The first shots of what may well be the Isaiah 19 Egyptian civil war have been fired already, according to the B.B.C.'s Egyptian correspondent who witnessed the Army soldiers who were guarding Ex-President Morsi in the Officers' quarters of a local Army base fire warning shots in the air before an angry crowd of Morsi supporters demonstrating outside. Soon after the warning shots, the soldiers fired into the crowd and initial reports say at least three people have died.
The B.B.C. is also reporting that "shots were fired" in Alexandria in the north ( Egypt's second largest city), and in Qina, which is in the south. It seems that the supporters of Morsi are orchestrating multiple demonstrations around the nation in order to provoke the Army into shootings that can serve as an excuse to take up arms against them. The demonstration that provoked the shootings in Cairo reportedly was preceeded by a pro-Morsi prayer service at a local Mosque, which lends credibility to the assumption that violence was anticipated, if not intended.
Meanwhile, in America the prevailing mood seems to suggest that this is all just an embarrassing diplomatic crisis that will all be settled in Egypt's next elections. Neither the White House seems very concerned, nor does the media, which hadn't seemed to think this was news-worthy as of noon today. All the major news channels, both liberal and conservative were too busy following the Trayvon Martin murder trial to apparently take notice. If this powder-keg develops quickly, as I suspect, they will all sit up and take notice real soon!
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