I sense the Hand of God moving in the news today! Two days ago I posted my belief that Egypt would probably be the next powder keg to blow up on the international front, and I referred to the several posts I (we?) had written on my original blog over the past five years.
The position I had taken in these posts was that Sudan's oppression of the Darfur region's rebels might be a partial fulfillment of God's description of a future civil war in Egypt, given to the prophet Isaiah in chapter19. It seemed logical to me then, as the fighting had been going on for years, and Sudan is the area that was known in that day as "Upper Egypt". I speculated that perhaps the fighting might escalate to the point where the more stable Egypt might be drawn into the fighting to create a real civil war.
But after a year of President Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood-sympathizing government, the Egyptian people had apparently had enough of their attempts to institute a Taliban form of repressive totalitarianism, and the streets became filled with multiple thousands of protesters. It now becomes more likely that the army will support the ouster of Morsi's government, which will lead to outright fighting between them, and the Al-Quaida backed Muslim Brotherhood fighters.
Two days after making these "specudictions" ( a cross between "speculations", and "predictions"; that's as close as I'll come to trying to be a prophet) the Egyptian Army has reportedly removed Morsi from office, and established an "interim government" in his place. So, the people have gotten their way, and they'll all go home and everything will be hunky-dory. Right!...Don't hold your breath!!! This thing is just getting started, and it is about to blow up big time!
The good thing here is that it may take years for this to play out, which postpones my view that the Russian-led invasion of Israel might be on the brink of coming to pass. It seems that the Egyptian civil war would have to be largely concluded, in the favor of the "cruel Lord" that God has prophecied that He will give control of Egypt to, before the Gog/Magog invasion can take place. The war in Syria suggests that these wars will not be concluded over night.
It now seems logical to reverse my position that Sudan's fighting will draw Egypt into it. (I can change my mind because I've said all along that I'm no prophet,so I'm allowed to be wrong; I'm just trying to make somewhat educated guesses, and let the reader decide if I make any sense, or not.) It seems that Morsi's "Brotherhood" supporters will have to consolidate their forces with Al-Quaida fighters from neighboring countries in order to take on the Egyptian Army, which they almost certainly will do. Sudan's armed forces will be ready, and quite willing to help. And if Al-Quaida elements from Ethiopia, and Lybia join in, then all the Muslim allies of Gog's invasion force will be right at Israel's doorstep ( especially since Iran, or present-day Persia, has announced that they are sending 4,000 troops to Syria to aid the Russian-backed government there). Israel will be "toast", unless God is planning some sort of a miracle to deliver them from certain annihilation! But it just so happens that that is exactly what God has been planning to do for thousands of years!!! ( Refer back to the previous blogs for details on how God will save Israel, and destroy 83% of their enemies' invading armies!)