Sunday, October 9, 2016

Which Pervert Will Do The Least Harm In The White House???

This Presidential campaign is without doubt the most perverse and otherwise ugly campaign in recent memory, and perhaps all of American history. As my title of this post suggests, instead of electing the best candidate, we may have to settle for which candidate will do the least harm to the office we elect him, or her to.

Recent releases of Donald Trump's perverse conversation describing his feelings, purported to have been clandestinely recorded some eleven years ago, about his attraction to a beautiful young girl, and exulting in the ease he expected to have in propositioning her (because of his wealth, and fame) have to rank him in the same category of sex-pervert as the perpetrator of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, of about the same era. So, instead of electing the best candidate for the office of President, we seem to be forced to choose which pervert we think will disgrace the presidency least, from the White House. Will Trump take his hand off the button for the "football", simply to assist him in his philanderings, or will Bill Clinton's closet liaisons become so open that Hillary's administration will become the laughing-stock of international relations. And, will this bring about a new context for the term "international relations"? Who but God knows! So, who is to blame for our disgusting predicament? I blame the liberal media for making the presidency such a public forum for examining every candidate's personal closet-skeletons, that we are left with two such weak choices to choose from. Nobody wants to be examined so closely that their past indiscretions, sometimes even youthful mistakes (even long ago repented of) will be dragged up to haunt them for the rest of their lives, so you are left with shallow-moral-value candidates whose own indiscretions simply are yet to be made public. The only difference may be the fact that a President Trump will be more in the public view than a First "Gentleman" (pardon my choking over that word), Bill Clinton would. Bill would have free range of every closet in the White House, and nobody would be watching, as long as it didn't interfere with Hillary's duties. There might be a lot of scandalous gossip among the White House staff, but the liberal media would probably ignore it, like they did for Presidents Roosevelt, and Kennedy. At least until they were out of office, or rather dead.

So, people, I guess we will have to hold our noses, grit our teeth, and vote for the least harmful candidate to be our next president. Thank God we will not have to look to our President to save us from our international quagmires much longer! King Jesus will soon do a much better job than either of these perverted Presidential candidates could ever hope to!

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