I have, from the beginning of this Blog (about 10 years ago), admitted that I have no professional credibility as a journalist, or even as a Biblical scholar, though I do presume to write about both news reports of current events, and Biblical prophecies that those current events suggest may be about to be fulfilled. Precisely because I have no credibility, and therefore no reputation as such to be sullied if my judgements about the possible soon fulfillment of ancient prophecies proves incorrect, I find myself in the unique position to recognize the bigger picture of what God is allowing to happen in the world today.
If I were a recognized Biblical scholar, with theological degrees to lend credibility to my opinions, I would perhaps be reluctant to risk my reputation on such seemingly outrageous claims as believing an ancient prophecy, given by God to the prophet Ezekiel (in chapters 38, and 39), some 2500 years ago, was beginning to take shape, in a way never before seen, in the Middle-east, which fits the circumstances that God described to the prophet Ezekiel. But, the acquisition of a warm-weather port, in Syria, by their ally, Russia (which Russia has coveted for centuries), creates the ability of these two countries, along with other Muslim nations in the region, to bring to pass the very Middle-east invasion that God prophecied that He was "about", to bring to pass, "in the latter days". Add to that the fact that American sponsored, western-nation sanctions are creating massive economic difficulties for Russia, because of their blatant invasion of the Ukraine, and consequential annexation of the Crimean peninsula, along with the sanctions we have placed upon Iran (for their continued efforts to develop nuclear weapons, which they have repeatedly threatened to use against Israel, first, and the U.S. later), has created the motive for such an invasion to take over the Saudi Arabian, and other Gulf State oil reserves, so Russia can embargo the very western nations that have sanctioned them. Russian military strategists have long used Chess strategy as examples of military tactics, and this kind of "tit-for-tat" retaliation would likely seem irresistible to them, much more so than retreating from the Ukrainian, and Crimean territory they have conquered recently.
Likewise, if I were credentialed journalist, with degrees in journalism, and hired by some main stream news agency, I would have serious qualms about writing that the above facts fueled my suspicion that a 2500-year-old prophecy of the Bible was perhaps soon to be fulfilled. Few main stream publications give any credibility to anything in the Bible, and certainly an unfulfilled prophecy would make a professed believer the laughing stock of the industry, and guarantee his soon termination from his employer!
So, having no reputation in the first place makes me perfect to spout my "ridiculous claims", since I have no credibility to lose! I hesitate to say that God chose me to do this, but neither will I say He did not! I leave it up to the reader to decide if there is any credence to my speculation, and to consider how that might effect them personally!
As always, "...,look up, for your redemption draweth nigh."!!!
Biblical perspective of Current Events for the Bible-believing Christian. Understanding these issues requires faith in Jesus Christ as Lord, and Savior through asking Jesus to forgive your sins, come into your heart, and save your soul. Jesus said,"...except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God." John 3: 3. Also, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16.
Thursday, August 23, 2018
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
It's Not Left, Or Right, It's About The Constitution!!!
The longer I reflect upon the division in American politics today, the more I'm convinced that what we see is a blatant attempt to overthrow our Constitutional government, not merely win an election!!!
This is not the first time, but it may be the most serious assault upon our Constitutional freedoms, yet! I don't believe anyone wants to turn are country into any other form of government, like a Socialist State. It's not the Socialism part that they object to, they don't want America to be an independent State, any longer! They want us to voluntarily abolish the Constitution, as obsolete, which they have long believed, and they want to destroy our values to the point that we will willingly accept membership in the European Commonwealth's concept of a One-World Socialist Government!!!
This has to be the only logical reason for their belligerent resistance to Trump's efforts to end the illegal immigration that is allowing the importation of criminals, and terrorists into our country. Case in point, the recent discovery of Molly Tippett's body, after she was murdered by an illegal immigrant, who came here some eight years ago. The Socialists believe that, "Out of chaos comes order." Therefore, the worse thing get here, the sooner we will be ready to say our Constitution is obsolete, and will be ready to scrap it!
