When it comes to making educated guesses about God's prophecies, one must recognize the likelihood of being wrong, no matter how sincere your efforts to avoid it. And when you are wrong about God's Word you are very wrong! So it is with fear, and trepidation that I expound on the meaning of the prophecies concerning Arabia, found in Isaiah 21.
There is not a lot here that can be positively identified for what God is saying, other than that He is talking about a desert people known for their constant travel, and later identified specifically as Arabia. He is talking about a time when they will be fleeing the danger of a treacherous enemy referred to as "Elam" and "Media", two provinces of the ancient Persian Empire, in the area we now know as Iran. It is probable that most of this has to do with the conquering armies of that Persian Empire, yet it ends with the statement that, "...the residue of the number of archers ( modern day fighter jets; pointed weapons, directed by men, that fly through the air, with deadly effect???), the mighty men of the children of Kedar ( also Arabia), shall be diminished". One of Saudi Arabia's strongest military forces is it's fighter jet squadrons, bought from American defense companies as part of our treaties with them. God frequently mixes His prophecies with predictions for short term revelation and Last Days revelation; I suppose this is in order to keep us wondering as to exactly how He is going to bring it all to pass. One major reason for my belief that this is at least partially an End Times prophecy is the proclamation in verse 9, of Isaiah 21, where He quotes a messenger saying, "Babylon is fallen, is fallen". Any average student of End Times prophecy should recognize that quote as also appearing in the book of Revelation, chapter 14: verse 8, which says, "And there followed another angel, saying 'Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication'". Frankly, I have hardly a clue as to the significance of either of these references, other than to connect them together in the time frame of His revelation.
For many years it's been well known that Iran has coveted the rich oil fields of Saudi Arabia, and it has been considered likely that a secondary motive for their massive arms buildup was to someday invade, and conquer them for their own. They would probably take Kuwait in the process, which would be no harder for them then it was for Sadaam Hosein. Then they would control such a large chunk of the world's oil supplies that they could blackmail the rest of the world into doing virtually anything they wished. ( I said this was their secondary motive, since the foremost motive has always been to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth. Russia shares the same motives, but in reverse order of priority.)
It's possible that Iran would feel that a Russian/Muslim Nations' invasion of Israel ( Ezekiel 38, & 39) would be the perfect distraction for the rest of the world, giving Iran the opportunity to conquer Saudi Arabia before anyone realized what was happening. Unfortunately for Iran's armed forces, the fact that God mentions "Persia" ( Iran's ancient name) as one of the invading force's allies, it seems logical to expect that God's promise to destroy 83% of the invading armies would also apply to them! So it would seem that if Iran does invade and conquer Saudi Arabia, they won't be able to enjoy their victory for very long!
I admit that I'm drawing my conclusions from slim Biblical evidence, but it does seem to fit with the current geo-political conditions. What do you think?
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