eventually bringing the ultimate victory! The Revolutionary War. the War of 1812, the Civil War (for the Union), and World War II, all started out disastrously, only to end up in glorious victory!!! Frequently, he brings the same kind of disaster upon the instigator, that they originally intended to bring upon us. (Witness: Bunker Hill/Yorktown; the burning of the White House/the battle of New Orleans; Manassas I, and II/Appomattox; Pearl Harbor/Hiroshima and Nagasaki!!!)
In smaller matters, He often shows His preference similarly. The fact that there has been a torrent of sexual harassment charges against the Political Left since the charges against Roy Moore, in Alabama, makes me wonder if He is paying them back for False charges against one of His faithful followers. (Remember, I see little difference between the openly Left of the Democratic party, and the more deceptively Left of the Establishment Republicans, or the so-called "moderates". Their intentions are frequently, equally diabolical! )We can't know if Judge Moore is innocent, but he sure has been consistently a faithful follower, otherwise. And the fact that his charges are supposedly from 40 years ago, or so, and they only came with less than a month left before the vote, makes me suspicious of the truth of the accusers. It's like they didn't want their charges to have much time to be investigated as to their validity, before the voting took place, otherwise...where have the accusers been for the past 40 years???. That doesn't sound like they have much confidence that their charges can bare much scrutiny.
Like I said, this is all "circumstantial", and is not convincing by itself. But when we make decisions "by faith, and not by sight", we sometimes have little else to go on!
God knows exactly who is being truthful and who is not, and you can bet he will hold these people accountable, one way, or another. Unfortunately for me, at least so far, "He ain't tellin' "...and I have no great expectation that is likely to change, any time soon! But, He does give indications in matters like this. It is purely "circumstantial", and would never hold up in a court of law, but voters frequently vote instinctively, or intuitively, and no one can stop them from doing so, without overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
In matters of war, God has a "Modis Operandi" (or behavior pattern) that fairly consistently shows which side He is supporting. He allows the side He is supporting to begin the war as a miserable failure, making foolish blunder, after foolish blunder! I guess this is His way of showing us how well we would do without Him in the equation. After we repent of trying to do it ourselves, and begin to turn the decisions over to Him, He begins to show us how to triumph over our enemies, eventually bringing the ultimate victory! The Revolutionary War. the War of 1812, the Civil War (for the Union), and World War II, all started out disastrously, only to end up in glorious victory!!! Frequently, he brings the same kind of disaster upon the instigator, that they originally intended to bring upon us. (Witness: Bunker Hill/Yorktown; the burning of the White House/the battle of New Orleans; Manassas I, and II/Appomattox; Pearl Harbor/Hiroshima and Nagasaki!!!)
In smaller matters, He often shows His preference similarly. The fact that there has been a torrent of sexual harassment charges against the Political Left since the charges against Roy Moore, in Alabama, makes me wonder if He is paying them back for False charges against one of His faithful followers. (Remember, I see little difference between the openly Left of the Democratic party, and the more deceptively Left of the Establishment Republicans, or the so-called "moderates". Their intentions are frequently, equally diabolical! )We can't know if Judge Moore is innocent, but he sure has been consistently a faithful follower, otherwise. And the fact that his charges are supposedly from 40 years ago, or so, and they only came with less than a month left before the vote, makes me suspicious of the truth of the accusers. It's like they didn't want their charges to have much time to be investigated as to their validity, before the voting took place, otherwise...where have the accusers been for the past 40 years???. That doesn't sound like they have much confidence that their charges can bare much scrutiny.
Like I said, this is all "circumstantial", and is not convincing by itself. But when we make decisions "by faith, and not by sight", we sometimes have little else to go on!
Thursday, November 16, 2017
The Single Stupidest Idea I've Ever Heard!!!
