I have frequently written that I make no false claims of being some kind of prophet. Any predictions I make of the future are no better than my personal best-guess opinions. No one should set any more credibility to what I say than that. There is a difference between explaining my interpretation of a Biblical prophecy, given by God to a real prophet, and trying to guess how, and when God will bring an unfulfilled prophecy to pass. The prophecy is cut in stone; the manner of fulfillment may not be, unless God has already explained that, too. But, sometimes even that is unclear, because God has explained it all using terms that the people of the prophet's day would understand, yet if it is to happen 2500 years later, the terms might indicate some form of technology that did not exist in the time of the prophecy's revelation.
Such is frequently the case when I try to understand the Ezekiel 38, and 39 prophecy of the "Gog.Magog" Middle-East Invasion. One point has always confused me: specifically, why is there no mention of any military aid given to Israel from any country that can be even remotely considered to be the United States??? It seems inconceivable to me that we would turn our backs on our best ally in the region, even though God prophecies that Israel will overcome the invasion threat by themselves. I have speculated that perhaps the only thing that is keeping Putin from giving the "green light" to begin the invasion is that Trump has not ordered the removal of all American forces from the region. Engaging our troops would seriously threaten the invasion's success, to say the least, and Putin probably thinks that Israel would be a pushover! Since the Bible makes no mention of a country allied with Israel coming to their aid, I conclude that our troops must not be in the area, and the war is probably over before any assistance is decided upon.
Today, on the news, President Trump announced that he was recalling our troops soon! Can Putin's order to commence be far behind??? I expect that he will give the go-ahead as soon as our last troops land on American soil.
I am sure that the President will realize this is a mistake, as soon as the tanks roll. But, God is going to bring victory to Israel, in a manner that will convince the world that only He could bring it to pass! And God doesn't share His glory with others, sometimes. It appears to be important to Him that the world recognizes that Israel could not have defeated this invasion force, on their own, and that, "There is still a God in Israel!!!"
"Praise the Lord, and pass the ammunition!!!"
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