In recently re-reading some old posts in my original blog (see "The End-Times News Review"), it occurred to me that the recent economic "recovery" may be forcing me to the point of making an apology for having proclaimed a world-wide deflationary depression as having begun with the recession of 2008/2009. Ashamedly, I must confess that I am belligerently unrepentant in this case, in spite of statistical evidence that seems to refute my opinion.
In the 1930's a Russian economist named Nicolai Kondratieff braved the wrath of Joseph Stalin by publishing his theory of economic "Long-Wave Cycles", which expounded upon historical evidence that the world's economy has repeatedly fluctuated in 50 to 75 year cycles of inflationary price rises, with consequential deflationary collapses which painfully "cleanse" the worthless "dross" out of our currencies, every 50 years, or so. These collapses seem to most frequently occur near the 30th, and 80th year of each century.
I wrote back in 2009 that this was all very consistent with the Biblical account of God's plan for a "Jubilee" year to be honored by His people in Israel every 50 years ( in Leviticus 25). However, God approached the plan in a backwards form ( at least from our perspective), proclaiming that if His people would conduct their agricultural, and business practices in a voluntarily deflationary manner, little by little over 50 years, they would be spared the pain of a massive economic collapse every fifty years, and would even prosper while their neighboring countries were suffering the consequences of their own inflationary profligacy. There is Biblical evidence that these principles were faithfully followed during the reigns of King David, and his son, King Solomon, who eventually presided over the wealthiest kingdom of his era. God blessed Solomon, and all of Israel throughout his reign with great prosperity, in spite of Solomon's blatant disobedience of God's commandment not to marry wives from foreign nations, who would not share his Biblical values, and would seduce him into worshipping their false gods. Solomon erred repeatedly to the tune of nearly 1000 mistakes in this regard, thus establishing the principle that "sin is pleasant for a season...", eventually resulting in the succession to his thrown of his son, Rehoboam, whose mother was one of these foreign wives. Apparently Rehoboam didn't inherit Solomon's wisdom, and began to flout God's principles, which started a disastrous slide into national decline until Israel was eventually conquered by Babylon.
This kind of decline can still happen today to a nation that continuously flaunts God's principles by such things as endlessly inflating their currency to the point of near worthlessness, or by cannibalizing generations of their children ( abortion), and legitimizing sexual perversion nationwide with such Biblically "abominable" concepts as homosexual marriage. Only, it may not take 500 years, or so, to wait for our "Babylonian" destruction, as a consequence of our sinful, and profligate behavior. Today, God can cause us to instantly repent of our disobedience by allowing some meglo-maniacal dictator ( see "Gog/Magog" previous discussions) to simply push a button unleashing nuclear destruction. Then some of us will spend an eternity in futile repentance ( along with those pathetic fools who will be endlessly searching for their 72 virgins among the eternal flames), while the rest of us will be blessed with a new heaven, and a new earth, and a "new" King who will honor God's commandments, because He wrote them!
In the early 18th century, America experienced an economic contraction that went beyond the 50 to 75 year cycles of Kondratieff''s theory, extending the deflationary collapse throughout most of the century. As a consequence, we endured two bloody wars, the latter of which brought about the complete overthrow of our previous government, in what we refer to as our Revolution. This was caused primarily by England's attempt at taxing America brutally in order to recover the costs of the previous war, against the French (and their Indian cohorts), while refusing to restrain their own profligate, inflationary spending. England's penalty for their greedy intentions was ultimately the loss of their American colonies, in a humiliating military defeat, and the further bogging-down of their economy in another war with France (following their Revolution).
The significant difference between then, and now is that we were an overwhelmingly agrarian society back then, and if no one bought our products, we could either eat them ourselves, or barter them for something we needed, from someone else who couldn't find a buyer for his products either. Also, if the housing market dried up on us (like today), we could always grab an axe and build ourselves a cabin, on land that no one would dispute was free for the taking. It's possible that we are in for at least the beginning of such a century-long deflationary depression, in order for God to allow for the rise to power of the Antichrist's one-world system of government, which necessitates his absolute control over international economics. America can not maintain our international economic dominance in such a one-world government. This is why I've called this development a kind of Satanic perversion of John the Baptist's reference to Jesus ("He must increase, but I must decrease"). American economic dominance perhaps must decrease in order for God to allow the prophecied ascendancy of the Antichrist, so that God will ultimately be glorified when He sends Jesus back to Earth to destroy all evil, and the Antichrist with it. "Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus, and count us worthy to escape the wrath that is to come!" Amen!!!
Nice I also share with you something hope this helpful for you. Steam is rising from a destroyed building that houses a reactor at Japan’s crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, the operator of the plant, Tokyo Electric Power Co, said on Thursday. The utility, widely known as Tepco, said the levels of radioactivity around the plant had remained unchanged and it was looking into what triggered. Check it out thanks.
ReplyDeleteThe Underground Site
Interesting. But I believe steam has been rising there ever since the disastrous Tsunami destroyed much of Japan's northwest coast, and presumably will for a long time to come. I saw a news report recently where a reporter visited the Chernobyl power plant in the Ukraine. She was reluctant to approach it because the radiation level was registering dangerously high, after all these years. Nothing about that in Bible prophecy, though, except for Jesus' warning in Matthew 24 that natural disasters would increase in frequency as mankind draws closer to the End Times.