Yes ! I would classify this as the stupidest idea ever, except I've been expecting something along these lines for some time! The Ezekiel: 38, & 39 prophecy, talks about the so-called "Gog/Magog " invasion of the Middle-East, by Russian troops, along with several forces from the region's predominantly Muslim nations, whether those nations send their armies, or voluntary militias. The Bible gives those nation's names, according to their ancient names of about 2500 years ago, when the prophecy was given to Ezekiel, but we can figure them out, today, from the regions that they occupied, then. Foremost among them is present-day Iran, which was called "Persia" then, (I suspect that will also include Iran's proxy nations, Syria, and Lebanon, as well) . Based upon their years of belligerence, it should surprise no one who knows of their long-held desire to conquer the entire region, west of their own country, clear to the Mediterranean sea, and that conquest is especially threatening to Israel, as Iran wants to literally drive the whole nation into the Mediterranean sea. Then there is Libya which has been a basket-case of Islamic terrorists striving to take control of that nation ever since we killed Muhamar Khadaffi, and then foolishly left that country available to whatever lawless group wanted to move in and take over. The raid against our diplomatic councillate, in Benghazi, was a direct result of this foolish Obama-era policy, magnified by Hillary Clinton's decision not to send reinforcements to their aid, which resulted in the expected slaughter of our state department representative, and three of the security personnel that fought bravely, but vainly to protect him. This "country" is referred to as "Cush", while forces from present-day Ethiopia are referred to as "Put". Since Ethiopia has a large Coptic Christian population, I doubt that they would formally send a governmental army, but they also have a large Muslim population that would surely love to volunteer as a militia to fight for "the 'glory of Allah', in their view. And they border next to Somalia which may be the single most virulent terrorist nation in the world! I don't know if they were at one time considered both parts of the ancient country of Ethiopia, but it may be so. Then there is Yemen, which was considered Sheba 2500 years ago, but there is a strong Al Quaida terrorist network there, and if a truce were to be reached with their Iranian enemies, I'm sure they would love to send a militia along for the ride!
Today, I heard the news report that Syria is trying to "re-civilize" many of their captured I.S.I.S., and Al Quaida fighters. That is as brilliant as trying to turn an adult tiger into a pussy cat!!! That reminds me of Obama's United Nations Ambassador who was asked how she would stop the terrorists of the world. Her answer was something to the effect that, "What they need is more jobs." I almost choked on my own vomit when I heard that!!! To think that a person of such power could have so little understanding of what we're dealing with is absurd to the point of nausea!
I suspect Russia and Syria are really not interested in re-civilizing these former enemies, but merely using this as an excuse to cause their terrorist organizations to unite with them in a cause that all of them want even more than they want to kill each other. The Biblical account makes it very clear that they will destroy each other's forces, at some point, and it seems believable to me that their hundreds of years of mutual animosity will some how come into play, here.
Like I said, I've been expecting some way in which a loose treaty could be developed between the Muslim forces that support Syria, and their Russian allies enough to join with them in their invasion of the Middle-East, which will eventually turn upon Israel. The prophecy says that it will eventually fail when, "every man's sword "(or modern-day weapon) will "be turned against his brother" (or, supposed "brothers", at least as far as their religion goes), and they will destroy themselves to the tune of 83 1/3rd% of their invasion force. This would indicate that the common issue that caused them to unite in the first place was only a little stronger than their own basic hatred of each other. I suspect that they will unite in their mutual desire to absolutely destroy Israel, in a murderous, genocidal onslaught, and when God allows Israel to defeat them, instead, their panicked retreat will restore the mutual hatred they have for each other, as one side tries to stop the retreat, and the other side reacts violently. and Russia will be caught in the middle!!! One way or another, something like this will end in God's victorious blessings upon Israel, and He will be glorified when He demonstrates "to the heathen nations" that there is still, "a God in Israel!
Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus!!!
Today, I heard the news report that Syria is trying to "re-civilize" many of their captured I.S.I.S., and Al Quaida fighters. That is as brilliant as trying to turn an adult tiger into a pussy cat!!! That reminds me of Obama's United Nations Ambassador who was asked how she would stop the terrorists of the world. Her answer was something to the effect that, "What they need is more jobs." I almost choked on my own vomit when I heard that!!! To think that a person of such power could have so little understanding of what we're dealing with is absurd to the point of nausea!
I suspect Russia and Syria are really not interested in re-civilizing these former enemies, but merely using this as an excuse to cause their terrorist organizations to unite with them in a cause that all of them want even more than they want to kill each other. The Biblical account makes it very clear that they will destroy each other's forces, at some point, and it seems believable to me that their hundreds of years of mutual animosity will some how come into play, here.
