Two things have become blatantly obvious about the 2016 Presidential Election...Donald Trump is absolutely incapable of winning the election. But Hillary Clinton is the most capable of candidates I've ever seen of losing the election, in spite of the fact that she is way ahead, so far, and is building a sound local election committee in most states, while Trump is not. So, how can she "snatch defeat from the jaws of victory"? She may have already done so, between her irresponsible use of an unsecured E-mail server, while serving as Secretary of State, and her and Bill's setting up of a "Foundation" that was supposed to be a charitable corporation, but is looking more, and more like a personal "slush fund" to re-elect a Clinton President, just as Nixon's "Re-election Committee" was obviously for him. And we know how much that "slush fund" helped Nixon, after the Watergate scandal. The only question is, will the E-mail scandal ever get strong enough to offend the belligerent Democratic voters, who voted for the likes of a thoroughly incompetent Senator from Illinois, in 2008, and again in 2012, just because his skin was a little bit black ( even though his "heart" was, and remains as "black as coal")? Boy, that was a real smart move!!! And look where that's got us, now!
The "Foundation" scandal seems to be the most potentially volatile of her record of incompetent National Security concerns. That "Foundation" accepted "donations" from all the rich Gulf Oil Emirates, including Saudi Arabia, which gave us the conspirators for the September 11, 2001 Airplane attack on the Twin Towers, in New York City! Even though the Clintons have assured us that they will not accept any more donations, if she wins, and Bill will step down as the "Foundation's" C.E.O., that gives no assurance that, as President, Hillary's gratitude for those countries' financial help in winning the election would not influence her decisions for their benefit, or that Bill would not talk to his cronies who replace him to run the "Foundation for him, throughout his busy term as "First Gentlemen"! ("So many Interns, and so little time...!"). And, I doubt that his E-mails would be scrutinized by the F.B.I., secured, or not. And, who's going to stop him from talking to Hillary, after he talks to his cronies???
But, the Democrats don't need to be offended enough to vote for Trump; that seems a bit too much to expect! It will be enough if they are discouraged enough by Clinton's security liabilities (which are already obvious, but must be even more so to offend the idiot Democrats, enough so they'll stay home on election day, perhaps in "droves"). Trump is playing into that strategy already, by trying to woo the "Black Voters" away from voting Democratic, which seems all but impossible. But, in doing so, he is tempering the "Racist" image, as the Democrats have worked so hard to portray him. That could be enough to keep them from voting, as they have a history of staying home, on election day, especially when they don't like either of the white choices for President. Right now they will dislike Trump enough, no matter how much he tries to woo them. But, will the E-mail scandal, and the foreign "investment" scandal of Clinton's "Foundation" become obvious enough to offend their National Security concerns, in time for the election? Only God knows... but then there are times when He is the only one who has to know! I wonder if Trump is His choice, for whatever reason, and if so, He can bring about his victory, no matter how incompetent he appears to be. He alone knows the future, and it seems to delight God to bring about impossible victories, when the need is greatest!
Consider the way the American Revolution began; and the absolute incompetence of the Union Army at the start of the Civil War! The war of 1812 began with a British invasion of Washington , D.C., and their burning of the White House to the ground!!! If that doesn't convince the reader of God's ability to turn defeat into victory, I don't know what will! Perhaps He will help Hillary to "snatch defeat from the jaws of victory"! Let's all hope so, and pray for a relief from Democratic incompetence in the White House!!!
If Trump displays enough of a pliable heart to the urging of God, it really matters little about his competence, or lack there of. If he will surround himself with enough advisors who are sensitive to God's urging, and will actually listen to them, we may have a President that can restore America's greatness, as Trump says he wants to do. Remember, George Washington's greatest attribute was his humility in recognizing when his advisor's strategic advise was better than his own plans. If Trump can learn that, too, he may go down as the next great President! May God grant him a wise and understanding heart!!!
UPDATE: 8/23/2016--
I wrote this Post yesterday, with no more than a suspicion that God is "up to something"...but I didn't know what. It seems to be shaking out to be similar to other aspects of His method of glorifying Himself, and confounding those who choose to resist Him. They are usually without excuse because, He tends to prophecy what He intends to do well before the fact, at least in general terms, and those who are sensitive to His prophecies can sort of "read between the (Biblical) lines" to fill in the blanks, for the details that are left unspoken, but seem to be consistent with what He has said. So, I claim no special wisdom, and certainly no "psychic power", or any other "mumbo jumbo" of the like! Yet I seem to have "coincidentally" guessed right about Hillary (and Bill) Clinton's culpability growing as more, and more, of her irresponsible State Department behavior comes to light. After Posting the above views of the possible developments in the Presidential election campaign, the story was made public, yesterday, that the State Department has ("miraculously") "uncovered" some 15,000 of Hillary's E-mails that were previously thought lost! I suspect that the Obama Administration quietly ordered them "lost", and not to be "found" until there was not enough time to investigate them, before the election, to see if they revealed any wrongdoing on Hillary's part, or on the part of her advisers. (But, a Federal Judge, in Texas, has ordered the State Department to complete an "expedited" investigation of the E-mails' contents, before September 22nd! We will see if the Obama Administration is willing to "expedite" anything that may harm the election of their chosen lackey, or will they continue to "foot drag" (why am I tempted to use the term "stone-wall" here???), even with the threat of "Contempt of Court" hanging over their heads! Wow! Maybe we could get Hillary, Bill, and Obama to throw a real "Democratic party", in San Quentin, or some other federal prison!!!
All this would seem to suggest that THEY felt the damage could possibly be severe enough to cause her to lose the election. Suspicion runs rampant that some of her advisors have been giving special access to her "Foundation's" donors (many of them are from Arab Gulf State countries, like Saudi Arabia. [UPDATE: 8/24/2016: Reports, today, suggest that, "Over fifty percent of Hillary's official visitors, while she served as Secretary of State were donors to the "Clinton Foundation", clearly suggesting that access to her office was available, "for the right price"! This information was gathered from her official calendar of visitors, while in office.] They may not be official government people (as Saudi Arabia's government is our ally), but simply rich donors from those countries. Remember, Saudi Arabia was also our ally when the whole conspiracy of the "911 Twin Towers/airplane crash" was exposed as originating, and presumably funded by rich Saudi Arabian financiers (and I haven't heard anything about them being brought to justice for their criminal conspiracy, in creating the worst attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor, in 1941)!
I am not suggesting the Clintons are "in bed with" those financiers (God knows that Bill is probably too busy philandering with other women to be in bed with anyone else, including perhaps even Hillary), but, a mere close relationship with them, which seems to have been indisciminantly available for the right price, through their "Foundation", could be a serious breach of National Security! The fact that the Clintons seem to be unconcerned about this, should definitely disqualify either from future public office, and should shed light on Bill's term, as well. I don't particularly care if they wind up in prison, or not, just so they can't hurt America any more with their shady practices! May God have mercy on their souls, and on us for allowing them to get away with what I strongly suspect they've been up to!
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