Monday, December 21, 2015

Putin Gives Trump His "Kiss-Of-Death" Endorsement

One has to be suspicious of an endorsement of any presidential candidate, by any Russian President, Premiere, Foreign Minister, or dog catcher, for that matter. Vladimir Putin especially! Remember, Russian political figures tend to view everything through the eyes of a chess-playing Grand Master, trying to speculate on what each move will bring as a counter move, and to anticipate how to best counter that move.

When Putin volunteered that he had great respect for Donald Trump, and he was looking forward to working with him, you have to figure that that's a bunch of cr**, at the very least!!! But more, you have to wonder why he volunteered that, and what reaction was he trying to get with it? He certainly knows that American opinions of Russian intentions, internationally, have not mellowed much since the height of the "Cold War"; and he is certain to know that Republican voters think less of his opinion than they do of Obama's. An accurate description of the typical Republican view of his opinion would necessitate another four-letter word, which I will spare the reader of here.

So why does he even bother to voice his opinion publicly? Obviously, he wants to form an American back-lash to his spoken opinion. I suppose he is concerned that Trump's capacity to "shoot from the lip", without considering the potential consequences, might be very dangerous for the man who sits in the Oval Office, with his finger on the button of the only Nuclear System in the world that is more powerful than his own. If Trump gets P.O.'ed at Russian misdeeds (like, say, an unprovoked attack upon Israel by Russian, and Muslim allies, which can be determined as an eventual effort to conquer the Saudi Arabian, and other gulf states' oil supplies [i.e., see Ezekiel 38, & 39]) would he be more likely than other candidates to "push the button"??? Perhaps his uncertainty on this issue urged Putin to praise Trump, hoping that his praise will have the calculated effect of offending enough Republican voters to get them to elect some more timid, and easily intimidated candidate (like Hillary, who thinks America is "right where we ought to be", on international issues).

One thing is certain, Putin does not praise Americans because he likes them! He's up to something, and I think we'll find out what real soon!!!

[Addendum-- By the way, am I the only person who sees Benito Mussolini, with a generous "comb-over" hair style when Donald Trump is listening to someone's opinion that he obviously disagrees with??? If Trump shaved his head bald, would he look like the second coming of Mussolini??? Just a thought.]

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