Tuesday, July 9, 2019

The "Deep State" Stall Continues...


I don't expect the D.O.J. Investigator General's report on the F.I.S.A. dossier to be released before the 2020 election results are in, if then!!!   Remember, who appointed the I.G. to investigate the F.I.S.A. report, and into who created the dossier???    Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions appointed him, after turning every other bit of his authority over to his corrupt assistant, whom he had previously appointed, Rod Rosenstein!!!   Rosenstein promptly appointed Robert Mueller to be the Special investigator, who in turn appointed every thoroughly corrupt Democratic strategist to help him investigate Trump for Russian collusion!!!  (Not to investigate ALL collusion, just Trump's!!!  Hillary's was apparently not to be investigated!)  This makes a complete triumvirate of Republican appointees (Sessions,  Rosenstein, and Mueller)  to oversee the one-sided investigation to accuse Trump, falsely, and throw off the attention from the real guilty party, Hillary Clinton!!!

The Mueller investigation was apparently meant to stall the D.O.J. from completing any substantive investigation into the real collusion attempt, by Hillary, which would surely shed light on her very illegal efforts to cover up the illegality, by destroying evidence along the way!   Now, we have Session's appointee, Horowitz ( the I.G.), finding an excuse to stall the release of his report, which was supposed to be released in June (let me think, if I remember correctly, July follows June, which means the I.G. report should have already been released!  So, where is it???).  Horowitz's excuse  is that some "reluctant witnesses" are apparently now willing to testify!  As if he didn't expect that some very complicit witnesses would hold out to be granted immunity from prosecution, which could have been granted months ago!!!

Something tells me this report, which should merely confirm what we already know (that Hillary blatantly broke the law), will not be released until after the election!!!   The Democrats are trying desperately to guarantee that they win the Presidency, which will effectively kill any trial resulting from the release of the report!  (This is why so many Democratic-controlled states are rushing to make "legal" the voting rights of today's illegal immigrants!  They obviously feel this is the only way to beat Trump's re-election!)

And, if they lose, the Clintons will conveniently move to some country that does not have an extradition treaty with  the U.S., like probably Barak Obama's vacation estate, in Tehran!!!  So. this whole "investigation farce" is just a stall tactic to throw off legal demands to prosecute for blatant "Deep State" illegal activity!!!

It's bad enough to watch the Democrats scramble to protect their "Deep State" lackeys, but to watch the Republican appointees do the same, makes us realize just how thoroughly corrupt our government has become, and how many within it want to abandon our Constitutional government, and join the European "One-World" Socialist movement!!!  I suspect whomever is calling the shots, in Europe, has promised a big bribery payout to all those in our government who assist in their efforts to overthrow it, and abolish our Constitution (since our strong economy threatens their efforts to draw other countries into their system)!!!

It all just makes me want to throw up!!!

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