I have frequently written that I am no modern day Prophet, nor do I dabble in Satanic arts, so I have no Crystal Ball, or such! But, the news media traditionally plays the game of future predictions at the end of each year, based upon their "best guess" understanding of what current events hold for us in the coming year. Their past record of accurate predictions is so poor that I feel safe in offering my best guesses as to where the President's Impeachment process is going to go, over the next year! My predictions will not be based upon my superior wisdom (which I acknowledge is too inferior for such vanity), but the whole Impeachment process smells so bad that I think I can tell where it's going, just by following the stink of Democratic chicanery!!!
Currently the recently passed Articles of Impeachment were stuck under Nancy Pelosi's considerable behind, where it festers until some common sense reality shall hopefully bring her to her senses!!! I am not optimistic that she will respond to any common sense logic any time soon!!! Therefor, the Articles will not likely be passed on to the Senate, any time soon! If she continues to stall the President's trial, which is all but certain to bring acquittal to the President, she retains the capacity to claim that the Democratic controlled House has "Impeached the President", which the Democrats will shout ad nauseum throughout their reelection campaigns, without having to add the caveat that the Senate acquitted the President almost immediately, once the trial was begun!!! This is perhaps the only way they can try to justify wasting so much time accomplishing virtually nothing, when there are so many issues that need to be addressed!!!
The presumption here is that the trial can not begin until the Articles are formally sent from the House to the Senate! But, there are two schools of thought, on this issue! This is the first, but the second is that the Constitution doesn't specify that this is true, so the Senate can begin the trial without the Articles ever having been received from the house! It's notable that the first position was raised when the Harvard University Professor, who testified before the House that the President should be impeached, stated publicy that the President was not actually impeached until the Articles were actually received!!!
Here's where I begin to smell a rat, in this case out of Cambridge Massachusetts, where a whole nest of rats reside!!! The fact that this liberal professor jumped up to make this point so readily, seems to suggest that the Liberals are hoping that the Senate will take the challenge, and begin the trial anyway!!! Then they plan to sue in the courts, probably in some very liberal federal court system, like the ninth district, in San Francisco, where they can expect an almost certain rubber stamp on whatever position they take! They will surely lose any appeal, even if it takes a Supreme Court challenge to get it!!! But that may take 2 years to drag the process out! In the mean time, the Democrats hope to get reelected to control the house, again, so they can redo the Impeachment for another wasted four years, until they can get Trump removed. one way, or another. This way they can at least stimey his efforts to "drain the swamp" until he is out of office!!!
This is why I feel safe in predicting this pattern! Rats are famous for accumulating around filth, and the Democrats have demonstrated a sick desire to do the same!!! That's why I think I am safe in making these predictions!!! Rats behave in fairly predictable manners, and lately, so do the Democrats!!!
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