Thursday, August 11, 2016

Crying "Fire" In A Theater!

Come on, people! What does it take for our Federal Judges to figure out basic common sense issues??? How many of our first grade students can figure out that if the so-called "Social Media" is continuing to allow people like I.S.I.S., and Al Quaida to recruit terrorists internationally, through their servers, they should be forced to stop allowing it. This constitutes "collusion" with the most dangerous element in any society, and we allow them to continue because our judges can't distinguish between legitimate protection of "freedom of speech" issues, and the protection of those elements who wish to destroy our freedoms, and our very lives. One wonders if these idiots would allow their toddlers to play with pet Rattlesnakes, instead of baby rattles???

I am reminded of the well-known Supreme Court ruling, concerning pornography (I think it was attributed to former Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes), when he wrote that he couldn't define "pornography", but he "knew it when he saw it"; and it may also have been Holmes who said the First Amendment protection of free speech didn't give someone the right to frivolously yell "fire!" in a theater. If concern for the risk of a stampede out of a theatre was enough for an exception to the First Amendment protection of free speech, then why can't our federal judges conclude that terrorist recruitment is even more dangerous???

If concern for a dangerous precedent of one nation's government ruling a restriction over the "free speech" of social media users, internationally, I'd say that concern has already been violated, by China, and probably other totalitarian countries. We hear stories in the news, periodically, of various countries (especially China) blocking the transmission of Internet communications that they feel is harmful propaganda against their regimes. If totalitarian interests are allowed to block such transmissions, why won't the social media companies allow the blocking of obviously terroristic transmissions (or perhaps self-editing would be more appropriate), within Democratic states? And if they continue to refuse this, why can't our judges find them in "Contempt", attaching heavier, and heavier fines upon them, until their dangerous obstinance (obviously fueled by terrorist bribes) becomes unprofitable to them.

What we have here (" a failure to communicate!", to quote the Paul Newman character in "Cool Hand Luke"), with federal judges who refuse to make common sense decisions (one has to wonder if bribes are fueling their decisions!). They need to be investigated (as if the Obama Administration's Department of Justice can actually investigate, righteously), and if there is sufficient evidence of bribery, those corrupt Judges need to be impeached, and thrown out of office. I recognize that Obama would then try to appoint another Judge, as corrupt as the first, or worse. But Congress could withhold their confirmation until after Obama leaves office. Let's hope that Hillary is not elected in his place!!!

As far as a perverse application of "censorship" goes, I have to wonder if I am not the victim of "reverse discrimination", or something along that line. Google, which owns my Blog server, somehow obtained the title of my original Blog, from another server with which I was dissatisfied. I tried to delete all of my previous Posts from that Blog, but somehow was not able to delete the Heading, which was called, "The End-Times News Review". Since I no longer could enter that Blog site, I could not correct my error. Somehow, (I don't know if there were legal threats exchanged, or not) that heading was obtained by Google, and the title was changed to this Blog's title. All this was done without my involvement in any way!

About a week ago, I wrote a Post that I thought was on this Blog. But since both titles are listed in the files of this server, I apparently clicked the wrong title, and my Post appeared on the old Blog, instead of this one. So, I started to copy the text, verbatim, onto this Blog, and then I went back to the old Blog and deleted the Post. I intended to retain the copy on this Blog, but found that it had been deleted, as well. The question I am left with, is this: Did the computer system delete both Posts, because the first few sentences were identical, even though I had begun to add new text to my "copy" (once I got on a roll), or am I the victim of some human editing of my Blog's text, which the social media is collectively unwilling to do for Muslim terrorist publications??? I guess we'll never know, because if it is the latter, the perpetrators would never admit it!

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