The Bible prophecies that the Antichrist will one day rise to power to control such a government, and those in America today, who foolishly believe this is our "hope for the future" recognize that it can not happen if America retains it's "Greatness", as President Trump has begun our resurgence. So, in spite of all the rhetoric about how much they hate Trump, they really hate what he is trying to do, in creating a resurgence of American greatness, because they know that we would never voluntarily give up what makes us great (our Constitution) for European mediocrity! Then we would have an, "almost One-World Government", and America!!! And if America's greatness continued to outshine Europe's, how long could they expect the rest of the world to comply??? (About the seven years that Jesus waits to return, and set up His Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, I guess!)
Like I said, this is not the first time someone, or group of people, have tried to overthrow our government: First, the British tried to kill it off, before it was born out of our Revolution, and later, in 1812, in what I prefer to call, "the second American Revolution", and later still, when the British helped another revolt, in what we call the Civil War, (I wonder what the British would have done to the North, if the South had won that one?). Finally, I guess the British got the message, but now we have the rest of Europe trying to enslave us, with the help of the second most powerful force in the Universe (Satan) on their side!!! The Devil has been defeated, by Jesus, but he will not be imprisoned until after Jesus returns, which the Bible makes clear will not be until after the Antichrist's seven year reign.
In the mean time, it's left to us to resist the Devil, and he will flee from us, not because we are more powerful then he is, but because we resist him in the name of Jesus, who IS more powerful!!! I think the only way we can do this is to pray earnestly for the great revival prophecied in the Last Days, when even the Deep Staters, even the Democrats, and even the Social Democrats can be saved!!! Jesus is the only one who can bring about the kind of heart-changing repentance necessary to unite this country in His Righteousness!!!
This is not the first time, but it may be the most serious assault upon our Constitutional freedoms, yet! I don't believe anyone wants to turn are country into any other form of government, like a Socialist State. It's not the Socialism part that they object to, they don't want America to be an independent State, any longer! They want us to voluntarily abolish the Constitution, as obsolete, which they have long believed, and they want to destroy our values to the point that we will willingly accept membership in the European Commonwealth's concept of a One-World Socialist Government!!!
This has to be the only logical reason for their belligerent resistance to Trump's efforts to end the illegal immigration that is allowing the importation of criminals, and terrorists into our country. Case in point, the recent discovery of Molly Tippett's body, after she was murdered by an illegal immigrant, who came here some eight years ago. The Socialists believe that, "Out of chaos comes order." Therefore, the worse thing get here, the sooner we will be ready to say our Constitution is obsolete, and will be ready to scrap it!
The Bible prophecies that the Antichrist will one day rise to power to control such a government, and those in America today, who foolishly believe this is our "hope for the future" recognize that it can not happen if America retains it's "Greatness", as President Trump has begun our resurgence. So, in spite of all the rhetoric about how much they hate Trump, they really hate what he is trying to do, in creating a resurgence of American greatness, because they know that we would never voluntarily give up what makes us great (our Constitution) for European mediocrity! Then we would have an, "almost One-World Government", and America!!! And if America's greatness continued to outshine Europe's, how long could they expect the rest of the world to comply??? (About the seven years that Jesus waits to return, and set up His Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, I guess!)
Like I said, this is not the first time someone, or group of people, have tried to overthrow our government: First, the British tried to kill it off, before it was born out of our Revolution, and later, in 1812, in what I prefer to call, "the second American Revolution", and later still, when the British helped another revolt, in what we call the Civil War, (I wonder what the British would have done to the North, if the South had won that one?). Finally, I guess the British got the message, but now we have the rest of Europe trying to enslave us, with the help of the second most powerful force in the Universe (Satan) on their side!!! The Devil has been defeated, by Jesus, but he will not be imprisoned until after Jesus returns, which the Bible makes clear will not be until after the Antichrist's seven year reign.
In the mean time, it's left to us to resist the Devil, and he will flee from us, not because we are more powerful then he is, but because we resist him in the name of Jesus, who IS more powerful!!! I think the only way we can do this is to pray earnestly for the great revival prophecied in the Last Days, when even the Deep Staters, even the Democrats, and even the Social Democrats can be saved!!! Jesus is the only one who can bring about the kind of heart-changing repentance necessary to unite this country in His Righteousness!!!