Like I said, I've been expecting some way in which a loose treaty could be developed between the Muslim forces that support Syria, and their Russian allies enough to join with them in their invasion of the Middle-East, which will eventually turn upon Israel. The prophecy says that it will eventually fail when, "every man's sword "(or modern-day weapon) will "be turned against his brother" (or, supposed "brothers", at least as far as their religion goes), and they will destroy themselves to the tune of 83 1/3rd% of their invasion force. This would indicate that the common issue that caused them to unite in the first place was only a little stronger than their own basic hatred of each other. I suspect that they will unite in their mutual desire to absolutely destroy Israel, in a murderous, genocidal onslaught, and when God allows Israel to defeat them, instead, their panicked retreat will restore the mutual hatred they have for each other, as one side tries to stop the retreat, and the other side reacts violently. and Russia will be caught in the middle!!! One way or another, something like this will end in God's victorious blessings upon Israel, and He will be glorified when He demonstrates "to the heathen nations" that there is still, "a God in Israel!
Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus!!!
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Is McConnell Trying To Scuttle The Tax Plan? (Amended: 12/20/'17)
I do confess that I do owe the "Establishment Republicans" in the Senate an apology for suspecting that they were loading up the President's Tax Relief bill with a repeal amendment for the "Affordable Care Act", thereby rendering it virtually impassable. As the reader will see, in the first update below, I was corrected by watching the 700 Club, which told me they were only attaching the "Individual Mandate" clause, which was an "Obama(nation)", in it's own right!!!
I do formally apologize, as promised, for my gross error, in the first place. But, not for thinking that they were capable of such skullduggery, which is why I left this Post published, but with appropriate corrections in the updates. I wanted the readers to recognize my overwhelming distrust of these people, so I promised to delete the Post, when Congress finally came through with their spoken intention to pass it,and send it to the President, with enough time to sign it into law before the year ended!
As that has just happened, I have kept my promise, and have deleted the entire Post!
THANK GOD WE FINALLY GOT CONGRESS TO DO SOMETHING RIGHT; no thanks to the Democrats, who voted unanimously, in both houses of Congress, against the bill!!! I hope their constituents remember which party put more money in their paychecks, and which party screamed like a stuck pig, at the horrible thought of letting them keep more of their own money!!! (How the Democrats thought this was the best strategy to get re-elected in 2018, I'll never understand!)
(That sound, that seemed as loud as a "sonic boom", that could probably be heard around the world, was me letting out the breath I have been holding since Trump took office, waiting for the Republicans to actually pass some of his agenda, as they said they would!!!)
[Below is the original update, written within two hours of recognizing my error, and correcting it!!!]
UPDATE--(after watching today's 700 CLUB)
I may owe my #1 conspiracy antagonists (the so-called Establishment Republicans) a begrudged apology, as I was almost immediately corrected by Pat Robertson, on the 700 club today. Here I was, stewing in my own self-righteous apoplexy over what I was sure was an Establishment Republican "end-run" around being able to vote down the Tax Reform bill, without having to face the responsibility for doing so. Mind you, I am not completely contrite, as I am not completely convinced my initial judgement was in error. ( By this, I mean that I may be in error about attaching the whole Obamacare Bill to the Tax Reform Bill, instead of just the Individual Mandate clause, but I still distrust the sincerity of the Establishment Republicans, in actually trying to pass the Tax Reform Bill, before the end of this year! If they don't, the economic surge effect will not happen until after the 2018 election, and the Republicans will lose control of Congress, and the stock market rise that has been based solely upon the expectation of tax reform, will probably turn into a horrendous crash, worse than 1929!!!)
But I am willing to admit that what I heard on the 700 CLUB seems to suggest that I judged the move by the Establishment Republicans erroneously. It now seems that their plan was merely to attach to their tax plan a repeal of the "Individual Mandate" of Obamacare, which imposed a fine on anyone who didn't buy insurance. It essentially fined those who didn't have enough money to afford insurance. (Yessir! The Democrats are really concerned about the financial stability of the American voter!!!)
If that's all it is, then that makes all my above complaint moot, and I apologize for my misunderstanding their intentions. But I caution the reader to keep what I said in mind as I remain suspicious enough of their intentions to suspect that they may try something like I wrote about. For now, I guess they are more intent upon getting themselves re-elected than they are of getting Trump "un-elected". (Or as Ronald Reagan put it, "It's not necessary for them to see the light... only for them to feel the heat!")
UPDATE: (to my earlier UPDATE) 11/21/2017:
I am somewhat concerned that the above Post has received the greatest amount of the recent pageviews of any other Post I've written, lately. I don't wish to mislead people with my outraged Post, which was admittedly based upon a misconception of mine, and was later corrected in the above UPDATE.
