It seems that the B.B.C. is the only major news agency that understands the significance of the turbulence in Egypt today. Their international news service is reporting on the developing crisis with in-depth analysis while the American press is busy obsessing over which young punk is more responsible for the death of Trayvon Martin; the Neighborhood Watch volunteer with the obvious vigilante fantasy ( and a loaded gun), or the teen-aged tough who smoked "dope" and then acted like it by beating up a guy with a gun because he didn't like being followed.
The B.B.C. reports today that the U.N. reported last April that the rebellion in Lybia was followed by the break-ins of the armories of the forces of the deposed Muammar Gaddafi, and that small arms and explosives were "flooding into neighboring countries" with much of them ending up in the hands of the Muslim Brotherhood's fighters in the Sinai peninsula in their battle with the Egyptian Army there.
So, here's the recipe for civil war: You take two major populations in Egypt, one supported by the Army, which is under constant armed attack in the Sinai by a militant enemy ( the Muslim Brotherhood). It becomes quite clear to the Army who their enemy is, and when snipers in the Brotherhood's protest march are caught on camera shooting at them, they open fire on the otherwise unarmed crowd, killing 50 and wounding 400. Mix in the weapons that are smuggled in from Lybia. Add a large dose of religious fervor when the Army coup arrests Morsi, and many in his government, while posting arrest warrants for many of the Muslim Brotherhood's leaders. Muslims don't believe in leaving vengeance up to God, but then that's the whole point of the Gog/Magog war which follows. Stir in a large measure of bitterness from the Coptic Christian community, which endured persecution and frequent murders at the hands of the M.B.'s jihadist zealots, while Morsi's government did nothing to stop it...Blend it all together, then let it ferment awhile. Next, bake it at 350 degrees, which is approximately the average daylight temperature of the Egyptian Sahara desert, and voila!!!...You've baked a perfect civil war cake, just ready to explode in your face as you try to blow out the candles!!!
So far it seems that the B.B.C. is the only member of the international media that has shown up for the party. I guess the rest of the world's press is waiting for the civil war to explode into the Gog/Magog invasion before they begin to take it seriously.
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