Monday, August 20, 2018
Why Is "Leftist" Fascism Better Than Nazi Fascism???
There is nothing new here... Historically, the Communists have been at the throats of the Nazis since before, and then during World War II. So how is this different when the Leftist "Antifa" Fascists use their "Storm Trooper" tactics against those that disagree with them (everyone from Conservative Speakers, on University campuses, to the Neo-Nazis, and the Ku Klux Klan)???
How hypocritical is this, when "Antifa" (which is supposedly short for "Anti-Fascism") uses the very same tactics against their opponents, that the Nazi Storm Troopers used in Germany, in the late 1930's. Violence against their opponents was considered appropriate, because their ideology could not stand comparison to their opponent's views. Both Communism, and Nazism were merely different brands of the same Socialist "ism" that stokes the fires of the Socialist Left in America today! But, Nazism was more openly violent against innocent people (especially the Jews), and was more ready to violently overthrow it's neighbors, including Russia, which I believe was the real source of their hatred for each other, rather than ideology. The alliance between the western nations, and Russia, for the duration of World War II, served to destroy Germany's military power, but not it's demonic ideology! Russia, in turn, simply stayed where it was at the end of the war, having satisfied (for the time being) it's own hegemonistic desires, while it oppressed the local residents with their own brand of Socialism.
Meanwhile, Communistic oppression became rampant throughout Asia, which dragged America into two successive wars, in Korea, and then in Viet Nam. The Viet Nam war was especially repugnant, and it was finally won by the Communists, not of North Viet Nam, but of the propagandists of the American media, whose offensive telecasts of the bloodshed during the war created the anti-war sympathy, that allowed the Socialists in Congress to vote to defund the American War effort. The almost panicked retreat of the Americans in South Viet Nam was a disgrace that those Socialists in Congress wear as a badge of Honor, today, while it really should be a badge of shame for the Leftist media, which served as an example for their present-day followers.
Now we have the media desperately trying to use all of their powers of leftist propaganda to sway the American public into believing that (1), Donald Trump "stole" the election (which was Constitutionally given to him), and (2), he must be impeached for the "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" of being hated by the Democrats, and the mainstream media, and (3), that the Fascist tactics of "Antifa", and others of the Left, are appropriate, even thought they are indistinguishable from the Nazi tactics of the 1930's that they claim to abhor.
As George Santayana once said, "Those who fail to remember the past are condemned to relive it"!!!
How hypocritical is this, when "Antifa" (which is supposedly short for "Anti-Fascism") uses the very same tactics against their opponents, that the Nazi Storm Troopers used in Germany, in the late 1930's. Violence against their opponents was considered appropriate, because their ideology could not stand comparison to their opponent's views. Both Communism, and Nazism were merely different brands of the same Socialist "ism" that stokes the fires of the Socialist Left in America today! But, Nazism was more openly violent against innocent people (especially the Jews), and was more ready to violently overthrow it's neighbors, including Russia, which I believe was the real source of their hatred for each other, rather than ideology. The alliance between the western nations, and Russia, for the duration of World War II, served to destroy Germany's military power, but not it's demonic ideology! Russia, in turn, simply stayed where it was at the end of the war, having satisfied (for the time being) it's own hegemonistic desires, while it oppressed the local residents with their own brand of Socialism.
Meanwhile, Communistic oppression became rampant throughout Asia, which dragged America into two successive wars, in Korea, and then in Viet Nam. The Viet Nam war was especially repugnant, and it was finally won by the Communists, not of North Viet Nam, but of the propagandists of the American media, whose offensive telecasts of the bloodshed during the war created the anti-war sympathy, that allowed the Socialists in Congress to vote to defund the American War effort. The almost panicked retreat of the Americans in South Viet Nam was a disgrace that those Socialists in Congress wear as a badge of Honor, today, while it really should be a badge of shame for the Leftist media, which served as an example for their present-day followers.