I wonder if the comparative rash of pageviews indicates that others have reached the same degree of suspicion as I have, concerning McConnell's sincerity in promoting any part of President Trump's agenda? Perhaps they were looking to my Post to confirm their suspicions, as such. If I had evidence that was irrefutable, I would gladly share it, but as the above UPDATE says, I do not, at this time. I will gladly delete the entire above Post, after the Senate passes a compromise Tax bill, and sends it to the President, to sign, before the end of the year!!!. (DONE! As of today; 12/20/2017.) Until then I remain skeptical of the Establishment Republicans' sincerity, but will endeavor to keep an open mind, as it can be assumed that their desire to be re-elected in 2018 may overrule their desire to scuttle Trump's agenda!!!
I do formally apologize, as promised, for my gross error, in the first place. But, not for thinking that they were capable of such skullduggery, which is why I left this Post published, but with appropriate corrections in the updates. I wanted the readers to recognize my overwhelming distrust of these people, so I promised to delete the Post, when Congress finally came through with their spoken intention to pass it,and send it to the President, with enough time to sign it into law before the year ended!
As that has just happened, I have kept my promise, and have deleted the entire Post!
THANK GOD WE FINALLY GOT CONGRESS TO DO SOMETHING RIGHT; no thanks to the Democrats, who voted unanimously, in both houses of Congress, against the bill!!! I hope their constituents remember which party put more money in their paychecks, and which party screamed like a stuck pig, at the horrible thought of letting them keep more of their own money!!! (How the Democrats thought this was the best strategy to get re-elected in 2018, I'll never understand!)
(That sound, that seemed as loud as a "sonic boom", that could probably be heard around the world, was me letting out the breath I have been holding since Trump took office, waiting for the Republicans to actually pass some of his agenda, as they said they would!!!)
[Below is the original update, written within two hours of recognizing my error, and correcting it!!!]
UPDATE--(after watching today's 700 CLUB)
I may owe my #1 conspiracy antagonists (the so-called Establishment Republicans) a begrudged apology, as I was almost immediately corrected by Pat Robertson, on the 700 club today. Here I was, stewing in my own self-righteous apoplexy over what I was sure was an Establishment Republican "end-run" around being able to vote down the Tax Reform bill, without having to face the responsibility for doing so. Mind you, I am not completely contrite, as I am not completely convinced my initial judgement was in error. ( By this, I mean that I may be in error about attaching the whole Obamacare Bill to the Tax Reform Bill, instead of just the Individual Mandate clause, but I still distrust the sincerity of the Establishment Republicans, in actually trying to pass the Tax Reform Bill, before the end of this year! If they don't, the economic surge effect will not happen until after the 2018 election, and the Republicans will lose control of Congress, and the stock market rise that has been based solely upon the expectation of tax reform, will probably turn into a horrendous crash, worse than 1929!!!)
But I am willing to admit that what I heard on the 700 CLUB seems to suggest that I judged the move by the Establishment Republicans erroneously. It now seems that their plan was merely to attach to their tax plan a repeal of the "Individual Mandate" of Obamacare, which imposed a fine on anyone who didn't buy insurance. It essentially fined those who didn't have enough money to afford insurance. (Yessir! The Democrats are really concerned about the financial stability of the American voter!!!)
If that's all it is, then that makes all my above complaint moot, and I apologize for my misunderstanding their intentions. But I caution the reader to keep what I said in mind as I remain suspicious enough of their intentions to suspect that they may try something like I wrote about. For now, I guess they are more intent upon getting themselves re-elected than they are of getting Trump "un-elected". (Or as Ronald Reagan put it, "It's not necessary for them to see the light... only for them to feel the heat!")
UPDATE: (to my earlier UPDATE) 11/21/2017:
I am somewhat concerned that the above Post has received the greatest amount of the recent pageviews of any other Post I've written, lately. I don't wish to mislead people with my outraged Post, which was admittedly based upon a misconception of mine, and was later corrected in the above UPDATE.
I wonder if the comparative rash of pageviews indicates that others have reached the same degree of suspicion as I have, concerning McConnell's sincerity in promoting any part of President Trump's agenda? Perhaps they were looking to my Post to confirm their suspicions, as such. If I had evidence that was irrefutable, I would gladly share it, but as the above UPDATE says, I do not, at this time. I will gladly delete the entire above Post, after the Senate passes a compromise Tax bill, and sends it to the President, to sign, before the end of the year!!!. (DONE! As of today; 12/20/2017.) Until then I remain skeptical of the Establishment Republicans' sincerity, but will endeavor to keep an open mind, as it can be assumed that their desire to be re-elected in 2018 may overrule their desire to scuttle Trump's agenda!!!
