If I were a real prophet then the "Gog/Magog" invasion of the Middle-East would have probably started yesterday, right? Not necessarily (though I still am not claiming to be a prophet). But keeping in mind that smart military commanders will try to keep as much of their plans as secret as possible, for as long as possible, the decision to invade the Middle-East may have been made yesterday, for all we know, and Putin is not exactly going to, "shout it from the housetops", I don't think. (How's that for some lame rationalization!)
But truthfully, if God is preparing Putin (Gog?) to commit multiple-national-suicide, by bringing his invasion forces against His Chosen People (Israel), when He Prophecied over 2500 years ago that He would use this as His opportunity to judge Russia, and their Muslim allies and destroy up to 83 1/3rd% of their invasion force, then it would require significant secret preparations to prepare for a full scale invasion to successfully pull it off. Apparently, this will not be a problem, especially with Obama still in office until January. and even if his administration believed his plans, they would probably only react with a "strong diplomatic protest", like the one in Ezekiel 38, "have you come to take a great spoil?". Duh!!!
But, keep watching the NEWS, people with this possibility in mind. I'll bet there will be some dramatic arms, and troop buildups, in the Syrian campaign, with some rather lame excuses offered for it all. And Iran will find some excuse for moving more and more troops closer to the Syrian border with Israel, as well.
So, if you don't claim to be a prophet, Rick, why are you working so hard to expect this all to happen. I'm not really, I just suspect that's what is about to unfold, and I think that all believing Christians should realize that one of the most dramatic prophecies of the Bible may be about to happen. And, if so, it really means that we should all "look up, for (our) redemption draweth nigh"!!!
UPDATE [10/14/2016:]
As far as Russian military buildups go, it seems significant that Russia delivered some anti-missile missiles to Syria, yesterday, and I forgot to note that. I guess Russia is concerned about the reports of I.S.I.S. making home-made bombs out of toy drones. This is interesting since it would seem to make Israel's ability to defend itself that much harder, but somehow I suspect that God will give Israel a way to get around these systems. Again, He's promised to destroy 83 1/3rd. % of the Russian invasion force, with no mention of Israeli casualties, if any. This will apparently be a completely one-sided war, with Israel (and God) being victorious!
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