Monday, October 31, 2016

Whose Side Are You On, Comey??

I admit I am suspicious of any F.B.I. action with regards to Hilary Clinton's E-mails.  I don't know whether F.B.I. Director Comey is really interested  in getting to the bottom of Hillary's E-mail scandal, before the election, or is he merely blocking any further revelations before the election, so it won't effect her ability to win.  Or, conversely, is he really trying to cast doubt upon her candidacy to keep her from being elected, so he won't have to be the first Director of the F.B.I. to have to indict a sitting President of the United States.  Or has the prospect of America being led by a "President Keane" revolted him as much as it should?

When he announced, Friday, that he was re-opening the investigation into her non-secured E-mail server, it reputedly rankled some nerves in both the F.B.I., and the Justice department.  Reports are that he notified the Congressional leaders of his intention to do so, against the will of Attorney General Lynch, his immediate superior in the Obama Administration.  Democrats have gone "ballistic" over this, which would indicate that they feel this could adversely effect Hillary's chances of winning the election.  But, since the F.B.I. can not divulge any information of an on-going investigation, until completion, and the investigation is expected to continue until after the election, it would seem that their concern would center only around voters' assumptions that there is something shockingly illegal to cause the investigation to be re-opened at this late date.  Whether this is true, or not, we can only speculate about.  And, whether this will adversely effect Hillary's chances of winning,or not, only God knows.

Praise God, let's hope so!  I have made no secret of my opinion that I don't want her to win, even though  I have very little respect for Donald Trump, as a person.  But, if he remains true to the platform he has presented, he will be a massive improvement over Obama, and Hillary would only intensify Obama's 8-year disaster as President!!!   And, if Trump does not fufill campaign promises, you can bet there will be plenty of outraged Republicans to "hold his feet to the fire", which would guarantee that he would not be re-elcted, to say the least!  America will certainly become a "basket case" society, if  Hillary is allowed to fufill her campaign promises!

So, what is Comey up to???  Is he trying to protect Hillary from some horrible revelation, or has his oath of service come to the fore, and he recognizes that Hillary must be kept from winning, at all costs, for this country's National Security interests, alone?!!  Only God can say!!!

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