The longer I reflect upon the division in American politics today, the more I'm convinced that what we see is a blatant attempt to overthrow our Constitutional government, not merely win an election!!!
This is not the first time, but it may be the most serious assault upon our Constitutional freedoms, yet! I don't believe anyone wants to turn are country into any other form of government, like a Socialist State. It's not the Socialism part that they object to, they don't want America to be an independent State, any longer! They want us to voluntarily abolish the Constitution, as obsolete, which they have long believed, and they want to destroy our values to the point that we will willingly accept membership in the European Commonwealth's concept of a One-World Socialist Government!!!
This has to be the only logical reason for their belligerent resistance to Trump's efforts to end the illegal immigration that is allowing the importation of criminals, and terrorists into our country. Case in point, the recent discovery of Molly Tippett's body, after she was murdered by an illegal immigrant, who came here some eight years ago. The Socialists believe that, "Out of chaos comes order." Therefore, the worse thing get here, the sooner we will be ready to say our Constitution is obsolete, and will be ready to scrap it!
The Bible prophecies that the Antichrist will one day rise to power to control such a government, and those in America today, who foolishly believe this is our "hope for the future" recognize that it can not happen if America retains it's "Greatness", as President Trump has begun our resurgence. So, in spite of all the rhetoric about how much they hate Trump, they really hate what he is trying to do, in creating a resurgence of American greatness, because they know that we would never voluntarily give up what makes us great (our Constitution) for European mediocrity! Then we would have an, "almost One-World Government", and America!!! And if America's greatness continued to outshine Europe's, how long could they expect the rest of the world to comply??? (About the seven years that Jesus waits to return, and set up His Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, I guess!)
Like I said, this is not the first time someone, or group of people, have tried to overthrow our government: First, the British tried to kill it off, before it was born out of our Revolution, and later, in 1812, in what I prefer to call, "the second American Revolution", and later still, when the British helped another revolt, in what we call the Civil War, (I wonder what the British would have done to the North, if the South had won that one?). Finally, I guess the British got the message, but now we have the rest of Europe trying to enslave us, with the help of the second most powerful force in the Universe (Satan) on their side!!! The Devil has been defeated, by Jesus, but he will not be imprisoned until after Jesus returns, which the Bible makes clear will not be until after the Antichrist's seven year reign.
In the mean time, it's left to us to resist the Devil, and he will flee from us, not because we are more powerful then he is, but because we resist him in the name of Jesus, who IS more powerful!!! I think the only way we can do this is to pray earnestly for the great revival prophecied in the Last Days, when even the Deep Staters, even the Democrats, and even the Social Democrats can be saved!!! Jesus is the only one who can bring about the kind of heart-changing repentance necessary to unite this country in His Righteousness!!!
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