Monday, November 13, 2017
Selective Outrage For Political Convenience
I am very concerned over the allegations of sexual misconduct attributed to the Alabama Republican candidate for the Senate seat of Attorney General Jeff Sessions. But not for the same reasons as his critics.
I recognize that I have no way of knowing who is telling the truth here, and I am deeply distrustful of the Establishment Republicans who have come out calling for Roy Moore to voluntarily step aside, because the accusations seem to make him unfit to serve in that bastion of morality, the U.S. Senate! I remember when, in younger years. I was driving a taxi cab in the Washington, D.C. area, and I picked up the Maitre D, of an exclusive restaurant near Capitol Hill, and as I drove him to his job, he recounted the exploits of the late Senator, Ted Kennedy, and how he had been discovered having a sexual tryst in an unused banquet hall, during lunch break, from his Congressional duties.
Yessir... between his, and Bill Clinton's exploits (or should I say "sexploits?) , Washington politics has a long-standing reputation of high standards of moral conduct, you betcha!!! And, as I stated previously, I can live with Trump's filthy reputation, as long as he behaves himself in office! That's better than F.D.R., while he was in office, considering his reputed philandering with his secretary ... and then there was J.F.K., and the Marylin Monroe stories! By comparison, if Roy Moore is guilty as charged he should fit in well with his predecessors, considering the charges are all from a time of 40 years ago.
But, the fact that these charges came out only when he seems to be the clear favorite to win the election in Alabama, and only when there is less than a month to go (which leaves little time to investigate the validity of the charges), it all smacks of the slanderous charges of sexual harassment that were brought against Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, when it appeared almost certain that he would be confirmed by the Senate. Liberals (and I include the so-called Establishment Republicans in this term) seem to feel that slander is an effective counter-measure when they can't stop an election victory, or an appointment of someone considered to be an ideological opponent. That being the case, it effectively weakens the reliability of their purported moral outrage, and tends to make their charges suspect, especially since most of the critics are considered to be Establishment Republicans (and their ideological leader, Mitch McConnell, is on record for previously stating something to the effect that he didn't want Moore to win, because he didn't want another unruly conservative in the Senate).
This whole thing seems to boil down to questionable charges being brought against someone who doesn't fit the mold of the Establishment Republicans in the Senate, who are responsible for the failure of the Republicans to vote much of Trump's agenda into law. I am willing to live with Roy Moore's Senate victory, as long as he behaves himself in office, guilty as charged, or not!
What I would prefer, is for McConnell to be replaced by a conservative Republican, in the 2018 election, if he is running, and all those of his ilk!!!
UPDATE--- (11/15/2017):
I opened the above Post with the caveat that I admit there is no way that I can definitely prove which side of the Moore sex scandal is telling the truth, and which side is lying. But, I must admit that Judge Moore offered what seems to me to be rather damning evidence, though certainly circumstantial, at best, when he said in an interview on Sean Hannity's show, on FOX NEWS, in answer to the question by Hannity, "Have you ever dated a minor?". His answer was a rather confusing quip of, "Not generally, no." That sounds like a Christian trying hard to deceive another Christian, and God causes him to put his "foot in his mouth"!!!
As someone who, admittedly, wants to believe in his innocence, if for no other reason than the blatant vitrol of the Establishment Republicans is tantamount to conviction, simply because they don't like him, I would love to see them defeated in their efforts to "crucify" him in the court of public opinion! I don't hate them at all, but I surely hate what they're doing, in defaming his character, not because they have any way of knowing his guilt, or innocence, any more than any of us; but simply because they find the scandal convenient to their desire to be rid of another conservative Senator.
At this point, I must throw up my hands, and leave it up to the Lord to work it all out for the best. If Judge Moore is guilty, I'm confident that God will cause him to be defeated. But I am also confident that He will repay those evil, self-serving, and slanderous Establishment Republicans, and the obstructive Democrats, for their evil ways, come the 2018 Congressional election!!! Whether Judge Moore is guilty, or innocent!
