Friday, December 2, 2016

A Liberal's View Of Trump...

I was talking, yesterday, to someone who was obviously a Liberal, and probably voted for Clinton, though I didn't bother to ask.  It didn't seem necessary.  She was rattling on about how Trump was seeming to be not so bad, after all.  She liked the fact that he had appointed a woman to the U.N. Ambassadorship ( I didn't bother to mention that the appointment was of a very Conservative, former Governor of South Carolina, and an evangelical Christian.  I didn't want to spoil her enthusiasm, and it seemed that all she cared about was that she was a woman, appointed to a high office in the Trump administration.)

She added that she applauded Trump's consideration  of Mitt Romney for Secretary of State, because he would get the experience in International Relations  to prepare him to be the next President !  I don't think many Conservative Republicans would agree with her on that point, and I suspect Trump will have a change of heart, either voluntarily, or with a whole lot of help, in that regard!!!

But it is interesting to see that at least one Liberal is trying to find something in Trump, and his administration, that they can appreciate.  If she is indicative of others, we may have something like a unified Government, after a few of Trump's plans actually have a positive effect.  If not, then the Democrats will probably find another International Socialist candidate that is even worse than Obama, and Clinton, to move us even closer to the Antichrist's One-World system of Government, that the Bible condemns in the book of Revelation!  I'll bet Bernie Sanders is just biding his time!!!

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