...And the "odor" is strongest near the White House!!!
Of course, I have no way of knowing for certain, but that never stopped me from being suspicious of the Obama Administration before, so why stop now? Especially as past "Lame-Duck" Administrations are well-known for doing some of the most dastardly acts of political "skullduggery" ever, just as they are about to leave office (such as when Vice President Gore's office was suspected of being responsible for cutting all the telephone lines in their office, before leaving). It is a most dangerous time for America as a whole, and Democratic Administrations are especially famous for trying to leave the country in as much chaos as they can, when a Republican Administration is about to take over. (Obama is already trying to shut down the prison at Guantanamo Bay, in Cuba. How many Felons will he release in America, as he leaves office???)
Is the Obama Administration preparing already for a Trump victory? Or are they merely using this "tradition" as an excuse to "stick it to..." all of us, and they don't much care who gets hurt by it!
The recent admission that the American Cent/Com., in the war against I.S.I.S., and Al Quaida, was "cooking the books" by releasing intentionally inaccurate statistical figures, intended to imply that the American effort was being significantly more successful against the enemy than the true facts would indicate, may have been directed from the White House, for purely political reasons. Could this be the lying basis for an Obama excuse to withdraw ALL the remaining troops in Iraq and Afghanistan? (After all, "If we've driven the enemy out of the country, there's no need to leave our troops there, is there?" I can imagine them arguing...) I certainly have no way of proving my suspicion, but the use of lying propaganda from the Obama Administration, for political purposes, is typical behavior, to say the least!
I am reminded of another Democratic President's over-ruling a field General's decision, when Truman stopped McArthur from using Nuclear bombs on the bridge over the river the Chinese troops were using to cross into North Korea, to offer military support to their ally, against American, and South Korean advancing forces. At the time, Truman was quoted as saying that, "War is too important to be left to the Generals." One can hardly argue that he was wrong, then, as this would have amounted to a serious escalation of the Korean war, even perhaps bringing Russian Nuclear weapons into the equation, as a counter effort. Truman realized this was not just a civil war between factions of the Korean people. It was also a "proxy war", between the western capitalist nations, versus the communist countries, led by China, and Russia, with North Korea as the puppet ally. It was as much a political war, as it was a military operation. It could very easily have exploded into a nuclear conflagration, and Truman was not about to let America be the direct cause of that.
Now we have a situation where the opposite is true: In this case, we might easily say that, "War is too important to be left to the politicians!" Whether Obama is soft on the enemy here, because he may actually be a "closet Muslim" (as I have stated that I suspect is true), or whether he is merely setting us up for a campaign-promised withdrawal of American forces from Iraq, and Afghanistan, before he leaves office, it hardly matters. The effect would be catastrophic, regardless of the motivation! This would be the single most cowardly act by the U.S. government, since Congress voted to de-fund the American troops fighting in Viet Nam, setting the stage for the shameful retreat of American forces, and their abandonment of South Viet Nam to the Communist North Viet Namese forces. And why do I suspect that Obama is thoroughly capable of such an act???
True, or not, I don't know. But as the title of this Post suggests I may, "smell a Rat", and if so, he's living in the White House! The effect of American abandonment of both Iraq, and Afghanistan would be to leave the territory open to either a Sunni Muslim "Caliphate", set up by I.S.I.S., or a Shiite Muslim "Caliphate" (since Iran borders both countries, this might be too tempting an opportunity for them to pass up). Either way, a retiring Obama may not much care which happens!
Obama supposedly will move to his new home in Northwest Washington, after the new President is sworn in, but I wouldn't be surprised if he eventually moves to his native land, Kenya!
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