Friday, August 17, 2018

"Waxing Preachy"...

I don't "wax preachy"very often, but there are times when you just want to grab somebody by the scruff of their neck, slap their cheeks a couple of times and shout, "don't you get it???"

I guess I'm feeling that way now.

I watch the T. V., and hear all this talk about how we are considering more tariffs, and sanctions, against Russia, Iran, and now Turkey (for holding a Christian pastor on false charges), and if they won't relent, then more sanctions will follow.   This is the proper approach, according to diplomatic views.  It will punish the greedy, and rebellious government, that places their own interests above accepted international principles.   But, what if they don't work?

Diplomats simply can't grasp that sanctions might be ineffective, if the nations being sanctioned are obsessively belligerent enough!  Certainly, there is plenty of history to document my point, especially in the Old Testament of the Bible.  Historically,  Middle-eastern nations would fatten their treasuries by going to war with their neighbors, usually every Spring.   King Hezekiah learned this the hard way,  when he received a Babylonian visit by those who had heard of his illness and supposedly came to comfort him.  He graciously showed them his palace, including his well-stocked treasury!  God sent Isaiah to him, to say that this was a mistake, and that the Babylonians (later Persians) would someday invade Israel to steal all the treasury, and everything else of value, in Israel!

Things haven't changed all that much, except that, "Those who refuse to remember the past, are condemned to relive it!" (George Santayana)  Iran, which is the modern-day equivalent of ancient Persia, remembers very well how their fore-fathers enriched themselves off of Israel's treasury.  Plus their Muslim ideology teaches absolute hatred of the Jews of Israel!  Today's sanctions are intended to drive them to the bargaining table.  Instead, they will probably drive them to the "Gog/Magog" invasion plans of Russia, who likely want them to invade Israel, to keep Israel busy, while Russia conquers Saudi Arabia, and the other Gulf State oil empires, so they can embargo the western nations that are sanctioning them.

I recognize that I have no credibility to warn anyone that this is likely to happen, yet it's frustrating to listen to the "wisdom" of our national intelligencia,  who believe supremely in diplomatic sanctions to arrest any problem.   Well, perhaps often, but not always!  I can't help but wonder how much longer this silly drama will take to unfold!!!

But, rest assured that God is in control, and He will keep Israel safe, no matter who comes against them!

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