Recently, I Posted that "Trump Can't Win, But Hillary Sure Can Lose..."! My point was that she was such a National Security liability, between her foolish, and wholly irresponsible E-mail scandal, and her selling of State Department influence to the highest bidder, in conjunction with the "Clinton Foundation", that all Trump needed to do in the debates was to confront her with her undeniably reckless, and even illegal behavior, as Secretary of State, and even the Democratic voters would be unlikely to vote for her. This is clearly proven true by her slide in recent polls, rather than a particular surge for Trump. But apparently, Trump's ego has gotten in the way of his ability to recognize the obvious!
I suspect that he has figured that the polls have merely legitimized the country's "inevitable infatuation" with him, once they got to know him. Wake up, Trump!!! We don't want you for President nearly as much as we want the Obama Administration gone!!! And Hillary's administration would be little different from Obama's, even using many of the same idiots who got us into this present mess! So get your ego out of the way, and listen to your counselors, and advisors, who must surely have begged you to "prep" for the debate, which you chose not to do. What an obvious, and horrible mistake! And now Hillary is being credited with winning the last 70 minutes of the debate, while Donald's "eyes glazed-over" after a strong 20 minute beginning.
Does anyone really believe that quality debate coaches, which Trump's advisors surely are, would allow him to neglect to address Hillary's weakest points (the E-mail, and influence-peddling scandals, and the Benghazi debacle)??? Of course not! Only one person is to blame for not "rubbing her face" in the muck of her own incompetent record! Trump himself, most likely because he allowed himself to believe that his own personality was good enough to defeat Hillary. Perhaps so, without preparation. But, when Hillary "prepped", she stopped being herself, only, and took on the experience and wisdom of her advisors, which was adequate to outshine Trump, as long as she didn't have to defend her pathetic record. Then Trump did the rest for her, by not forcing the issue! What a pathetic missed opportunity!!! Thank God there are still two more debates for him to recognize the error of his ways, swallow his bloated pride, and "nail her to the wall", before it's too late! If he doesn't, he will surely lose. It's that plain, and simple; so "Wake up Trump!", or we'll have 4 more years of the same 'Obama-nation' government that we've had for the past 8 years, and you will be to blame for that!!!
I wonder if his ego can swallow that!!!
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