Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Democrats Are Applying Communist Doctrine To Their Impeachment Trial Proceedings!!!

There are obvious doctrinal elements of the Democrats' approach to the Impeachment trial that remarkably resemble blatant Communist propaganda techniques.  These techniques were used to the extreme, first in Nazi Germany, and then by Russian propagandists, and still are!!!  These two countries hate being compared to each other because of their World War II conflict, which was simply a matter of a greedy, hegemonistic territorial dispute, and was not a difference of political views, as both sides endlessly try to protest!!!  Both countries were created by the dogmatic principles of Marxism, of which deceitful propaganda techniques are considered to be of paramount importance!  Two principles, which amount to the same basic rule, are used ad nauseum in their ceaseless efforts to force the public to accept their blatant lies, no matter how absurd the logic, nor how false the reasoning!!!

First, they go to great lengths to keep repeating their lies, over and over, endlessly, regardless of how absurd they sound; and second, they go to even greater lengths to silence any dissenting views to the contrary of their lies!!!   We saw these techniques used repeatedly in the Impeachment hearings, in both the Intelligence, and Judicciary Commitees of the House of Representatives!   The majority Democrats desperately closed off any fair Republican rebuttal to their outrageous lies, for fear that the public might actually recognize the truth, which would be catastrophic to their illogical Impeachment charges!!!  Now, they are trying to continue the trend in any Senate trial, which they are afraid might expose their lies, so they are calling for more witnesses to supposedly strengthen their arguments, against any Republican challenges to their absurd logic!

It seems clear to me that Senator Graham's preference for calling an immediate vote to dismiss the trial, without calling any witnesses, would be the most painless way of ending this excruciating process, that has completely turned off the American viewing public!!!   The Republicans could call many witnesses to refute the Democrats' lies, but they don't need to in order to convince those who have already realized the fallacy of the Democrats' logic!  And if they did call their witnesses, they would have to allow the Democrats to call more of their "witnesses" to continue to endlessly expound their lies, all the more!!!  The American viewing public has grown sick and tired of this charade, and the best thing is just to put a quick end to it all, since there is no chance of the President being convicted in the Republican-controlled Senate!!!

Message to the Democrats:  Sit down, and shut up!!!  We are tired of you idiots, with your endless lies!!!

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