No, this is not a belated tribute to Thanksgiving dinner celebrations, nor a hint at desired Christmas dinner expectations, although it could well be, as turkey dinners are perhaps my favorite culinary temptation.
My true interest today is my fascination with (and apologies to friends who have come close to characterizing my interest in the Ezekiel 38, & 39 prophecies as an obsession [I plead guilty as charged, on that one]) the makeup of the prophecied Middle-East invasion force that Russia is expected to bring against the, "mountains of Israel". Specifically, the supposed role that Turkey (the nation, not the bird) will play in their diabolical alliance with Russia, and other nations that are made up of mostly Sunni Muslim forces, which hate the Shiite forces of Iran, perhaps the primary Muslim ally of the Russian invasion force, and are quite deadly enemies of each other. On the surface, this would seem to be an utterly impossible alliance, but upon closer examination, it is perhaps plausible, especially for believers that God is bringing this force together in order to present what seems to be an overwhelming enemy invasion force upon His Chosen People (Israel) in order for Him to receive greater glory when He causes them to fight among themselves, destroying up to 83 1/3% of their forces. Remember, if the Bible is true, and I believe it is, then, "all things are possible with God", including an unlikely alliance between hated enemies, each of whom hates Israel more than they hate each other. I suspect they will rationalize that they are allying themselves with Russia, and not with each other, for the greater "good" of slaughtering all the innocent men, women and children of Israel, and taking "back" the Holy Land, which they believe was stolen from them, by Israel. First, it was not their land to begin with. And, second, God sovereignly chose to drive out the original inhabitants of the land, for their unrepentant evil practices, and He gave the land to Israel for a, "perpetual possession". Since God can not lie, and "perpetual" includes today, I'd say that Israel still holds title to the land, and God's about to prove it!
So, as unlikely as it seems, in the natural, I guess Russia will somehow swing a tentative alliance with the Shiite Muslims of Iran, and Lebanon, allying with the blood-thirsty Sunni Muslims of I.S.I.S., and Al Quaida, and the Muslim nations that support them. This would seem to include Turkey, which is referred to in the Ezekiel prophecies by it's ancient name of "Togarmah", and which is reputed to be clandestinely cooperating with the I.S.I.S. forces in Syria to sell the oil they produce from their captured Iraqi oil fields, which has netted them an estimated $1 million dollars per day, to finance their murderous invasion of Syria. If Russia can get these combatants to at least profess a willingness to temporarily lay aside their personal hatreds, in order to attack Israel, this would bring the set-stage for the prophecied invasion of Israel, and it would seem to provide the powder-keg of mutual hatred that God will likely use to bring about the fighting between themselves that is likewise prophecied.
This perspective is even more illogical when one considers that Turkey has been a N.A.T.O. ally for decades. But the recent election of Prime Minister Erdogan was recently forecast as a movement to bring a more "fundamentalist" leaning to his government. I guess they consider clandestine cooperation with I.S.I.S. to be what our liberal Media likes to categorize as "fundamentalist". That smacks of an insult to Bible-believing Christians whom they love to categorize with the same term, when they are not trying to connect us with Hitler's Nazis by calling us both "Right Wingers", even though the term Nazi is short for National Socialists. I guess they figure if we're to the right of Stalin's Communism, they can call us "Right Wingers". I wonder were that leaves them???
An offshoot of the destruction of this invasion force will probably be the recognition by any would-be "Lone Wolf Terrorists" internationally, that they no longer have a safe haven "Caliphate" to repair to, at least for the few who survive their usually suicidal escapades. And God will have given pause to even the most dogmatic "Jihadists" that perhaps their suicide will be in vain, after all. This should bring an end to the spread of international terrorism that plagues us today (at least for seven years), and if the Rapture follows soon after, as I suspect it may, any resumption of it later will not effect Christian believers, anyway!
I'm going way out on a limb by calling for this, but since I have repeatedly explained that I am no Prophet, and therefore am quite allowed to be wrong in my predictions, I stand upon my right of calculated error with my best-guess perspective. There you have it, folks; take it or leave it, as you choose. Either way, it makes watching the developments in the Middle-East fascinating, since I've read the, "last chapter of the book" (so to speak) and I believe I know how it will all turn out!!!
Stay tuned!!!
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