Now we have the media desperately trying to use all of their powers of leftist propaganda to sway the American public into believing that (1), Donald Trump "stole" the election (which was Constitutionally given to him), and (2), he must be impeached for the "High Crimes and Misdemeanors" of being hated by the Democrats, and the mainstream media, and (3), that the Fascist tactics of "Antifa", and others of the Left, are appropriate, even thought they are indistinguishable from the Nazi tactics of the 1930's that they claim to abhor.
As George Santayana once said, "Those who fail to remember the past are condemned to relive it"!!!
Friday, August 17, 2018
"Waxing Preachy"...
I don't "wax preachy"very often, but there are times when you just want to grab somebody by the scruff of their neck, slap their cheeks a couple of times and shout, "don't you get it???"
I guess I'm feeling that way now.
I watch the T. V., and hear all this talk about how we are considering more tariffs, and sanctions, against Russia, Iran, and now Turkey (for holding a Christian pastor on false charges), and if they won't relent, then more sanctions will follow. This is the proper approach, according to diplomatic views. It will punish the greedy, and rebellious government, that places their own interests above accepted international principles. But, what if they don't work?
Diplomats simply can't grasp that sanctions might be ineffective, if the nations being sanctioned are obsessively belligerent enough! Certainly, there is plenty of history to document my point, especially in the Old Testament of the Bible. Historically, Middle-eastern nations would fatten their treasuries by going to war with their neighbors, usually every Spring. King Hezekiah learned this the hard way, when he received a Babylonian visit by those who had heard of his illness and supposedly came to comfort him. He graciously showed them his palace, including his well-stocked treasury! God sent Isaiah to him, to say that this was a mistake, and that the Babylonians (later Persians) would someday invade Israel to steal all the treasury, and everything else of value, in Israel!
Things haven't changed all that much, except that, "Those who refuse to remember the past, are condemned to relive it!" (George Santayana) Iran, which is the modern-day equivalent of ancient Persia, remembers very well how their fore-fathers enriched themselves off of Israel's treasury. Plus their Muslim ideology teaches absolute hatred of the Jews of Israel! Today's sanctions are intended to drive them to the bargaining table. Instead, they will probably drive them to the "Gog/Magog" invasion plans of Russia, who likely want them to invade Israel, to keep Israel busy, while Russia conquers Saudi Arabia, and the other Gulf State oil empires, so they can embargo the western nations that are sanctioning them.
I recognize that I have no credibility to warn anyone that this is likely to happen, yet it's frustrating to listen to the "wisdom" of our national intelligencia, who believe supremely in diplomatic sanctions to arrest any problem. Well, perhaps often, but not always! I can't help but wonder how much longer this silly drama will take to unfold!!!
But, rest assured that God is in control, and He will keep Israel safe, no matter who comes against them!
I guess I'm feeling that way now.
I watch the T. V., and hear all this talk about how we are considering more tariffs, and sanctions, against Russia, Iran, and now Turkey (for holding a Christian pastor on false charges), and if they won't relent, then more sanctions will follow. This is the proper approach, according to diplomatic views. It will punish the greedy, and rebellious government, that places their own interests above accepted international principles. But, what if they don't work?
Diplomats simply can't grasp that sanctions might be ineffective, if the nations being sanctioned are obsessively belligerent enough! Certainly, there is plenty of history to document my point, especially in the Old Testament of the Bible. Historically, Middle-eastern nations would fatten their treasuries by going to war with their neighbors, usually every Spring. King Hezekiah learned this the hard way, when he received a Babylonian visit by those who had heard of his illness and supposedly came to comfort him. He graciously showed them his palace, including his well-stocked treasury! God sent Isaiah to him, to say that this was a mistake, and that the Babylonians (later Persians) would someday invade Israel to steal all the treasury, and everything else of value, in Israel!
