Sunday, July 14, 2019

I Grieve For My Country!!!!!!!!!!!!!

America is no longer, "the land of the free, and the home of the brave"!!!

We have degenerated into the land of the oppressed patriots, and the home of the lunatics "who are trying to run the show"!!!

There is more than an anti-American hatred that is corrupting our government!  It is bound up in an international lunacy that could not have been given credibility without supernatural power behind it, and I don't mean God!  At least, not directly!  God is responsible only for giving Satan his power to try and corrupt as many people as he can, in the little time he has remaining, before he is sent to Hell, along with those who do not repent of his evil ways!!!  God will always provide a way of escape for those  who recognize their error, and decide to repent and turn to His righteousness, but He will never force them to choose it;  they must decide on their own!  I just hope there are enough people in America who have the courage of conviction to resist Satan's evil meddling in our politics, which is lightyears more dangerous than anything that Russia may have tried to do in 2016!!!

We don't have time to wait for the brainwashed public school kids to wake up to the foolishness of Socialism, when they get out into the workforce, and learn what really works, and what doesn't!!!   And this battle over including nationality questions on the upcoming census, is obviously Trump's effort to provide a way of determining the legality of the illegal immigrants that the Democrats are probably planning to bribe to vote for their candidates!!!  (Some states  are already trying to get illegal immigrants to receive driver's licenses, which they can use to "prove" the "legality" of their voting rights!)  If we have to suffer through another Democratic presidency, that was bought and paid for by the Democrats' cheating ways, I'm not sure this country can survive that!!!  (President A.O.C.???   EEEYUCKK!!!!!!!!)

I am convinced that the "One -World" Socialist government that the European Commonwealth is trying to develop is the main culprit behind the upside-down immigration movements, mostly in Europe and America, today!  They are playing on the naïve faith in Socialism that many young people are subtly indoctrinated in, while growing up in public schools in western countries, and it is not tempered by the prophetic warnings of the Bible, which they are not so subtly propagandized into believing are irrelevant, at best, and even evil, beyond that!   The Bible even talks about those who live in a country where it's people, "call evil good, and good evil!"  I have written before that I believe the Bible warns Christians that participating in the "One-World" Socialist government will bring an automatic ticket to Hell, for an eternity!!!  So, guess what that means for non-Christians, who join it???

Today, we have news reports of an immigration holding center in Aurora, Colorado, just outside of Denver,  where protesters took down the American flag, replaced it with the Mexican flag, spray painted "I.C.E." on the American flag, and re-raised it under the Mexican flag, upside down (the sign of "surrender)!!!

May God help this nation, and He is the only one who can!!! If enough of us pray fervently for His deliverance from these lunatic Socialists trying to ruin our Constitutional government, we can still keep it!!!  IF NOT, THEN NOT!!!

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