I recognize that I have no way of knowing who is telling the truth here, and I am deeply distrustful of the Establishment Republicans who have come out calling for Roy Moore to voluntarily step aside, because the accusations seem to make him unfit to serve in that bastion of morality, the U.S. Senate! I remember when, in younger years. I was driving a taxi cab in the Washington, D.C. area, and I picked up the Maitre D, of an exclusive restaurant near Capitol Hill, and as I drove him to his job, he recounted the exploits of the late Senator, Ted Kennedy, and how he had been discovered having a sexual tryst in an unused banquet hall, during lunch break, from his Congressional duties.
Yessir... between his, and Bill Clinton's exploits (or should I say "sexploits?) , Washington politics has a long-standing reputation of high standards of moral conduct, you betcha!!! And, as I stated previously, I can live with Trump's filthy reputation, as long as he behaves himself in office! That's better than F.D.R., while he was in office, considering his reputed philandering with his secretary ... and then there was J.F.K., and the Marylin Monroe stories! By comparison, if Roy Moore is guilty as charged he should fit in well with his predecessors, considering the charges are all from a time of 40 years ago.
But, the fact that these charges came out only when he seems to be the clear favorite to win the election in Alabama, and only when there is less than a month to go (which leaves little time to investigate the validity of the charges), it all smacks of the slanderous charges of sexual harassment that were brought against Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, when it appeared almost certain that he would be confirmed by the Senate. Liberals (and I include the so-called Establishment Republicans in this term) seem to feel that slander is an effective counter-measure when they can't stop an election victory, or an appointment of someone considered to be an ideological opponent. That being the case, it effectively weakens the reliability of their purported moral outrage, and tends to make their charges suspect, especially since most of the critics are considered to be Establishment Republicans (and their ideological leader, Mitch McConnell, is on record for previously stating something to the effect that he didn't want Moore to win, because he didn't want another unruly conservative in the Senate).
This whole thing seems to boil down to questionable charges being brought against someone who doesn't fit the mold of the Establishment Republicans in the Senate, who are responsible for the failure of the Republicans to vote much of Trump's agenda into law. I am willing to live with Roy Moore's Senate victory, as long as he behaves himself in office, guilty as charged, or not!
What I would prefer, is for McConnell to be replaced by a conservative Republican, in the 2018 election, if he is running, and all those of his ilk!!!
UPDATE--- (11/15/2017):
I opened the above Post with the caveat that I admit there is no way that I can definitely prove which side of the Moore sex scandal is telling the truth, and which side is lying. But, I must admit that Judge Moore offered what seems to me to be rather damning evidence, though certainly circumstantial, at best, when he said in an interview on Sean Hannity's show, on FOX NEWS, in answer to the question by Hannity, "Have you ever dated a minor?". His answer was a rather confusing quip of, "Not generally, no." That sounds like a Christian trying hard to deceive another Christian, and God causes him to put his "foot in his mouth"!!!
As someone who, admittedly, wants to believe in his innocence, if for no other reason than the blatant vitrol of the Establishment Republicans is tantamount to conviction, simply because they don't like him, I would love to see them defeated in their efforts to "crucify" him in the court of public opinion! I don't hate them at all, but I surely hate what they're doing, in defaming his character, not because they have any way of knowing his guilt, or innocence, any more than any of us; but simply because they find the scandal convenient to their desire to be rid of another conservative Senator.
At this point, I must throw up my hands, and leave it up to the Lord to work it all out for the best. If Judge Moore is guilty, I'm confident that God will cause him to be defeated. But I am also confident that He will repay those evil, self-serving, and slanderous Establishment Republicans, and the obstructive Democrats, for their evil ways, come the 2018 Congressional election!!! Whether Judge Moore is guilty, or innocent!
Friday, November 10, 2017
Has Putin Tipped His Hand???
I have always been perplexed about one thing, in the "Gog/Magog" prophecy, written in Ezekiel 38, and 39. Russia, the main object of the prophecy, referred to as "Magog" (the name of the ancient tribe that settled around present-day Moscow) seems ready, willing and able to make the prophecied invasion of the Middle-East (given some 2500 years ago), that will eventually include Israel. They will be accompanied by several armies of Muslim nations, or voluntary militias of Israel's neighbors, which have long boasted that they wanted to bring a "final solution" kind of genocide upon Israel, or drive the whole country into the Mediterranean sea! They will not need too much urging to attempt to do just that!
But, now that the I.S.I.S. terrorists are mostly driven from their Iraqi, and Syrian strongholds, I wondered how American forces would not be involved in the invasion which will rise from virtually the same territory. The prophecy makes no mention of anyone even loosely resembling America coming to Israel's aid, which we would surely do if we were there, as they have long been our ally.
