How much damage can one man do in a little less than one month? President Obama seems determined to find out, before he leaves office next month.
His Anti-Israel moves are just the beginning. He has apparently orchestrated the recent U.N. censorship of Israel, for their allowing developments to be built in West bank territories, which he had America's representative abstain from voting on. This in itself broke with a tradition that America had long held of vetoing the mostly Muslim nations' efforts to pressure U.N. sanctions on Israel. I think we can assume that any U.N. angst against Israel is bought, an paid for, by Arab oil money, in the form of bribes ( I wonder if the Arabs. have set up a "retirement account" for Obama in some Swiss bank). At the same time over 20% of U.N. donations come from American taxpayers, which could be stopped by the new Trump administration. Perhaps it's time to tell the U.N. to get the H*** out of New York, and take their sometimes evil resolutions to Europe, where they will fit in just fine with all those bastions of Islamic terrorism. Why are we continuing to fund that evil organisation, anyway? Their best resolutions are usually symbolic, toothless efforts which harmlessly do nothing to increase peace in the world, and their evil diatribes against anything good would be a better fit in Europe, I think.
Maybe Obama will take a permanent vacation in Abu Dhabi, where he can schmooze with all his Arab buddies about how awful Israel is, and leave us alone. Quite frankly, I'm sick of the guy, and his pathetic wife, who is apparently heartbroken over Trump's pending ability to reverse a lot of the so-called "Obama Legacy" which was built mostly on reversible Executive Orders. How could they expect them to stand close examination by any new, incoming administration, except someone like Hillary, who promised to maintain his "legacy", Thank God we don't have to deal with either one of those idiots for the next four years!!!
The mere fact that Hillary came close to winning the election should scare the "willies" out of every decent American today! We need a massive Holy Spirit breathed revival in this country, or the Democrats will find some way to re-ignite their former voter base, and we'll have another "Legacy" as bad as the one Obama wants to leave us with, now!
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