Things haven't changed all that much, except that, "Those who refuse to remember the past, are condemned to relive it!" (George Santayana) Iran, which is the modern-day equivalent of ancient Persia, remembers very well how their fore-fathers enriched themselves off of Israel's treasury. Plus their Muslim ideology teaches absolute hatred of the Jews of Israel! Today's sanctions are intended to drive them to the bargaining table. Instead, they will probably drive them to the "Gog/Magog" invasion plans of Russia, who likely want them to invade Israel, to keep Israel busy, while Russia conquers Saudi Arabia, and the other Gulf State oil empires, so they can embargo the western nations that are sanctioning them.
I recognize that I have no credibility to warn anyone that this is likely to happen, yet it's frustrating to listen to the "wisdom" of our national intelligencia, who believe supremely in diplomatic sanctions to arrest any problem. Well, perhaps often, but not always! I can't help but wonder how much longer this silly drama will take to unfold!!!
But, rest assured that God is in control, and He will keep Israel safe, no matter who comes against them!
Friday, August 10, 2018
Talk About Spoiled Brats!!!
And then there is the Democratic Party!!!
If you think of all the characteristics of a typical "spoiled brat", and then magnify them into an undisciplined adult, with at least a modest income, and lots of time on his hands, with nothing to do, but smoke pot, and get drunk, you have perfectly fertile ground for conversion to Socialism, with it's accompanying tenants of "Political Correctness", and censorship of everyone else who presumes to hold to, or even dares to speak a dissenting opinion!!!
Socialism is perfect for these kind of lame-brained buffoons!!! It promises everything for everybody, and no one has to pay for it, because the government pays for it all, out of their limitless Treasury, which just miraculously fills it's coffers, God only knows how! Socialism is great at making promises, but terrible at trying to fulfill them! Take for instance Venezuela, which has some of the largest oil deposits in the world at it's disposal, and yet has inflated their currency to the brink of worthlessness! And Iran, which in spite of their theocratic government has run up the same inflationary debts to the brink of bankruptcy, also. Even the more modest Socialist countries of Europe, like Sweden, are not in a whole lot better condition!
But we still have air-headed politicians like Alexandria Ocasia-Whatshername, from New York, trying to convince the nation that Socialism is the wave of the future! If so, I don't want any part of it!!!
Political Correctness has made basket cases of our public school system, and made our College campuses areas of violent protest against any speakers who try to address them about anything contrary to their beliefs! It's so nauseating that it makes you want to throw up, but be careful where you do it, you may find you are in a men's room, next to some lesbian, who "identifies" herself as a man! I'll bet she'd look pretty ridiculous, with her panties around her ankles, and the front of her skirt pulled up, trying to position herself in front of a urinal!!!
Censorship is the necessary compliment to Political Correctness, because the tenants of political correctness are so foolish that they can not stand to be debated fairly, and therefore it's believers must demand the silencing of the opposition! Censorship has been taken to the extreme, nationwide, so that Constitutionally protected rallies are met, not only with dissent, but violence from those who disagree. And members of the Trump administration can not go out in public, without concern that some Democrat will confront them loudly, demanding that they leave whatever premises, simply because they can't accept that Hillary lost!!! This behavior has been touted most by the High Priestess of political correctness, and censorship, Maxine Waters!!!
It seems to me that what I have just described is nothing more, nor less than "over-grown, spoiled brat-itis", which is a highly contagious disease, that can be fatal to a whole country, if left unchecked! But fortunately there is a cure, in the form of a Holy Ghost Revival, and even Democrats can be "cured" of their dreaded disease (ego-centric pride)!!!
UPDATE: 8/12/2018--
I can't help it! It's absolutely stupid, but I find it fascinating!!!
Yesterday's pageviews were set at 44 for the U.S., France 3, and some country called "Unknown Region" at 110!!! What,... is someone reading my blog on an airplane? Or, on a trans-oceanic ship? I am unfamiliar with a country called "Unknown Region", but I'll bet the computer was bought in Russia!!!
Even then...WHY??? Yesterday's post was about the spoiled brats of the American Democratic party! I think I called Putin the "king of over-grown spoiled brats", (or was that two posts ago?) but did he really need to re-read it 109 times to get the message???
Oh well, when we get to Heaven, we will have the "mind of Christ within us" and he'll explain it all to us!