After the Obama fiasco, of withdrawing our forces from Iraq, which allowed I.S.I.S. to move in to fill the void we left behind, I doubt if President Trump is anxious to follow his example, now.
But, today, on FOX NEWS, it was reported that Putin wants Trump to do just that! Gee,...I can't imagine why! And Trump has gone on record as saying that he wants to meet with Putin, to encourage him to help pressure North Korea to stop it's nuclear development program, and it's campaign of belligerent threats against America.
I have stated before that I felt Putin might have been behind the bellicose threats, simply to keep our forces occupied, when he makes his move into the Middle-East. Now, I see that he may be using his influence upon North Korea, with Chinese approval, to make a deal with Trump to withdraw our forces. FOX NEWS made the quip that, "he wants room to run"! I'll bet I know where he wants to run!!! But, the prophecy makes clear that most of the invasion force will not be running back, or walking, or even limping, for that matter!!! God will allow Israel to destroy the invading army, to the tune of 83 and1/3rd%!!! The prophecy says that God will glorify Himself in the eyes of the "heathen" nations, this way, and let them know that there is still a God in Israel!!!
UPDATE: 11/18/2017--
DUH!!! I apologize for my humiliating stupidity in not recognizing the obvious for 8 full days, but I guess my mind is not as sharp as it used to be, to say the least!!!
It finally occurred to me (to my utter shame, because it's so obvious) that our troops and weaponry in Iraq, and Syria, while they will probably be withdrawn, will not likely return all the way to America. They will most likely, simply be transferred to Afghanistan, where we have been fighting our longest war in American history.
We continue to struggle against a homegrown group of tribal militias, that are every bit as obsessively fanatical as Iraq's I.S.I.S., and Al Quaida ever were. Their fanaticism includes convincing their own fighters that committing suicide, for "the glory of "Allah" is the greatest good!
In fact, it may well be presumed that the fighters that were driven out of Iraq, and Syria, either are already in Afghanistan, or soon will be. We have been supervising a resistance, to another resistance, for more than a decade (or nearer two) and that approach has been as successful as the ephemeral "victory" that brought about the conclusion of the Korean war, and led to the disaster that our cowardly Congress (of the day) forced upon us, in Viet Nam, after the equally cowardly campaign of the mainstream media's propaganda created such an anti-war sentiment throughout our society. If Truman thought; "War is too important to be left up to the Generals!", it is also too complex to be left up to the politicians, and the bureaucrats!!! And the cowardly influence of the mainstream media to propagandize our society against all wars, simply because they can, is as evil as promoting an unjust war, in the first place.
(In case anyone is wondering, this war will be about as morally just as war can ever be!!! It will not only be a war to stop an encroaching invasion, but it will be a war that will prevent the genocidal slaughter of the entire Israeli society!!! Do these people really think God will allow that to happen???)
But, now that the I.S.I.S. terrorists are mostly driven from their Iraqi, and Syrian strongholds, I wondered how American forces would not be involved in the invasion which will rise from virtually the same territory. The prophecy makes no mention of anyone even loosely resembling America coming to Israel's aid, which we would surely do if we were there, as they have long been our ally.
After the Obama fiasco, of withdrawing our forces from Iraq, which allowed I.S.I.S. to move in to fill the void we left behind, I doubt if President Trump is anxious to follow his example, now.
But, today, on FOX NEWS, it was reported that Putin wants Trump to do just that! Gee,...I can't imagine why! And Trump has gone on record as saying that he wants to meet with Putin, to encourage him to help pressure North Korea to stop it's nuclear development program, and it's campaign of belligerent threats against America.
I have stated before that I felt Putin might have been behind the bellicose threats, simply to keep our forces occupied, when he makes his move into the Middle-East. Now, I see that he may be using his influence upon North Korea, with Chinese approval, to make a deal with Trump to withdraw our forces. FOX NEWS made the quip that, "he wants room to run"! I'll bet I know where he wants to run!!! But, the prophecy makes clear that most of the invasion force will not be running back, or walking, or even limping, for that matter!!! God will allow Israel to destroy the invading army, to the tune of 83 and1/3rd%!!! The prophecy says that God will glorify Himself in the eyes of the "heathen" nations, this way, and let them know that there is still a God in Israel!!!
