Will Donald ever develop the capacity to hear criticism without trying, lamely, to defend himself on Twitter? Recently, he was castigated by Irving Kristol, who said, "Just when you think a Trump administration might be all right..." Trump voluntarily puts his foot in his mouth, to make us wonder if he is capable of being President, after all. Someone has got to convince him to stop the Twitter remarks that he seems determined to use to challenge his critics upon. He must recognize that criticism comes with the job, and if you continue to try to defend yourself, you will only encourage more of the same. Shut up, Donald, and let others defend you, who can do a much better job, and will defer the rebuttals upon themselves.
I reiterate my previous opinion that Trump must surround himself with excellent (mostly Conservative) advisers, and counselors. But mostly, he has got to listen to them, and practice Ronald Reagan's habit of "delegating authority" to them. Especially since he seems to have such a "thin skin" for criticism. He should certainly expect it from the Losers of the Left, but his silly defenses encourage criticism from Conservatives as well.
It's nice to have a President who agrees with Conservative values, but if he can't keep his feet out of his mouth, how will that help Conservative values to be accepted by the nation as a whole?
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