Friday, July 19, 2019

When Faith And Intellect Deviate From Each Other

I admit to being somewhat mystified by recent developments between Iranian and American military actions in the Persian Gulf region.

Probably my #1 position for basing this blog's existence has been that current events in the region have caused me to believe that the Middle-East invasion, prophecied over 2500 years ago, to the prophet Ezekiel, in chapters 38, and 39 of his book of the Bible, seem to indicate that God is about to fulfill this prophecy, sometime soon!   I certainly can't determine when that will happen, but the indicators are very real!!!

Yet, I must admit the most recent developments would tend to refute my logic.  The prophecy has bewildered me for some time, concerning the silence of any possible reference to America, even loosely described in a way that would not confuse the generation that received the Ezekiel prophecy, but would be recognizable to us, today!  It seems so illogical that an invasion, beginning with an all-out attack on Israel, our best ally in the region, would not stimulate an order for our military forces in the region to immediately go to Israel's aid!!!  Yet, the prophecy is silent about anything that can be remotely construed to be America, which certainly did not exist as a country, 2500 years ago (but the God of the universe, who knows all things, would certainly have found some way to indicate our aid, if it were to be forthcoming)!!!  Or, if not, we should expect some clear explanation as to why not!!!

The only reference to anyone even remotely appearing to be America might be a rather limp-wristed diplomatic response from, "the young lions of Tarshish (Britain, and her present and former colonies)",  which say, "Have you come to take a great spoil?"!!!  The appropriate answer to that question must be, "DUH!!!!!!!!!"  The fact that "spoil" rhymes with "oil", in English, the language spoken by these "young lions", I don't think is coincidence at all!!!  I believe the Middle-East invasion will start with Israel, simply because they are the only country in the area that can cause any significant resistance to an invasion!  But, I believe the real goal is not Israel, but the Arab Gulf States oil reserves, so that the invaders can embargo the western nations that have placed such painful tariffs upon them!

America has several thousand troops in the region, with ships and aircraft armed with missiles that could do extensive damage to an invasion force!  Granted, Israel does also, but God seems to be preparing some natural development (an earthquake???) to destroy many of the invading troops, causing them to panic, and retreat!!!  That being the case, I can see why God would not want to share His glory with some other country, for helping Israel to overcome what would seem to be an overwhelming invasion force!!!  But, why would America not, at least, try to come to Israel's aid???

But, the immediate "current events" seem to suggest that America may soon be in an all-out war with Iran, ourselves!!!   With Iran's belligerence in threatening to, in essence, shut down the Saudi Arabian shipping of it's oil sales through the Strait of Hormuz, which handles roughly 20% of the international oil trade, and the shooting down of drones from both America, and now Iran, it seems as though war is both imminent, and inevitable!  But if this were to be a prelude to the Iranian invasion of Israel, I am sure that God would have found some way to describe it so that today's readers would have recognized it!!!

All I can say is, "I don't get it!!!"  But, it seems as though something is about to happen that will make it clearly understood, shortly!!!  So, keep looking up, "... for your redemption draweth nigh"!!!

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