Thursday, September 8, 2016

Reasoning Between The Spoken "Lines"...

I am deeply troubled by something that Hillary Clinton just said. So, "Why is that news to us?", one might well say! Much of what she has to say, I find deeply troubling. That's nothing new! But in this case, she said something absolutely expected from her, that could carry much more dire consequences for us all!

She promised that, if she wins election to the presidency, she will never send ground forces to Iraq, or Syria! So what? She has already promised to uphold Obama's legacy, if elected. What's different about that?

Having confirmed what we should have reasonably expected from her, it forced me to draw some possibly logical conclusions, by what is NOT said in the Bible, specifically in the Ezekiel 38, & 39 Prophecies, about the "future" invasion of the Middle-East, by Russia, and their allies. I can't see how things can get much more set up for this invasion, without it actually being exposed as the very invasion that God prophecied to the prophet Ezekiel, some 2500 years ago. The fact that there is no mention of any allies for the defense of Israel, besides God, Himself, causes me to wonder if that means that Hillary will win in the November election, which I would consider to be a catestrophic portent for America! Donald Trump wisely refused to say if he would commit ground forces, because he didn't wish to tell the enemy what his plans are, if he wins election. These positions caused me to try and reason what God has in mind for us here, in America, while this world-changing prophecy unfolds in the Middle-East.

First, does the fact that God doesn't metion anything about Israel's allies mean there will be no American ground forces in the Middle-East at the time of the invasion? Not necessarily... But, people like myself couldn't sit still and watch Israel be potentially destroyed, without demanding available American troops be deployed to help the Israelis. I'm sure God realizes this, and He has prophecied that He would glorify Himself in defeating Israel's enemies. If American troops help Israel, then they would potentially receive some of the glory for the victory. God probably doesn't wish to share His glory with anyone else, no matter how well intended it may be. The point is to show Israel that they are still His chosen people, and that He still loves them, and will still protect them from seemingly overwhelming peril. Trump could be expected to bow to Evangellical pressure to send available aid to Israel, while Clinton would sit on her hands, and do nothing! Thank God that He doesn't need our help to save His people!

Second, does the apparent lack of American troops mean that Clinton will win the Presidency, in November? Again, NOT NECESSARILY! Trump could still win, but the invasion could begin before Obama leaves office in January. But, what about the some four thousand American troops that Obama has already sent there? Does anyone really believe Obama would allow them to assist Isael, against an invasion force made up partially of Muslim nations' forces? He could rather be expected to try to get them to help invade Israel! (Not really, he wouldn't have the guts to reveal his pro-Muslim bias to that blatant extent!) But, he could be expected to order our forces to "Stand down!", as Hillary would also (and is reputed to have done in the Benghazi fiasco). The only thing God has said about America's response is that whimpy diplomatic query, "...Have you take a great spoil?" Again I say, "DUH!"

So, I may have to swallow hard to say that Hillary may still win in November, if it serves God's overall purposes, in keeping well-intended belivers, like me, from interfereing with His plans to glorify Himself in rescuing His chosen people. But, if that's the case, I'll bet she doesn't serve for very long! (For more on my Biblical reasoning, with cautions that I am merely speculating, and certainly not trying to say that I have any divine authority on the matters, please check out the "Archives" list to the right of this column, for Easter Sunday, march 27th,of this year.)

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