I can't tell you how much I respect the mainstream media news outlets for their decades of "unbiased news reporting", especially leading up to this past Presidential election. "I can't tell you", at least not without using an outburst of profane expletives.
It was on October 17th (check the "Archive" list to the right of this column) that I bemoaned a report that I think was seen on an N.B.C. News broadcast, that said the "polls" indicated that "the Evangelical vote was apparently split evenly between Trump and Clinton". I followed that statement up by saying that I didn't "automatically trust any report heard on one of the 'mainstream media' news outlets", because they were well reputed to use their networks for the dissemination of propaganda, rather than accurrate news reporting, on a scale not seen since Hitler's Nazi Germany! I admit that the mere possibility that the story was accurate caused me quite a bit of concern, since it would render the influence of the Evangelical vote to zero; those for one candidate effectively cancelling out those for the other.
As it turns out, N.B.C. missed it by just "a little bit"!!! Results of the election indicate that Evangelicals voted about 81% for Trump, and 19% (or less?) for Hillary! And, their votes made up around 26% of the total vote!!! Way to go N.B.C. News! You've raised new standards for unfair-media-biased reporting, and your candidate lost, anyway! Does anybody sense God's "fingerprints" on these election results, besides me??? I've noted before that God delights in making fools of those who claim to be "wise", as many media pundits would have us believe they are. Perhaps the reporting of how effectively Hillary was supposed to be winning, against Trump, in spite of all the charges of illegal use of her position as Secretary of State, may have caused some Democrats to feel that voting was unnecessary for her to win the election, so they may not have bothered to go to the polls??? (I wonder how many Democrats remember [was it a New York Paper?] that proudly proclaimed, "Dewey Wins!!!" for their early morning edition. They apparently didn't ask Harry Truman's campaign about that!) If that's so, it would be a perfect case of lying propaganda having a completely reverse effect, from it's intent! I wonder how many of those outraged "Millennials", especially those who are showing their displeasure by rioting in the streets out on the "Left Coast", put half as much energy into going to the polls???
I said before that, "God delights in making fools of those who would be considered wise". Well, the converse is also true. He delights in using the "foolishness of man to confound the wisdom of the wise"! If only Trump will recognize that his election victory was not a "plus" for his ego, but a resounding repudiation of Hillary Clinton, and her lackeys, he could be remembered as a great President. If he can keep from philandering with other women, he might even get re-elected in four years!
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