I woke up this morning thinking about the propaganda attributes of the way the typical American education system has developed, over the last few decades. This was rather unusual for me, as I rarely dream about anything that I am able to remember the next morning. I don't know that this means anything significant at all, but I do believe that God does sometimes inspire a believer's dreams to receive His messages! So, on the outside chance that He inspired the following, I submit this for the reader to consider, one way or the other!
Also, I spent the first few hours of the morning, while I desperately waited for the reaction to my morning coffee, watching one of my favorite movies, which I haven't seen for decades. It was "Dr, Zhivago", starring Omar Shariff, Julie Christy, et al! Beyond the personal theme, concerning the marital, and extra marital relations of the lead characters, I was struck by how the system of heavy-handed Communist indoctrination seemed so similar to the reputed Nazi system of propaganda indoctrination, for their children in their school system, and the more subtle (but just as effective over a long period of time) indoctrination that has become standard fare for public schools across America today. The common denominator for all of this is the exclusive propaganda of various forms of Socialism, into the minds of children. The Russians varied it somewhat, through forced obedience. The Germans accepted it as a popular "philosophy". In America, it has gradually been accepted by the complacency of parents, who were not indoctrinated as children, while succeeding generations were more and more blatantly indoctrinated, with progressively less subtlety, and taught that their parents simply couldn't understand, because the "older generation" was out of touch with reality. We even have highly respected reverence for such honors as the "Rhodes Scholarship", awarded to the best and brightest students, who are then shipped off to England to study in the land that brought us "Fabian Socialism", which is a more subtle, and patient form of the same, and brought us such brilliant minds as the Clintons, while Harvard tried to duplicate this for their students, such as Barack Obama! The entire Education Department has become overrun by Socialist principles, which probably means it itself is overrun by believing Socialists throughout the whole federal bureaucracy, thereby rendering it as no longer worthy of the public trust, and should immediately be abolished, yesterday, if not sooner!!!
The authority to regulate what our children are taught in schools should be returned to the states, and local governments, and the former federal bureaucrats should not be hired in any connection with the various school systems. The convenience of having the federal government run our childrens' education has been corrupted by the Left into a form of Socialist propaganda indoctrination, where American history is apparently forbidden to be taught, as well a our Constitutional form of government, and been replaced by reinforcing a positive concept of the European form of "One-World government", and I suspect that any reference to America's constitution is made in a negative slander, as an obsolete document that has out-lived its effectiveness.
If this does not outrage the reader, consider that the Bible prophecies that all who support this "One-World" system, with its compulsory "Mark of the Beast" will get a free ride to Hell, when Jesus returns to abolish it, and set up His Kingdom of Heaven on Earth!!!
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