I understand that the FISA investigation of the D.O.J. Inspector General was intentionally limited in scope, yet it still took longer than anticipated, and is a big disappointment at it's apparent inability to draw obvious conclusions as to who is guilty of what!!! The only strong conclusion we can draw from this report is that the so-called "Deep State" we knew was running the illegal activities of the F.B.I. is apparently deeper entrenched in the middle and lower levels of the bureaucracy than we thought!!!
The I.G. found it necessary to interview loyal American agents, as well as "Deep Staters" to find out what went on, which I'm sure diluted the strength of his conclusions!!! When he must report on both sides of his evidence, it's understandably difficult to draw accurate conclusions!
But, I'm sure tired of waiting for all these investigations to finally come to the obvious conclusions, and prosecute the guilty parties, so that others who might consider copying them, in the future, will reconsider!!! We must either bring swift and strong retribution upon them, or others will surely try it again!!! ( I hear that Hillary is actually considering running for President, again!!! She should run her campaign from jail, in my opinion!!!)
Attorney General William Barr, and Special Counsel Durham will eventually get to the bottom of it all, but that may take the better part of next year, with the election soon there after! How the one will effect the other, is anybody's guess!!!
I'm sure the "Deep State" is trying to drag this out as long as possible, in the false hope that the Democrats will not only be reelected to control the House, but will pick up the Senate, and the Presidency, as well!! I don't see much realistic hope of any of that, but we are not wrestling against flesh and blood, but against, "spiritual wickedness in high places" (the "Deep Staters"), and they are controlled by the second most powerful force in the universe (namely, Satan), and the most powerful force (God) will not over rule him, unless enough of us petition Him, prayerfully, to do so!!! So, how many does it take? I don't know!!! So, you ,and I had better help!!!
UPDATE: 12/12/2019--
Yesterday, I heard some Congresswoman i have never heard of say (in her great wisdom!!!), that the Democrats are willing to do the impeachment cr*p all over again, should President Trump be reelected, in 2020!!! Her presumption was that the Democrats would certainly retain control of the House, which I don't agree is a foregone conclusion! But, it shows the level of arrogant self-centered will of these idiots, to think they will be rewarded for doing nothing in their first term controlling the House, except for this impeachment farce! For starters, there are 31 Democrats that were elected in states that Trump won as President, in 2018! Do they really believe that he wiil lose in 2020, and that they will be reelected??? Somebody should tell these idiots to. "get a life!!!"
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