Tuesday, November 15, 2016

And Now The Campuses Are Rioting, Too...

What a surprise!!!  The last bastion of overgrown spoiled brats is in turmoil over their favorite candidate losing the election for President.  What a surprise!!!  So, true to form for spoiled brats, they throw the over-grown equivalent of a tantrum, when they don't get their way, like when Hillary Clinton loses the election!  [See update below...]

I wonder how many of these people actually bothered to vote?  I strongly suspect that many of them didn't bother, because the mainstream media (see previous Post) had convinced them that Hillary was going to win, even without their votes.  If so, it's another fine job of propaganda backfiring against their proponents, and again I say, "Does anyone, besides me,  sense God's fingerprints all over  this???"The Bible is replete with accounts of God making those who resist Him, and especially those who attack His people, do something stupid, in order to  cause them to negate their overwhelming advantage, and bring about a shocking defeat.   It's called, "God delights in using the foolishness of man to confound the wisdom of the 'wise'"(quotation marks added).   If I close my eyes, I think I can almost hear God chuckling to Himself!  (Does God  "chuckle"???)

But, I find it hard to believe this will continue long.  Look at the demographics, here.  We have what I strongly believe to be paid professional  protesters rioting in the streets of California, and now we have our overgrown spoiled brats imitating them on college campuses.  The difference is one of measurable self interest here.  One is paid to riot, and the other pays a huge fee to get an education so they can earn an acceptable living upon graduation.   I don't think the Campus rioting will continue long.

Having lived through the rioting on Kent State's Campus 45 years ago, I sense a totally different attitude now.  We were a largely politically apathetic campus, then, and it took off-campus agitators (paid professionals???) to stir up enough  angst to bring about  the killing of four students, and wounding of 9 others.  The issue then was the expansion of the fighting in the Viet Nam war,  which the students knew they were a large part of the feeding grounds for military recruitment.  They carefully protected their "student deferment" status, but they knew that expansion meant they might be drafted after graduation, if the war continued to escalate.

Today, students don't fear being drafted (we have an, "all volunteer military") and they are probably merely "acting out" their foolish fantasies (probably stimulated by my generation of leftist professors), before they calm down, and get back to studying, and attending classes.  So, I expect this will calm down, soon.  But the Secret Service, is really going to have their hands full protecting Trump, over the next four years.  I wonder how many of those professional rioters are capable of following John Hinckley's  example, with, or without Jodie Foster!

[Update:  (Wed., 11/16/2016):  Today I heard on FOX NEWS that, "112  protesters were arrested in Portland, Ore., by the police.  During interviews it was discovered that 70% of them either didn't register to vote in the election, or didn't bother to vote." How about that, for my hunch turning out to be true!!!  (Refer above to the second paragraph.)]

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