If you think of all the characteristics of a typical "spoiled brat", and then magnify them into an undisciplined adult, with at least a modest income, and lots of time on his hands, with nothing to do, but smoke pot, and get drunk, you have perfectly fertile ground for conversion to Socialism, with it's accompanying tenants of "Political Correctness", and censorship of everyone else who presumes to hold to, or even dares to speak a dissenting opinion!!!
Socialism is perfect for these kind of lame-brained buffoons!!! It promises everything for everybody, and no one has to pay for it, because the government pays for it all, out of their limitless Treasury, which just miraculously fills it's coffers, God only knows how! Socialism is great at making promises, but terrible at trying to fulfill them! Take for instance Venezuela, which has some of the largest oil deposits in the world at it's disposal, and yet has inflated their currency to the brink of worthlessness! And Iran, which in spite of their theocratic government has run up the same inflationary debts to the brink of bankruptcy, also. Even the more modest Socialist countries of Europe, like Sweden, are not in a whole lot better condition!
But we still have air-headed politicians like Alexandria Ocasia-Whatshername, from New York, trying to convince the nation that Socialism is the wave of the future! If so, I don't want any part of it!!!
Political Correctness has made basket cases of our public school system, and made our College campuses areas of violent protest against any speakers who try to address them about anything contrary to their beliefs! It's so nauseating that it makes you want to throw up, but be careful where you do it, you may find you are in a men's room, next to some lesbian, who "identifies" herself as a man! I'll bet she'd look pretty ridiculous, with her panties around her ankles, and the front of her skirt pulled up, trying to position herself in front of a urinal!!!
Censorship is the necessary compliment to Political Correctness, because the tenants of political correctness are so foolish that they can not stand to be debated fairly, and therefore it's believers must demand the silencing of the opposition! Censorship has been taken to the extreme, nationwide, so that Constitutionally protected rallies are met, not only with dissent, but violence from those who disagree. And members of the Trump administration can not go out in public, without concern that some Democrat will confront them loudly, demanding that they leave whatever premises, simply because they can't accept that Hillary lost!!! This behavior has been touted most by the High Priestess of political correctness, and censorship, Maxine Waters!!!
It seems to me that what I have just described is nothing more, nor less than "over-grown, spoiled brat-itis", which is a highly contagious disease, that can be fatal to a whole country, if left unchecked! But fortunately there is a cure, in the form of a Holy Ghost Revival, and even Democrats can be "cured" of their dreaded disease (ego-centric pride)!!!
UPDATE: 8/12/2018--
I can't help it! It's absolutely stupid, but I find it fascinating!!!
Yesterday's pageviews were set at 44 for the U.S., France 3, and some country called "Unknown Region" at 110!!! What,... is someone reading my blog on an airplane? Or, on a trans-oceanic ship? I am unfamiliar with a country called "Unknown Region", but I'll bet the computer was bought in Russia!!!
Even then...WHY??? Yesterday's post was about the spoiled brats of the American Democratic party! I think I called Putin the "king of over-grown spoiled brats", (or was that two posts ago?) but did he really need to re-read it 109 times to get the message???
Oh well, when we get to Heaven, we will have the "mind of Christ within us" and he'll explain it all to us!
Thursday, August 9, 2018
When You Spank The Brat...
...it always makes him behave! Yeah, riiiiiiiiiiiiight!!!
Spoiled brats would always rather avoid the punishment with some form of deception, rather than actually behave, if they can avoid it. Believe me, I am speaking through many childhood lessons learned the hard way, because of my belligerence, and tireless efforts to get away with it all, without being caught! Thank God that Jesus showed me a better way,...….. eventually!!!
But, now we see President Trump trying to get Russia's Putin (the world champion over-grown spoiled brat) to behave himself, which he obviously has no intention of doing, by increasing the adding of more economic sanctions, upon those he has already assessed. I think we can expect that Putin's reaction, beside screaming loudly how unfair they are (which he has already done), will be to try and figure out some way to get away with his belligerence, and not get punished for it!
