I am writing this post with a feeling of great "fear and trepidation", not for the error of my concerns, but for the potential of great wrong to be taken from what I am about to write, by those who would twist my meaning to suit their own perverse agendas. However, the peril exists today at such an obviously high level that I feel it must be openly examined by those who would keep cooler heads in the midst of great turbulence. I am concerned that America is running a great risk today of descending into an all-out race war that would be both senseless, and unnecessary, and potentially very bloody for all those involved. (I don't mean to side with either the Jesse Jackson/Al Sharpton, or the K.K.K./White Supremacist clans, either way!)
I am also convinced that this is the main reason the the Obama administration is so blatantly reluctant to call obvious acts of terrorism, like the rampage in San Bernardino, Ca. this past week by it's obviously correct title. The pathetic vacillation of the Federal investigators, who probably recognize an act of domestic terrorism when they see it, but are reluctant to call it such without conclusive overwhelming proof, indicates to me that they fear retribution from higher administration officials if they should incorrectly brand something as terrorism, which turns out not to be provable. This kind of official paranoia must have a deep concern behind it, and I can think of only one possible issue that may cause it.
Traditionally, many African-Americans have gravitated away from the Christian faith of the newly freed slaves, after the Civil War, because of their resentment of the "Uncle Tom" stigma so easily attached to any southern Blacks who seemed to embrace any of the values of their former white slave owners. They didn't seem to consider that these slave owners might simply be confused between their Christian values, and their material loss of economic power with the loss of their cheap labor source. It was too easy to blame their former slave owners' religious views for their racism, instead of realizing that their economic concerns were corrupting their Christian values. So, it was too easy to seek out another religion (since, "all roads lead to heaven", anyway [yeah right, guess again, folks]), and thus we have the acceptance of the Black Muslim belief system that led to the formation of large congregations such as the Nation of Islam, and the "church" that the "Reverend" Jeremiah Wright pastored, in Chicago, which was reputed to have been attended by Barak Obama for some twenty years. Even if "Reverend" Wright tried to mix Christian principles in with his reputed blend of Islam, and Socialism, what he had to have ended up with was nowhere near the truth of the Gospel.
But since there has been such a wide-spread acceptance of Islamic principles in the Black communities, there is a real risk that this recent trend of mostly youthful exuberance to support I.S.I.S., and Al Quaida internationally could spread to the Black Muslim community, as well. Satan is certainly well aware of this potential, and I suspect that he is using all these cases lately of Police brutality (mostly in the Mid-West, but Baltimore as well) between white officers, especially, against blacks, who may have been unarmed, and even innocent, to stir up latent reverse-racism hatred. Mix this hatred together with the appearance that the long-"prophecied" coming of their Muslim "Mahdi" (the Islamic equivalent of their Messiah), to take over the world, and kill all of us wretched, non-believing Infidels, and you have the basis for some bitter black Muslims to follow the recent trend of the lone-wolf terrorists, to become blatant murderers, and even suicide bombers. After all, they would believe they would escape legal punishment, and be rewarded with the Muslim concept of 72 virgins for their "sacrifice". The Biblical concept of "Thou shalt not kill (meaning murder)" bares no relevance to them. (I have to wonder if the female suicide bombers expect to get 72 bumbling, teen-aged husbands for their efforts, or does Islam allow for 72 Lesbian lovers in their concept of "Paradise"?)
One can easily see how this could easily become a chaotic Black/White race war, which would suit the Islamic terrorists just fine, as it would divert America's attention from the international war on terrorism. That's probably why both the Obama administration, and the Bush administration before them, tried so hard to delineate between "Radical Islam" and main stream Islam, which they categorized as, "a religion of peace". True, for those who believe in Islam, only; but for the rest of us "evil infidels" it's open season, and the more of us are beheaded, the better, in their judgement! I'm sorry, but I have trouble calling that a "religion of peace"! They even don't allow for "denominational differences", which is why they fight among themselves (Sunnis verses Shiites, etc.).
The bottom line for us now is that we will need to be much in prayer, for the foreseeable future. This could all blow up upon us very easily, or the Lord could deliver Israel from the murderous threat of the armies (and terrorist Militias) that surround them, which are mostly Muslim, which might cause the Muslims around the world to have second thoughts about their "religion of peace", at least for several years! (Check the Archives list for more on my guesses about how this could all turn out, based on the Ezekiel 38, & 39 Prophecies, if I'm reading my Bible correctly.)
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