I wonder if the 2016 election may not be America's last chance to get it right!!! Is God watching us to see if we will continue the moral slide into corrupt politics of the previous elections, or will we finally "get it right", in God's eyes, rather than Michele Obama's! She, of the famous quote,"I can finally say that I'm proud of my country", or something of that nature. She was referring to the election of her husband as President, and implying that nothing in our past, previous to this was enough to make her proud.
I not only disagree with her, but I am of a diametrically opposite view! His election, and worse his re-election, were perhaps the worst moments of America's political history! I grieve for the things that Michele Obama is proud of, therefore, the things I am proudest of must be the things that she has apparently been ashamed of. Her opinion, and those that agree with her, including (and especially) that of her husband, are therefore irrelevant to me. This has nothing to do with Racism, at least not in the traditional sense. I do not disrespect anyone simply because their skin is dark, but we have developed a new racial disparity in the past 50 years or so, that is perhaps more evil than the first, which stemmed from the evil of slavery.
The worst thing that Blacks, and other minorities, did as a consequence of the ending of slavery was to reject every value that was held by the majority of Whites, simply because they were perceived as White values. The "Jim Crow" era, and the White Supremacist racism, and especially the tolerance of the lynching of Blacks, led to the coalescing of Black views that everything that Whites valued was wrong, and must be replaced by something better. This led to the "Black Power" movement, and the pathetic adoption of "Black Muslim" faith, as a replacement for the Christian faith of many of their ancestors, who relied on their Christian faith to support them through the horrible oppression of slavery, and the somewhat more subtle oppression of the "Jim Crow" era, that followed.
America must progress beyond both of these eras if it is to ever overcome the last vestiges of racism, as a remnant of slavery. If it does not, America will remain in the bondage of bitterness that has divided it for centuries, and God may be watching us to see if we're ever going to figure this out, and if not, He may decide that we are not worth the trouble of saving us from our enemies, as he has clearly done in the past. He allowed our greater industrial capacity to defeat the Nazi's, and the Japanese, in World War II, (I wonder if Michele Obama is ashamed of that!). But I suspect today's technology is not enough to protect us from the possible Nuclear Holocaust, that is perhaps prophecied in Ezekiel 39:6; and though I believe Christ will rapture His believers immediately before this, how many of us will he consider, "worthy to escape the wrath that is to come?"
Donald Trump is making a bid to the Black voters that is apparently having a small effect upon them. But those that hold to the values of, "Black Lives Matter" (which I suspect really is intended to mean that ONLY Black lives matter, as if that is not as racially divisive as the lynchings were) must renounce the indiscriminate murder of policemen, in one city, because of the racist brutality committed by police in other cities. (I personally suspect that this is also related to the Black Muslims' response to the calls of I.S.I.S. for chaos in America's streets, without wanting to openly admit it.) Black Americans must reject Islam, in all it's forms, or they will be rejected by God, after He has dealt with the invaders of the Middle-East, prophecied in Ezekiel 38, and 39. (They should consider that most of the original slave traders were Muslim believers, so why are they any better than the slave owners who paid them?) They must recognize that the Whites who created the slavery in America's past were wrong ONLY in the slavery issue. That did not make them wrong in their Christian faith, and the inconsistency there is for God to judge, Himself, and Blacks are only harming themselves for falsely judging Christianity as the basis for it.
The bottom line here is, will there ever be a genuine coming together of the races, in time for God to repent of the Judgement that seems to be imminent for America? And this coming election may well have a lot to do with the answer to that question, one way or the other!
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