Hmmmm, I wonder what that might be?!! Gee, I've got it!!! How about an invasion of the Middle-east, with the Muslim nations fighting it out with Israel (which they've been desperately wanting to do) to keep them busy, while Russia invades the Saudi oil fields, along with the other Gulf State Emirates, so they can shut off the oil supplies to all the western nations that have been sanctioning our economy to death!!! Yeah,...that's the ticket! And President Trump can put his sanctions "where the sun don't shine"!!!
I admit to some imagining of what Putin might say, but I suspect my guesses won't be far off course!
Spoiled brats would always rather avoid the punishment with some form of deception, rather than actually behave, if they can avoid it. Believe me, I am speaking through many childhood lessons learned the hard way, because of my belligerence, and tireless efforts to get away with it all, without being caught! Thank God that Jesus showed me a better way,...….. eventually!!!
But, now we see President Trump trying to get Russia's Putin (the world champion over-grown spoiled brat) to behave himself, which he obviously has no intention of doing, by increasing the adding of more economic sanctions, upon those he has already assessed. I think we can expect that Putin's reaction, beside screaming loudly how unfair they are (which he has already done), will be to try and figure out some way to get away with his belligerence, and not get punished for it!
Hmmmm, I wonder what that might be?!! Gee, I've got it!!! How about an invasion of the Middle-east, with the Muslim nations fighting it out with Israel (which they've been desperately wanting to do) to keep them busy, while Russia invades the Saudi oil fields, along with the other Gulf State Emirates, so they can shut off the oil supplies to all the western nations that have been sanctioning our economy to death!!! Yeah,...that's the ticket! And President Trump can put his sanctions "where the sun don't shine"!!!
I admit to some imagining of what Putin might say, but I suspect my guesses won't be far off course!
Tuesday, August 7, 2018
God: "I will... put hooks in thy jaws...and I will bring thee forth..."
In Ezekiel 38: 4, God seems to be talking directly to "Gog", the name that He calls the leader of the invasion force of primarily Russian, along with Iranian (called Persian) forces, and other mostly Muslim nations allies, where He speaks to him as if he were listening at that very moment. As this prophecy was given to the Prophet Ezekiel some 2500 years ago, I expect that He was really speaking to us, who believed His Word. Perhaps He has caused "Gog" (whether Putin, or whomever) to become aware of this prophecy, and to read God's warning to him, though I'm sure his ego is too great for him to believe any of it.
Recently, it occurred to me that these "hooks" that God refers to (as in a horse's bridle bit, which frequently are shaped like hooks) may actually be the tariffs that President Trump is implementing against both Russia, and Iran, now.
Both Russia's economy, and that of Iran are being badly hurt by American tariffs, and economic
sanctions, especially Iran's, which just had additional sanctions restored, due to their lack of response to Trump's call for a newly negotiated treaty to get Iran to stop their nuclear arms development. Inflation is of the "runaway" category, and under "normal circumstances" the people could be expected to revolt against the government, and try to overthrow it.
But these are not "normal circumstances"!!! How often does a 2500 year-old prophecy seem to be on the verge of fulfillment, at practically any time!?? I strongly suspect that these economic sanctions of the west (because President Trump has warned our allies that if they help Iran break the tariff rules, he will apply sanctions upon whomever does so) may be enough to cause Russia and Iran to invade Israel, as the beginning of their possibly intended conquest of the entire Middle-east, with the final goal of capturing the Arab Oil Fields, and slapping an embargo on the western nations that will make the "Great Depression" of the1930's look like a tea party!!!
God makes it clear that He has no intention of allowing this invasion to succeed. He will somehow cause Israel to overcome whatever threat these nations bring, and will destroy their forces up to 83 and 1/3rd %, in order to bring glory to Himself, and let the "heathen know that there is still a God in Israel"!!!
You can read more about this in Ezekiel 38, and 39, which I have expounded upon seemingly endlessly. Check out the archives list to the right of this column.
