Thursday, August 11, 2016

"Look Up! For Your Redemption Draweth Nigh!"

Regular readers of this Blog will note that I frequently mention something I've seen while watching the "700 CLUB" television show. Not only was I saved, by praying with Pat Robertson, the show's producer and main program host, but I tend to agree with most of what I hear on the show. Consequently, I try to watch the show daily, when I can.

Recently Pat has been warning viewers that the recent so-called "coup attempt" within the Turkish government, that was put down by forces loyal to the President, may have been a fraudulent attempt by President Erdogan to simply solidify a dictatorial stranglehold upon his nation. After arresting thousands of people within the military, and in civilian roles (including school teachers), who were supposedly suspected of being part of the attempt, he has certainly accomplished that. But, to what purpose, beyond his personal power grab?

When he was first elected, it was noted that he instituted policies that were considered more congenial toward I.S.I.S., and other radical Muslim factions, after decades of being considered a more secular government, even though the population was heavily Muslim-believing. This was considered a dangerous trend, as Turkey had been a secular, western-leaning government for something like almost 100 years. It was considered a political "buffer-zone" between the western nations and the Muslim world. In fact the Western Nations' allied themselves with Turkey, in what came to be known as the "N.A.T.O. alliance". This meant that various high-tech weapons systems, including advanced aircraft, and missile technology would be available for Turkey to purchase, that would not be available to non-allied nations.

This was hard for most of us to equate with the Prophecy of Ezekiel 38, &39, which spoke of a coming invasion of the Middle-East, and especially Israel, by a confederation of Russian, and Muslim-dominated nations' armies, of which "Gomer" was listed as one. "Gomer" has long been thought by biblical scholars to be the name of the ancient tribe that settled into the area we now refer to as Turkey. We all had trouble believing that a country that had been so dependable for western nations' interests, for so many years (since the end of World War I), could suddenly become a part of this invasion force. But, that seems to be what is happening, now.

Erdogan has recently flown to Russia to meet with Vladimir Putin, and I guess we can figure out what they are discussing! This on top of Russia's recent establishing of a forward air base, in northern Syria, just south of the border with Turkey. Russia could never leave an air base vulnerable to attack from a N.A,T.O. ally while it launched an attack on Israel, which is itself an ally (traditionally, at least) of ours. It appears that the recent talks with the "Rebel forces" fighting Russia's ally, Syria, may (illogically) bring about a temporary truce, between Russia, and the mostly Sunni Muslim factions they are fighting. I say "illogically", because the Russian forces are also allied with Iran's Shiite Muslim forces! Sunni Muslims hate Shiite Muslims passionately, and vice versa! An alliance between all these factions seems almost impossible to project!

But, we Christians know all about God working the impossible to bring about His purposes! This kind of alliance would rank right up there, almost, with crossing the Red Sea, and later the swollen Jordan River, on dry ground, with the water piled up as walls beside the Israelite tribes! But, the Ezekiel prophecy does begin with God saying that he would seem to put, "hooks in (the Russian leader's) jaws", to turn him toward the Middle-East invasion, as if he were a horse being turned about by a rider's bridle, and its bits (which are shaped like "hooks"), so He could destroy the Invasion force, upon the, "mountains of Israel" (or at least 83 1/3rd% of it), while saving Israel! If this much appears to be settling into place for this all to come to pass, how can we be surprised to see an alliance of nations that traditionally hate each other, being formed to invade a country (Israel) that they all traditionally hate much more than they hate each other! The very fragile nature of such an alliance could be the reason they eventually will turn against each other, which is the way God has prophecied that He will cause them to be destroyed!

All this means one thing for us in America. We, as Christian believers, should, "Look up...For your redemption draweth nigh!" It also means that friends, and loved ones, who may have seemed to be wavering in their faith need one final opportunity to be reached with the apparently unbelievable, yet soon to be absolutely true, prophecy that will glorify God, and point to His son, Jesus Christ as being the Messiah of Israel, and the Lord, and Savior of the world!!! Time may be growing very short (and it may not matter much who wins the Presidential election, after all)! "Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus, and count (us all) worthy to escape the wrath that is to come!"

(For further reasoning on my views about the Prophecies of this invasion, and what may follow [though, admittedly, it's just one person's opinion about something that God has only revealed somewhat about], please scroll down to my Post for December 28th of last year, and the further references that it contains.)

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