Monday, August 20, 2018

Why Is "Leftist" Fascism Better Than Nazi Fascism???

There is nothing new here...  Historically, the Communists have been at the throats of the Nazis since before, and then during World War II.  So how is this different when the Leftist "Antifa" Fascists use their "Storm Trooper" tactics against those that disagree with them (everyone from Conservative Speakers, on University campuses, to the Neo-Nazis, and the Ku Klux Klan)???

How hypocritical is this, when "Antifa" (which is supposedly short for "Anti-Fascism") uses the very same tactics against their opponents, that the Nazi Storm Troopers used in Germany, in the late 1930's.  Violence against their opponents was considered appropriate, because their ideology could not stand comparison to their opponent's views.  Both Communism, and Nazism were merely different brands of the same Socialist "ism" that stokes the fires of the Socialist Left in America today!  But, Nazism was more openly violent against innocent people (especially the Jews),  and was more ready to violently overthrow it's neighbors, including Russia, which I believe was the real source of their hatred for each other,  rather than ideology.  The alliance between the western nations,  and Russia,  for the duration of World War II,  served to destroy Germany's military power, but not it's demonic ideology!  Russia, in turn, simply stayed where it was at the end of the war, having satisfied (for the time being) it's own hegemonistic desires, while it oppressed the local residents with their own brand of Socialism.

Meanwhile, Communistic oppression became rampant throughout Asia, which dragged America into two successive wars, in Korea, and then in Viet Nam.  The Viet Nam war was especially repugnant,  and it was finally won by the Communists, not of North Viet Nam, but of the propagandists of the American media, whose offensive telecasts of the bloodshed during the war created the anti-war sympathy, that allowed the Socialists in Congress to vote to defund the American War effort.  The almost panicked retreat of the Americans in South Viet Nam was a disgrace that those Socialists in Congress wear as a badge of  Honor, today, while it really should be a badge of shame for the Leftist media, which served as an example for their present-day followers.

Now we have the media desperately trying to use all of their powers of leftist propaganda to sway the American public into believing that (1), Donald Trump "stole" the election (which was Constitutionally given to him),  and (2),  he must be impeached for the "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" of being hated by the Democrats, and the mainstream media,  and (3),  that the Fascist tactics of "Antifa", and others of the Left, are appropriate, even thought they are indistinguishable from the Nazi tactics of the 1930's that they claim to abhor.

As George Santayana once said,  "Those who fail to remember the past are condemned to relive it"!!!  

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