Donald Trump may lose the election, though reports are indicating a rebound in certain key "battle ground" states, but,win or lose, the fight against liberal values, and the conditioning of Americans to accept the future Antichrist One-World Socialist government system may be far from over. As I wrote yesterday, he may be preparing a Supreme Court case against Hillary Clinton (if he loses, an impeachment proceeding in the House of Representatives; and if he wins, a criminal investigation into her callous disregard of National Security procedures, and perhaps treasonous influence peddling to representatives of foreign governments. One way or the other, I suspect it will all be decided in the Supreme Court, and if Hillary is able to appoint a replacement for Justice Scalia, that bodes poorly for Hillary's opponents. If Hillary wins, she will probably be the first...(you thought I was going to say "woman president", didn't you?)... guilty criminal to be elected to the Presidency, in the history of the United States. If she were a man, she wouldn't have made it past the Democratic primary, but the liberals are so desperate to cater to the biased interests of their various minority interests, that they gave us first, a black (or half-black) President, in Obama, and they're trying desperately to follow that up with a woman President. I say "desperate" because there has been a monstrous effort on the part of Democrats, and their primary propaganda disseminaters, the mainstream news media, to cover up, first, and cast as irrelevant, second, her irresponsible behavior, while serving as Secretary of State. I say again, if she were a man, she would never have made it past the Democratic primary.
The very fact that the election race is so close, running against a billionaire "Sleaze-ball", who himself only won the primary because Republicans are fed up with the endless cycle of "warmed-over liberals", who differ very little from the Democratic candidates, that they nominated him, in spite of their personal offense. That's considerably different from the Democrats who nominated Hillary, in spite of her obvious criminal (and perhaps treasonous) record.
The question marks in my title indicate that I don't have a clue what will follow the election, either way. But, I suspect that something dramatic is in store, and I think God is going to work it out for our good, regardless of the absurd corruption, on both sides, of this absolutely lunatic campaign!
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