I am not pompous, or arrogant, or vain enough to proclaim my own righteousness!!! If there is any righteousness in what I write, it is entirely inspired by God, and I give Him all the glory; I can only write what I am inspired by Him to write! While I agree with much of what the other Conservative press, and television pundits have to say, especially about the horrendous state of American politics, I don't expect them to necessarily agree with everything I write! I take my direction from the Lord, and when I am right, He deserves all the glory, and when I am wrong, it's obviously my fault, I must have allowed my human frailty to get the better of me, and missed whatever God was telling me!!!
But, this is totally different from the other conservative media pundits! They are smart enough to claim their own wisdom as their inspiration, whether they acknowledge God as inspiring them, or not! I recognize that I need God's wisdom to try and discern the truth from what I read, and hear!!!
Consequently, I am less afraid to speak out on what I believe is blatant evil, and assign it to it's original source, which is Satan, even if the majority of my readers may dismiss me as a "looney, Christian nut-case", who is stupid enough to believe that a 2500-year-old prophecy may be about to be fulfilled!!! As I have explained before, this prophecy was given to the prophet Ezekiel, in chapters 38,and 39, with the explanation that it was to be fulfilled in the very distant future, at a time which God referred to as, "the last days"!!! I feel there is plenty of evidence today, in the world around us, to suggest we are entering that era, based upon the descriptions of"the last days" of many Biblical writers!
I don't expect everyone who reads my blog to agree with me, but my purpose is merely to expose as many people as I can to the possibility that my beliefs may be correct, and let them decide for themselves! I believe that the world is presently undergoing the most profound Satanic delusion in history, as the Devil is trying to get the European Commonwealth to form his concept of a "One-World" Socialist government, which he will eventually use to allow his "Antichrist" to take absolute dictatorial control over, to use it to create the most evil holocaust against the Christians, and Jews that are living at that time!!! Not only that, but the Bible clearly states that all those who participate in it's economic system (which will require a "mark of the beast" on their hand, probably for computer identification) will be thrown into Hell when they die!!! The British have had enough of this system, already, and they have voted to get out of it (the so-called "Brexit" plan). They don't like Socialism's plan to make richer countries, like Britain, and America, pay for the expenses of the poorer nations that join the system!!!
In America, today, we have many people who are blindly trying to promote this system, and we commonly refer to them as "Globalists", but it's the same thing. Many of the largest corporations on "Wall Street" are run by these devotees, and the Democratic party is promoting it's values, either because they believe in the concept, themselves, or because they get huge contributions from the giant corporations, to their reelection funds!!! Either way, they are against the American Constitution, and wish to abolish it, because America is too wealthy, and too powerful to compete against their plans for world domination, and our freedoms conflict with Socialism's dictatorial plans! Therefore, America must be destroyed, one way or another, and we are most vulnerable through our runaway, inflationary debt!!! That is why the Democrats are all proposing programs that will cost trillions of dollars to implement, destroying our economy when the dollar collapses, and we can't pay off our debts!!!
I do hope some of my readers agree with my views, because we will need millions to pray for God's mercy to protect us from what these "Globalists" have in mind for us all!!! If you thought slavery was abolished in America, wait till you see what these people have in mind, not only for us, but for the whole world!!!
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