Not hardly! God's prophecies must be carried out to the fullest detail, regardless of what we would prefer, or what circumstances seem to indicate. He has prophecied that the Antichrist will come to power, and that the confederation that he will use to control the world will look like the European Common Market was shaping up to look like. However, the recent instability of the Common Market would seem to suggest that it is about to collapse under it's own mismanagement. But, don't hold your breath that it will!
The recent British revolt from the Confederation (referred to as "Brexit", for "British Exit"), and the appearance of other member Nations' desire to follow suit leaves one with the logical assumption that the Common Market is about to implode on itself. I don't believe that will happen. I wonder if the "Brexit" movement was meant to separate England from Europe, since God has prophecied that the "young lions of Tarshish" will object to the "Gog/Magog" invasion of Israel (as Europe is not likely to do). The Biblical reference to "Tarshish" refers to the country that was colonized by the city-state known as "Tyre", which was located just north of Israel, in what is today called "Lebanon". It was a maritime trading nation, and it colonized a place in northern Africa, which would become known as Carthage,(perhaps the ancient name of "Tarsish" evolved through much mispronunciation to the later name of "Carthage", which sounds phonetically similar), an adversary of Rome, later;which would precipitate the "Punic Wars", with the famous invasion of Rome, by Hannibal, with an army of elephant riders (which almost defeated Rome) and would eventually establish a colony in the ancient Island nation of "Britannia", which was later known as England. So, the "young lions of Tarshish" probably refers to England, and it's later colonies of America, Canada, Australia, as well as the other members of the "United Kingdom": Scotland, Wales, and Ireland (give or take some of the more rebellious countries, like Ireland).
Remember, Satan is God's devil! He allows him free reign to work his evil devises on mankind in order to test us all, to see which of us will foolishly follow him, and which of us will choose to turn to God, through faith in Jesus, because God has already told us what will be the end result of following the Devil, and his Antichrist. The end of the Antichrist's reign of terror will be sudden, and it will not be pretty; but before it ends, he has first got to come to power, and I don't see God allowing his platform to disappear, before he has a chance to claim it.
I suspect that God will allow the Common Market to appear on the brink of collapse, in order for the leaders to realize that they need a stronger leader to manage their system. Like ...Oh, I dunno..., maybe, the ANTICHRIST!!! (whomever that will be)??? This may be the format he will use to gain control of the Common Market, which Revelation refers to as a Confederation. Perhaps a world-wide financial collapse (like the one currently touted on television by all the sellers of Gold Bullion) will set him up to take control of the world's financial markets, with some form of Gold-backed, computer currency (like the "Bitcoin") that all the world will embrace as the only stable currency around. This will probably require the prophecied "Mark of the Beast" which is condemned for Christians, and I suspect that the "Rapture" will have already occurred by the time it becomes totally accepted, world-wide. The Antichrist could not foister that upon a world full of all those pesky Christians, so they must be removed from interference, to bring it to pass. I believe God will cooperate to this degree, not because He wants the Antichrist to succeed, but He wants those non-believers who will follow his system to have the opportunity to choose to do so. Then they will have no excuse when they stand before God's White Throne Judgement! The Antichrist will have served his purpose, by then, and God will have Judged him accordingly, as well!
This would seem to be another perfect opportunity for me to extol what is becoming my most common scripture quote, to end my Posts with: encouraging Christian believers to, "Look up! For your redemption draweth nigh!!!"
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