In Ezekiel 38: 4, God seems to be talking directly to "Gog", the name that He calls the leader of the invasion force of primarily Russian, along with Iranian (called Persian) forces, and other mostly Muslim nations allies, where He speaks to him as if he were listening at that very moment. As this prophecy was given to the Prophet Ezekiel some 2500 years ago, I expect that He was really speaking to us, who believed His Word. Perhaps He has caused "Gog" (whether Putin, or whomever) to become aware of this prophecy, and to read God's warning to him, though I'm sure his ego is too great for him to believe any of it.
Recently, it occurred to me that these "hooks" that God refers to (as in a horse's bridle bit, which frequently are shaped like hooks) may actually be the tariffs that President Trump is implementing against both Russia, and Iran, now.
Both Russia's economy, and that of Iran are being badly hurt by American tariffs, and economic
sanctions, especially Iran's, which just had additional sanctions restored, due to their lack of response to Trump's call for a newly negotiated treaty to get Iran to stop their nuclear arms development. Inflation is of the "runaway" category, and under "normal circumstances" the people could be expected to revolt against the government, and try to overthrow it.
But these are not "normal circumstances"!!! How often does a 2500 year-old prophecy seem to be on the verge of fulfillment, at practically any time!?? I strongly suspect that these economic sanctions of the west (because President Trump has warned our allies that if they help Iran break the tariff rules, he will apply sanctions upon whomever does so) may be enough to cause Russia and Iran to invade Israel, as the beginning of their possibly intended conquest of the entire Middle-east, with the final goal of capturing the Arab Oil Fields, and slapping an embargo on the western nations that will make the "Great Depression" of the1930's look like a tea party!!!
God makes it clear that He has no intention of allowing this invasion to succeed. He will somehow cause Israel to overcome whatever threat these nations bring, and will destroy their forces up to 83 and 1/3rd %, in order to bring glory to Himself, and let the "heathen know that there is still a God in Israel"!!!
You can read more about this in Ezekiel 38, and 39, which I have expounded upon seemingly endlessly. Check out the archives list to the right of this column.
UPDATE: 8/8/2018--
I know my readers are probably getting tired of my recounting the Russian attention of my blog, whenever I write something about "Russia" (which is mostly about the Ezekiel prophecies about the "Gog/Magog" invasion of Israel). But, it's still going on, and I find it ridiculously fascinating that they (assuming it is probably some official, or officials, checking up on what I have to say) seem so interested in my opinions, but could make up their own minds about it if they would simply read it for themselves in a Bible! But, I suppose there might be official consequences for possibly being seen reading a Bible on the job, there!!!
Anyway, yesterday my Blog server noted some 80 pageviews as originating from Russia, with 60 more, today!!! I have to believe that their continued interest in what I say confirms, at least, that they are considering an invasion of the Middle-east, in spite of the overwhelming defeat that God has promised that will result from this! How stupid can a collective government get?!!
UPDATE: 8/9/2018
I just don't get it!!! Today, I checked the listing of "Pageviews", and found that the pageviews from Russia were 160 for the week. That's unusual, as I have explained before, but France was listed as having 119 pageviews this week, with a more typical 50 something for the U.S., which is almost always the leader in pageviews. France is not mentioned in the Ezekiel 38, and 39 prophecies, and that nation's interest in my blog rarely rises above 2, or 3 pageviews per day! Like I said, I just don't get it!!!
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