UPDATE: 11/18/2017--
DUH!!! I apologize for my humiliating stupidity in not recognizing the obvious for 8 full days, but I guess my mind is not as sharp as it used to be, to say the least!!!
It finally occurred to me (to my utter shame, because it's so obvious) that our troops and weaponry in Iraq, and Syria, while they will probably be withdrawn, will not likely return all the way to America. They will most likely, simply be transferred to Afghanistan, where we have been fighting our longest war in American history.
We continue to struggle against a homegrown group of tribal militias, that are every bit as obsessively fanatical as Iraq's I.S.I.S., and Al Quaida ever were. Their fanaticism includes convincing their own fighters that committing suicide, for "the glory of "Allah" is the greatest good!
In fact, it may well be presumed that the fighters that were driven out of Iraq, and Syria, either are already in Afghanistan, or soon will be. We have been supervising a resistance, to another resistance, for more than a decade (or nearer two) and that approach has been as successful as the ephemeral "victory" that brought about the conclusion of the Korean war, and led to the disaster that our cowardly Congress (of the day) forced upon us, in Viet Nam, after the equally cowardly campaign of the mainstream media's propaganda created such an anti-war sentiment throughout our society. If Truman thought; "War is too important to be left up to the Generals!", it is also too complex to be left up to the politicians, and the bureaucrats!!! And the cowardly influence of the mainstream media to propagandize our society against all wars, simply because they can, is as evil as promoting an unjust war, in the first place.
(In case anyone is wondering, this war will be about as morally just as war can ever be!!! It will not only be a war to stop an encroaching invasion, but it will be a war that will prevent the genocidal slaughter of the entire Israeli society!!! Do these people really think God will allow that to happen???)
Wednesday, November 8, 2017
Get Your Children Out Of Public Schools, Now!!!
In reflecting on my last post, of three days ago, I realized that I was merely implying a warning that needs to be expressly pronounced, so that no one can doubt my meaning! All sincere, "born again" Christians, who presumably love their children, have (as I see it) a responsibility to take their children out of the public school system (from anywhere in the nation; as they are all under the direction of the Department of Education, which has been taken over entirely by Leftist bureaucrats, who issue decrees for schools to teach a valueless doctrine, that amounts to leftist dogmatic propaganda).
I doubt that any loving parent, who remembers the diabolical attempts of the North Korean officials to "Brain Wash" their American prisoners, during the Korean War, would voluntarily place their children in such an environment. Yet, I have come to the opinion that they are doing precisely that, by continuing to send their children to public schools, who teach according to directives dictated by the Department of Education! They are directed to teach according to the Communist principle that, "a lie (no matter how obviously false) told often enough, to the exclusion of all contradictions, will eventually become a belief, especially in easily influenced young minds! I believe that this is why public schools don't teach American history, or government civics, or anything that might accidentally give our children a sense of patriotic pride in their Constitutional form of government. I believe they are being diabolically "Brain Washed" into becoming loyal "Internationalists", to set them up for welcoming the abolishment of our Constitutional government, which will be necessary for them to willfully accept the One World government system, which Satan's Antichrist will eventually take over for his brief attempt at world domination!
I doubt that any loving parent, who remembers the diabolical attempts of the North Korean officials to "Brain Wash" their American prisoners, during the Korean War, would voluntarily place their children in such an environment. Yet, I have come to the opinion that they are doing precisely that, by continuing to send their children to public schools, who teach according to directives dictated by the Department of Education! They are directed to teach according to the Communist principle that, "a lie (no matter how obviously false) told often enough, to the exclusion of all contradictions, will eventually become a belief, especially in easily influenced young minds! I believe that this is why public schools don't teach American history, or government civics, or anything that might accidentally give our children a sense of patriotic pride in their Constitutional form of government. I believe they are being diabolically "Brain Washed" into becoming loyal "Internationalists", to set them up for welcoming the abolishment of our Constitutional government, which will be necessary for them to willfully accept the One World government system, which Satan's Antichrist will eventually take over for his brief attempt at world domination!
I recognize that some families can not afford for one parent to stay at home, to home-school their children, but perhaps they can join with other families that can afford it. Or perhaps they can find a church school that is both affordable, and reputed to teach Biblical values, along with principles that lead their children to love, and respect our system of government, and our history (flaws, and all). In this way we might (with God's blessings) be able to keep our country out of the Satanic One World government, that is perophecied to come soon upon the whole world.
And time may be growing very short for us to do so!!!
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