Sunday, July 21, 2019

"Pray For The Peace Of Jerusalem,..."

"...They shall prosper that love thee!!!"

The converse is also true!!!  History is replete with instances of God's blessings being poured out upon those who bless Israel, and, conversely, the curses of those who hate Israel being poured out back upon themselves, and even more so!!!

I was reading today, in the book of  Esther, how Haman, the ancient equivalent of the Prime Minister of Persia, in the reign of King Ahasuerus, plotted for the genocidal slaughter of all the Jews in the Persian empire of the day, because one Jew (Mordecai) refused to bow in his presence!!!  At that time, the Persian empire extended from India, to Ethiopia, so essentially, he plotted to have the entire race of Jews wiped off the face of the earth!!!

Sound familiar???  The "Persian Empire" of today, called Iran, hasn't learned much from their own history, for they still vociferously harangue for, "death to Israel,...and death to America" (because we support Israel)!   But God will still turn their hateful cries back on themselves, as He did in the days of Esther, and Mordecai, (as well as in Nazi Germany) when He blessed the Jews by removing the proclamation for their destruction, and turning it into a proclamation for the destruction of all the enemies of the Jews!!!

Today, we face a world where Israel is surrounded by their enemies (especially Iranian forces), who preach the same murderous hatred against them!!!  They have learned nothing from their own history!   They presume that because God punished Israel for their disobedience, by allowing Persia to conquer them, that means that their land belongs permanently to them!  They ignore the doctrine  of Cyrus, the Persian King who decreed that Israel should be allowed to return, and rebuild their nation, and they continue to threaten Israel (and us), at their own peril!!!  Ezekiel: 38, and 39 explains what will befall them, for their evil intentions, when He has finally decided He has had enough of their belligerence toward Israel!  He will allow them, and those who help them, to destroy their own invasion force, to the tune of 83 and 1/3rd %, by turning their own weapons against each other!!!

Yet, we have the like in our Congress, today, with Rep. Omar frequently blasting Israel, and calling for America to boycott Israel, which we (thankfully) will never do!  She does so (also) at her own peril, and those of her "squad", as well!  President Trump has denounced her crying, as the insipid haranguing that it is, and I wonder whether God will wait for the 2020 election for His judgment to be brought down on these Congressional  enemies of Israel, or whether He has something in store for them before that!!!  Remember the quote that I  wrote about recently, that their, "arms are too short to box with God!!!"  But, there seems to be an almost endless supply of idiots who think that they can do just that!!!  God patiently gives them time to realize their error, and repent,  but at some point He must judge their foolishness, and He will!!!

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