UPDATE: 8/8/2018--
I know my readers are probably getting tired of my recounting the Russian attention of my blog, whenever I write something about "Russia" (which is mostly about the Ezekiel prophecies about the "Gog/Magog" invasion of Israel). But, it's still going on, and I find it ridiculously fascinating that they (assuming it is probably some official, or officials, checking up on what I have to say) seem so interested in my opinions, but could make up their own minds about it if they would simply read it for themselves in a Bible! But, I suppose there might be official consequences for possibly being seen reading a Bible on the job, there!!!
Anyway, yesterday my Blog server noted some 80 pageviews as originating from Russia, with 60 more, today!!! I have to believe that their continued interest in what I say confirms, at least, that they are considering an invasion of the Middle-east, in spite of the overwhelming defeat that God has promised that will result from this! How stupid can a collective government get?!!
UPDATE: 8/9/2018
I just don't get it!!! Today, I checked the listing of "Pageviews", and found that the pageviews from Russia were 160 for the week. That's unusual, as I have explained before, but France was listed as having 119 pageviews this week, with a more typical 50 something for the U.S., which is almost always the leader in pageviews. France is not mentioned in the Ezekiel 38, and 39 prophecies, and that nation's interest in my blog rarely rises above 2, or 3 pageviews per day! Like I said, I just don't get it!!!
Recently, it occurred to me that these "hooks" that God refers to (as in a horse's bridle bit, which frequently are shaped like hooks) may actually be the tariffs that President Trump is implementing against both Russia, and Iran, now.
Both Russia's economy, and that of Iran are being badly hurt by American tariffs, and economic
sanctions, especially Iran's, which just had additional sanctions restored, due to their lack of response to Trump's call for a newly negotiated treaty to get Iran to stop their nuclear arms development. Inflation is of the "runaway" category, and under "normal circumstances" the people could be expected to revolt against the government, and try to overthrow it.
But these are not "normal circumstances"!!! How often does a 2500 year-old prophecy seem to be on the verge of fulfillment, at practically any time!?? I strongly suspect that these economic sanctions of the west (because President Trump has warned our allies that if they help Iran break the tariff rules, he will apply sanctions upon whomever does so) may be enough to cause Russia and Iran to invade Israel, as the beginning of their possibly intended conquest of the entire Middle-east, with the final goal of capturing the Arab Oil Fields, and slapping an embargo on the western nations that will make the "Great Depression" of the1930's look like a tea party!!!
God makes it clear that He has no intention of allowing this invasion to succeed. He will somehow cause Israel to overcome whatever threat these nations bring, and will destroy their forces up to 83 and 1/3rd %, in order to bring glory to Himself, and let the "heathen know that there is still a God in Israel"!!!
You can read more about this in Ezekiel 38, and 39, which I have expounded upon seemingly endlessly. Check out the archives list to the right of this column.
UPDATE: 8/8/2018--
I know my readers are probably getting tired of my recounting the Russian attention of my blog, whenever I write something about "Russia" (which is mostly about the Ezekiel prophecies about the "Gog/Magog" invasion of Israel). But, it's still going on, and I find it ridiculously fascinating that they (assuming it is probably some official, or officials, checking up on what I have to say) seem so interested in my opinions, but could make up their own minds about it if they would simply read it for themselves in a Bible! But, I suppose there might be official consequences for possibly being seen reading a Bible on the job, there!!!
Anyway, yesterday my Blog server noted some 80 pageviews as originating from Russia, with 60 more, today!!! I have to believe that their continued interest in what I say confirms, at least, that they are considering an invasion of the Middle-east, in spite of the overwhelming defeat that God has promised that will result from this! How stupid can a collective government get?!!
UPDATE: 8/9/2018
I just don't get it!!! Today, I checked the listing of "Pageviews", and found that the pageviews from Russia were 160 for the week. That's unusual, as I have explained before, but France was listed as having 119 pageviews this week, with a more typical 50 something for the U.S., which is almost always the leader in pageviews. France is not mentioned in the Ezekiel 38, and 39 prophecies, and that nation's interest in my blog rarely rises above 2, or 3 pageviews per day! Like I said, I just don't get it!!!
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